
  1. GS保险公司属于金融机构,不同于房地产、软件行业,保险公司项目管理程度较低,且针对保险公司培训项目管理成熟度模型的研究在业内暂时处于空白状态。

    GS insurance company is a financial organization , unlike real estate , software industry , project management of insurance company is at a low level , and the research of insurance company train project management maturity model temporarily in blank state .

  2. 上海基层工商所长培训项目管理应用研究

    Research on the Application of Project Management in Shanghai ICA Station Head 's Training

  3. 中小IT企业培训项目管理现状与培训优化模型研究

    Research on Present Situation and Optimization of the Small & Medium-sized IT Enterprises Training Project

  4. 明确了培训项目管理的主要内容,结合实际案例研究了培训项目各个环节项目管理的方法。

    Defines the key content of training project management , researches the management method of each link program of training projects combined with practical case .

  5. 青岛供电公司培训项目信息化管理平台构建研究

    Research on Training Information Management Platform of Power Company of Qingdao

  6. 填妥报名表连同划线支票(抬头「创极培训及项目管理有限公司」)寄回本公司。

    Mail the Registration Form with a crossed cheque payable to " Xtraventure Training and Events Limited " .

  7. 经过探索分析,本文实现了水电厂运行岗位技术培训的项目化管理,为水电厂的培训管理工作提供了一种创新性的模式。

    So , this theory provides an innovative model for job training of hydropower station .

  8. 通过技术培训,提高项目管理人员、技术服务人员的业务水平和项目区内农民的素质,有利于工程建设项目的顺利实施。

    Providing training to the project management staff , technical professionals to boost their expertise and farmers to lift their quality is conducive to the project smooth implementation .

  9. 新员工会先在课堂中学习几周,然后会有8–12个月的时间参加一个结构化的培训项目,学习如何管理Enterprise的租车点。

    After a few weeks in the classroom , new hires spend 8-12 months in a structured program learning to manage an Enterprise location .

  10. 对培训开发来说,项目管理也同样重要。

    Project management is just as important for training development .

  11. 咨询:联盟整合项目管理专家资源,开展包括咨询,培训在内的多项项目管理咨询服务;

    Consulting : Based on resources of PM experts , the Union provides consulting service like related consulting and training .

  12. 本文还简要介绍了有关现代培训的一些新方法及有关现代培训项目管理的新启示。

    Furthermore , this paper gives a brief introduction of some new methods and some new inspirations about the management of modern training projects .

  13. 资源库是项目管理中必不可少的元素,课程库、师资库作为培训项目的核心竞争力,通过将资源库的管理建设与信息系统有效结合,从而保证资源库在培训项目管理中发挥最大的效用。

    As the core competence of a training project , course arrangement and teachers ' quality should effectively integrate with the administration of resource library and the information system , so that resource library is able to bring out the best results in project management .

  14. 拓展培训师是指掌握拓展培训的基本培训方法和技能,熟悉拓展培训中的安全操作规程,能够保证拓展培训项目正常运营和管理的专业培训人员。

    Outward Bound trainer is a kind of professional training staff who masters the basic training methods and skills , knows the safety regulation for operation , and ensures the normal operation and management of the outward bound .