
  1. 中国企业的教育培训投资分析

    The Analysis of Education and Training Investment of China Enterprises

  2. 所以,加强教育培训投资是增强中国企业市场竞争力的一个迫在眉睫的任务。

    So strengthening education and training is urgent task to improve China enterprises competitive ability .

  3. 职业教育培训投资是人力资本投资中很重要的一项投资。

    The career education and training investment is one of important investment in human capital investment .

  4. 通过提高教育培训投资效益对策的研究,证实了前面的理论分析,完善了对教育培训投资的研究。

    This study approves the former theoretical analysis and improves the study of education and training investment .

  5. 软件产业资本构成中,人力资本比物质资本和金融资本更加重要,因此必须通过各种形式的教育培训投资来实现软件企业人力资本的不断增值。

    The human capital is much more important , compare with material capital and financial capital in software industry .

  6. 首先,结合企业的生命周期,分析了企业各阶段教育培训投资的需求结构规律。

    Firstly , it analyses law of demand structure of education and training investment concerning with enterprises life cycle .

  7. 最后,针对教育培训投资的风险,研究了教育培训投资风险管理的方法。

    Lastly , aiming at education and training investment risk , the part analyses steps to manage that investment risk .

  8. 本文从人力资本投资的分析入手,分析了其中的职业教育培训投资的必要性和重要性以及应该采取的措施。

    This paper emphasizes the necessary and importance of investment on career education and training . The paper also provides some suggestions .

  9. 第四章是从三个方面对企业教育培训投资管理决策的优效性进行了分析。

    Chapter 4 from three points analyses the efficacy of management and decision of enterprises ' human capital investment in the systematic way .

  10. 第三章则是对日本、美国、德国企业的教育培训投资特点和经验进行了逐一分析,以此作为我国企业实施教育培训投资的经验借鉴。

    Chapter 3 analyses characters and experiences of education and training investment in Japan , American and Germen one by one . The enterprises in our country could use those experiences for reference .

  11. 信息化推动了人力资本投资观念的变化,改变了投资方式,特别是在教育培训投资和卫生保健投资方面表现得尤为突出。

    While the informational feature promotes changes of the investment concept on the human capital and the transfer of investment orientation , as reflected in the investments on the education and training , hygiene and health care .

  12. 第二章是对我国企业教育培训投资的现状进行了研究,主要分析了我国企业在教育培训投资中存在的问题、所形成的原因,并据此提出了解决存在问题的思路。

    Chapter 2 studies current situation enterprises ' education and training investment in our country . It mainly analyses problems and reason of enterprises ' education and training investment in our country and the train of thought on solving the problems .

  13. 人力资本投资关系到企业兴衰,而作为企业人力资本投资主要内容的教育培训投资,在企业生存中发挥越来越重要的作用,也成为了企业关注的焦点。

    The human capital investment concerns the enterprises ' fate . As the main part of the enterprises ' human capital investment , education and training plays more and more important role in the existence of enterprises , and becomes the focus the enterprises pay attention to .

  14. 即便我们逼不得已减少教育和培训投资、提高中产阶级税款来为此买单也在所不惜。

    Even if we have to pay for it by gutting things like education and training and by raising middle-class taxes .

  15. 主要经营范围有:进出口贸易、教育培训、商务投资等。

    The main business scope of the Company is : import and export trade , educational training , business investments , etc.

  16. 所以,如教育、培训等投资要取得理想的效率一定要重视投资规模,投资规模至少要达到门槛值。

    Therefore , to achieve Ideal investment efficiency , such as education and training , must attach importance to necessary scale of investment capital , i.e. at least threshold .

  17. 奥巴马提供了一个相当不同的方案:进一步加大对教育和培训的投资力度,将医疗保险覆盖范围扩大到几乎全部美国人,给失业人员带来更多利益。

    Mr Obama offers a very different vision : more spending on education and training , an expensive expansion of health care to ( almost ) all Americans and better benefits for the unemployed .

  18. 二是教育培训的发展较为落后,主要表现在对教育培训的投资不足、农村师资力量薄弱、教育培训的设施落后等几个方面。

    The second problem is the development of education and training is relatively backward , it mainly express on the aspects of inadequate investment of education and training , insufficient rural teachers , backward facilities of education and training and so on .

  19. 然而,由于受转型经济和教育制度大环境的约束,我国企业在对员工教育培训方面的投资严重不足以及投资效益不高等因素,成为中国企业实力和竞争力在人力资本层面弱化的主要原因。

    But being restrained by transforming economy and education system , our enterprises do insufficient investment in the staffs ' education and training . Its investment benefit is not high . These are the main reason why China enterprises strength and competitive ability is weakened .