
zōnɡ hé jīnɡ jì xiào yì
  • Comprehensive economic benefits;overall economic efficiency
  1. 本文提出了应用人工神经经网络的ART模型进行企业综合经济效益评估的方法。

    A method which applied Artificial Neural Nets ( ANNs ) to evaluation synthetic economic efficiency of business firm is proposed here .

  2. 酸性气田开发中应该考虑如何充分利用CO2以提高综合经济效益。

    How to use the CO2 to increase the profit of sour gas field is worthy consideration .

  3. 因此论文提出FDI流入、就业创造、净出口、国内链接、技术外溢和产业结构等六项指标应作为出口加工区综合经济效益评价以及判定出口加工区成功或失败的主要依据。

    Therefore , industrial structure , domestic linkage , technological spillover , FDI influx , employment as well as net exports can be used as indexes evaluating the comprehensive economic effects of EPZs .

  4. 在此基础上,本文对处于8度设防烈度区建筑高度在80m到180m的高层建筑比较了两种结构方案的综合经济效益。

    A general economic benefit comparison between these two structure systems has been given in the thesis when the building total height is from 80m to 180m .

  5. 冶金高炉应用3H-TRT综合经济效益分析

    Synthesis Economic Benefit Analysis of 3H-TRT in Blast Furnace

  6. 在建筑高度为100m左右时,两者的综合经济效益基本持平,当超过120m时混合结构的综合经济效益好于钢筋混凝土结构。

    The general economic benefit is almost equal between these two options when the building height is about 100m , the composite structure is better than the concrete structure when the height is beyond 120m .

  7. 高油115和高油XY-1每公顷综合经济效益分别比普通玉米高3831.2元和4761.56元,因此,高油玉米是新疆畜牧业发展的优质饲草饲料。

    The comprehensive economic efficiency per hectare of Gaoyou 115 and the Gaoyou XY-1 were 3831.2 Yuan and 4761.56 Yuan , which are higher than ordinary variety . Therefore , high-oil corn was high quality forage grass for animal husbandry development of Xinjiang .

  8. 综合经济效益约2000万元人民币。

    The comprehensive economic benefit adds up to 20 million RMB .

  9. 增建液化设备提高企业综合经济效益

    Increasing Liquefying Equipment to Enhance Comprehensive Economic Benefits of the Enterprise

  10. 因子分析在企业综合经济效益评价中的应用

    Application of factor analysis in evaluating synthetical benefit of enterprises

  11. 改造后综合经济效益提高了25%。

    After modification , the comprehensive economic benefit increases by 25 % .

  12. 计及风险收益的变压器更新综合经济效益模型

    Comprehensive economic benefit model of transformer update considering risk return

  13. 长江三峡工程综合经济效益研究

    On comprehensive benefit of the Three Gorges Project of the Yangtze river

  14. 建筑钢结构的应用发展及综合经济效益分析

    Progress in Steel Building Structure and Comprehensive Economics Index Analysis

  15. 提高河南油田注水泵综合经济效益刍议

    How to improve comprehensive financial profits of water injection pumps in Henan Oilfield

  16. 仿生犁与普通犁作业综合经济效益的对比分析

    Analysis on Whole Economic Benefits of Bionic Plow and Common Plow 's Plowing

  17. 实行项目管理,提高企业综合经济效益

    Carrying out project management , raising comprehensive economic benefits

  18. 企业综合经济效益的分析与评价

    An Analysis and Evaluation of the Overall Economy Efficiency Gained by an Enterprise

  19. 配电网运行的综合经济效益

    On Overall Economic Results of Distribution Network Operation

  20. 本文研究投资的综合经济效益。

    We study the comprehensive benefit of investment .

  21. 不断完善计量管理体系提高工厂综合经济效益

    Perfecting Measurement Management System to Improve Ecomomic Benefits

  22. 提高新型织机综合经济效益的研究

    Raising Overall Economic Benefits of Shuttleless Looms

  23. 投资的综合经济效益研究

    Research on Comprehensive Benefit of Investment

  24. 按综合经济效益选择变压器容量

    Selecting transformer by comprehensive economical returns

  25. 关于铁路货车、机车运用综合经济效益指标的探讨

    Discussions of Comprehensive Economic Benefit Indices for the Utilization of the Railway Freight Cars and Locomotives

  26. 上市公司综合经济效益排序是个多指标比较问题。

    Ordering the synthetic economic benefits of stock companies consists of a system of comparing multiple indices .

  27. 体现此材料的性能独特,施工工艺行之有效,经验证施工质量可靠,且综合经济效益显著。

    It has been proved that the construction quality is reliable and the comprehensive economic benefit is remarkable .

  28. 施工对环境的影响以及综合经济效益等因素进行分析比较,并对各种桩型的选型、设计与施工提出了一些有益的建议。

    Furthermore , the useful suggestion are given in type selection of pile foundation , design and construction .

  29. 石油化工企业干气平衡问题,与其能耗、综合经济效益有很大关系。

    The balance of dry gas in petrochemical enterprises is closely related to energy consumption and comprehensive economical benefits .

  30. 在很大程度上制约了油田综合经济效益的提高和生产的发展。

    At a large extent , restricted the General Oilfield improve economic efficiency and the development of the production .