
  • 网络Comprehensive thinking;synthetic thinking;complex thinking;synectic thinking
  1. 汉民族重综合思维,英民族重分析思维。

    Chinese nation prefers synthetic thinking while British nation prefers analytical thinking .

  2. 物理教学中学生综合思维和动态思维能力的培养

    Training of Students ' Synthetic Thinking and Dynamic Thinking in Physics Teaching

  3. 结果相对于传统的流行病学方法,SEM是一种综合思维方法,不仅分析因素和疾病之间的关系,也分析因素和因素之间的关系;

    Results Advantages of SEM comparing with conventional epidemiological approach were shown . SEM , having the nature of comprehensive thinking and analytic approach , not only exploring the association between factors and diseases but also among factors .

  4. 整体综合思维在银屑病诊治中的应用

    Application of the whole synthetical thought in psoriasis of diagnosis and treatment

  5. 整合生理学教学模式提高学生综合思维能力

    Integrating the teaching model of physiology for improving students ' ability of comprehensive thinking

  6. 综合思维和分析思维是两种最基本的思维形式。

    Comprehensive thinking and analytical thinking are the two most essential ways of thinking .

  7. 批判性思维是一种综合思维能力的表现,也是一种人文精神的表现。

    Critical thinking is an expression of the synthesize thinking ability and humanities spirit .

  8. 制图中分析与综合思维的培养

    Analysis and Training of Comprehensive Thinking in Drafting

  9. 批判思维是科学的思维方法中,一种可以提高个人综合思维能力的思维方法。

    Critical thinking is a scientific thinking method which can improve personal comprehensive thinking ability .

  10. 汉语偏重综合思维,英语偏重分析思维。

    Synthetic thinking is stressed in Chinese , while analytic thinking is stressed in English .

  11. 科学综合思维的桃花园,比诗歌里的桃花园更美!

    The Peachblossom Garden of comprehensive science thoughts , is more beautiful than Peachblossom Garden of poem !

  12. 学生的分析综合思维、观察能力、兴趣是影响学生探究活动的最重要的几个因素;

    There are three factors are the most important : synthesis-analyses thinking , observation ability and interest .

  13. 只有综合思维、辩证分析、不断学习,才能最大限度避免误诊。

    Misdiagnosis may be avoided to the maximum only through synthetic thinking , dialectic analysis and continuous learning .

  14. 脑部情况正常的受测试者选出的结尾,往往是经过相对复杂综合思维之后才能得出的。

    Subjects with normal brains usually chose endings that were based on a relatively complex synthesis of ideas .

  15. 研究表明,以英语为母语者倾向于分析思维,而中国人则更善于综合思维。

    The analysis reveals that native English speakers tend to think analytically while native Chinese prefer to think synthetically .

  16. 纪录片创作是建构在一个社会政治体制、经济和文化发展框架下的综合思维过程。

    Making documentary is a very complicated thinking-course that constructed under the developed frame of social politics , economic and culture .

  17. 探求一题多解和多题一解,提高综合思维能力;

    More than one question is solved to search and the question is solved more , improve and synthesize thinking ability ;

  18. 钱中文的新理性精神文论,以新人文精神为精神内涵和价值核心,以现代性阐述为理论基点和中心话题,以交往对话的综合思维方式为思考理路和逻辑方法。

    The inner logic of Qian Zhong-wen 's new rational literature theory is : its key value is new humanism spirit ;

  19. 因此,大学英语教学改革必须通过更新教学观念、拓展教学内容、转变教学方式培养学生的综合思维方式。

    Therefore , the college English teaching reform must update teaching concept , develop course content , change teaching mode to cultivate students ' integrated way of thinking .

  20. 影响悟性的因素:脑综合思维过程的本能指向因素:智慧爆发力因素,勤奋和思考因素;

    The factors that influence comprehension : the instinct factor of brain when it is thinking , the factor of intelligence and the factor of diligence and consideration , n.

  21. 历史模型方法可以为人们提供一种发展的综合思维方式,从而比较有效地避免学科单一的局限和依赖纯经验的判断。

    ″ History model ″ method provides the people a developmentally comprehensive thinking mode , which consequently effectively avoids the localization of single subject and dependence on judgement from pure experiences .

  22. 创新思维的培养主要体现在培养发散性思维、逆向思维、综合思维和空间思维等方面。

    Set up the main of educating of sex thought to educate to dissipate of the sex the thought , judgment the thought now , synthesize the thought to wait the aspect with space thought .

  23. 建立项目学术团队,训练学科人的综合思维,规范基本术语和概念,共享科研成果和培养通才型首席主任等是整合学科文化、建构平台文化的重要步骤和手段。

    The key strategies for such platform building requires forming project-based academic teams , fostering comprehensive and inter-disciplinary mode of thinking , regulating common concepts and terminology , sharing research results , and training broad-based platform leadership .

  24. 另外,思维方法也有线性、平面向非线性、立体转变,着意强调整体综合思维理念,形成具有系统思维特色的思维方法。

    In addition , the way of thinking also has changes from linear , flat to the non-linear , three-dimensional and deliberately stresses the holistic and integrated thinking , thus forms a distinctive and systematic way of thinking .

  25. 而这种基本要素在综艺晚会中,则是通过能表现其表象特征与人文内涵的元素&艺术化的民族元素来呈现的。具体表现在视觉、听觉、视听综合思维及时间、地域元素等方面。

    It is showed by the elements of Humanism characteristics-artistic rendering of the national elements in the variety show , which is embodied in the visual , auditory , audio-visual integrated thinking and time , geographical elements and so on .

  26. 本文认为,中国传统哲学的整体观,汉民族的综合思维和模糊思维是汉语意合趋向的能动的理性根源;

    The article maintains that the idea of wholeness in the traditional Chinese philosophy , the thought of synthesis and the thought of ambiguity in the nationality of Han are the dynamic theoretical bases on which Chinese tends to be in parataxis ;

  27. 皮肤性病学本科教学目的是培养医学生临床综合思维能力,掌握皮肤性病的初步诊疗原则,为今后从事科临床工作奠定皮肤性病学基础。

    The aim of undergraduate teaching in dermatology and venereology is to develop medical students ' comprehensive clinical thinking , grasp primary diagnostic and treatment principles of dermatology and venereology , and lay dermatological and venereological foundation for undertaking various clinical work after graduation .

  28. 本文分析了三对不同的中英思维模式,分别是:综合思维和分析思维,环形思维和直线思维,具象思维和抽象思维。

    Three thinking mode counterparts are studied in this thesis : synthesis thinking vs. analysis thinking , circular thinking vs. linear thinking and concrete thinking vs. abstract thinking . Translation , a transform process from one language to another , is both linguistic and thinking activity .

  29. 通过写作教学,培养大学生的综合思维能力、科研能力、专业基础能力及社会适应能力等多种才干,促进写作技能与创造性思维能力的协调发展。

    The teaching of writing can foster the students ' comprehensive faculty of thinking , the research ability , the basic professional capability , the capacity of adaptation to social circumstances and so on in order to promote the coordinate development of writing technique and creative faculty of thinking .

  30. 这是一种综合的思维方式。

    This is a comprehensive way of thinking .