
jiào yù xìn tuō
  • educational trust
  1. 什么是教育信托认证计划?

    What is EduTrust Certification Scheme ?

  2. 警察子女教育信托基金委员会

    Police Children 's Education Trust Committee

  3. 在囚人士教育信托基金管理委员会

    Prisoners ' Education Trust Fund Committee

  4. 南部非洲教育信托基金

    Southern Africa Education Trust Fund

  5. 警察儿童教育信托基金及警察教育及福利信托基金联合管理委员会

    Joint Management Committee of the Police Children 's Education Trust and the Police Education and Welfare Trust

  6. 现设立一个信托基金,名为惩教署人员子女教育信托基金。

    There is hereby established a trust fund to be known as the Correctional Services Children 's Education Trust .

  7. 基金须由一个委员会管理,该委员会名为惩教署人员子女教育信托基金委员会。

    The fund shall be managed by a committee to be known as the Correctional Services Children 's Education Trust Committee .

  8. 针对目前中国金融市场上资金信托产品单一这一状况,本文设计了一种新的信托产品,称之为高等教育发展信托。

    In view of existing situation that trust products in current Chinese finance market are relatively single , a new product called " Higher Education Development Trust " is designed in this paper .

  9. 嘉道理爵士信托基金&教育奖学信托基金

    Sir Ellis Kadoorie Trusts & Educational Prizes Trust

  10. 但英国慈善教育机构萨顿信托基金会在题为《婴儿的情感纽带》报告中指出,亲子关系除了会影响孩子的心态以外,还会影响他们日后的学习生活。

    But the report from the Sutton Trust education charity , entitled Baby Bonds , makes the case that it has an important impact on children 's future educational chances as well as their emotional well-being .

  11. 本文把美国作为发达国家的代表,以密尔沃基市的教育券计划和教育选择慈善信托(ECCT)为例,介绍了美国教育券计划的实施现状;

    The thesis , regarding the developed country , America , as the representative , and taking the plan of education voucher of Milwaukee and ECCT as an example , introduces the current situation of the plan of education voucher in America ;