
  • 网络Pollution-free agricultural products;non-pollution agricultural product;harmless agricultural products;pollution-free farm produce;pollution-free food
  1. 科学施肥与无公害农产品生产

    Scientific Fertilization and Production of Non-pollution Agricultural Product

  2. 关于无公害农产品生产的若干问题探讨

    Discussion about Issues in the Production of Harmless Agricultural Products

  3. 基于GIS的无公害农产品产地环境信息系统构与应用

    Programming and Application of Producing Area Environmental GIS for Nuisance Free Agricultural Products

  4. GIS下无公害农产品产地空气和灌溉水环境预警区划分

    A GIS to Compartmentalize Early - Warning Region on Producing Area of Nuisance Free Primary Products

  5. 基于J2EE的无公害农产品数字认证系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Pollution-Free Agricultural Products Certification System Based on J2EE

  6. 无公害农产品的依标生产和全程监测体系

    Standardized Production of No-pollution Agricultural Products and Whole Course Monitoring System

  7. 无公害农产品需要科学用肥

    Scientific Utilization of Fertilizer Required for Agriculture Product without environmental pollution

  8. 新乡市无公害农产品基地环境状况分析

    Analysis on environmental conditions of non-pollution agricultural production base in Xinxiang city

  9. 县级无公害农产品基地电子地图的制作

    Study on building " electronic-map " of the city-rate non-pollution agricultural-product base

  10. 我国种植业无公害农产品产地环境标准特征分析

    Analysis of Characteristics of Environmental Standard for Nuisanceless Agro-Food Area

  11. 对强制性无公害农产品认证市场准入的思考

    Thoughts about forced implementation of authentication market admittance for Non-polluted agriculture products

  12. 有机食品、绿色食品和无公害农产品

    Organic Food , Green Food and Pollution-Free Agriculture Products

  13. 无公害农产品认证与质量控制&基于生产者角度

    The authentication and quality control of pollution-free agricultural products based on a producer

  14. 湖南省无公害农产品开发现状与建设重点

    Development Situation and Construction Emphasis of Hazard Free Agricultural Produce in Hunan Province

  15. 商洛市无公害农产品生产技术服务体系建设

    Consideration on Production Technique Service System Construction of Non-pollution Agricultural Products in Shangluo City

  16. 健全无公害农产品生产保障体系

    Guarantee system for production of hazard-free agricultural products

  17. 探讨了上海现代都市农业未来的四个功能定位:城市的生态环境服务功能、产业化组织和示范带动功能、农业观光旅游和文化教育等服务功能、优质无公害农产品生产功能。

    Then it discusses four functions of modern urban agriculture of Shanghai in the future .

  18. 遂宁市无公害农产品基地背景值研究

    Research on the Background Value of the Agricultural Product Base without Environmental Pollution in Suining

  19. 中国无公害农产品信息数据库的设计&以种植业为例

    Design and Realization of Database for Nuisanceless Agro-Food Information in China-A Case Study in Planting

  20. 无公害农产品的申请认证主体之组成结构分析与发展建议

    Analysis of Main Body Composition for Applying Nuisanceless Agro-food Certification and Advice for its Development

  21. 无公害农产品花生生产技术操作规程

    Operation Principles on Uncontaminated Peanut Production

  22. 无公害农产品土地利用评价体系的研究

    The assessment system for land utility of agricultural products under control of social effects of pollution

  23. 我今天讲三个问题:一、什么是无公害农产品?

    Today , I talk about three issues : First , what is pollution-free agricultural products ?

  24. 无公害农产品认证是我国农产品质量安全工作的重要抓手。

    The certification of safe agro-food is an important grasp on China agro-food quality and safety sector .

  25. 关中无公害农产品出口基地的选择与布局

    Choice and Layout Model of Export-oriented Bases of Organic Agricultural Products in Guanzhong Area of Shaanxi Province

  26. 此外,探讨了有关无公害农产品生产的技术与管理体系。

    For production of hazard-free food , discussion is also devoted to related technological and management systems .

  27. 指出依标生产、实施全程监测是发展无公害农产品生产的关键。

    It pointed out that producing according to the standards and implementing monitoring was the key to the no-pollution agricultural production .

  28. 安阳市郊无公害农产品基地土壤环境质量现状评价及其防治

    Present Situation of Soil Environmental Quality Assessment of Hazard - free Agricultural Products Bases and Its Pollution Prevention In Anyang Suburb

  29. 首先对无公害农产品生产环境、技术规程等内容进行了论述,并对不同类别农产品的生产标准进行了分析。

    First , the illustrations of pollution-free agricultural products are discussed , and the pollution-free product standards are analyzed as well .

  30. 农业信息化建设的迅速发展使传统的无公害农产品认证模式在不断改进。

    The rapid development of construction of agricultural information enables the continuous improvement of traditional authentication model of pollution-free agricultural products .