
  • 网络Training effect;Training effectiveness;training result
  1. 安阳市HIV检验人员技术培训效果评价

    Appraisal of the training effect in HIV laboratory workers

  2. DCS仿真开发专用平台优势在积累了丰富的通用设备数学模型,但现有平台组态出的仿操作站画面与操作模式只能与真实DCS大体一致,未能达到高度逼真程度,有损培训效果。

    The advantages of the DCS simulation development studio is the abundance of general unit model , but the studios available at present cannot configurate DCS operating menu and mode as the same as the true DCS , which reduce the training effect .

  3. 此外通过实验研究提出了性别、专业背景以及人格特征中的H和F因素是影响企业员工体验式培训效果的四个主要因素。

    Besides these , also pointing out that sex , specialty , factor H and F of personality are factors which influence the training result by experimental research .

  4. 改良Kirkpatrick四层次评估模型,用于管理者培训效果的定性评估。

    Improve on Kirkpatrick four level evaluation model for taining achievements .

  5. 最后,针对XA培训效果评估中存在的问题,提出了更适合集团评估现状的培训效果评估体系。

    Finally , more suitable training effectiveness evaluation system is brought out to solve the problem in current situation of the XA Group .

  6. 在广东省佛山电力工业局的现场运行表明,该联合故障仿真系统对SOTS的培训效果大为改进。

    The on-site operation in Foshan Electric Power Bureau shows that this cooperative fault simulation system greatly improves the training effect of traditional SOTS .

  7. 针对协作培训效果的评价问题,通过融合人工智能相关理论,提出了基于三层前馈神经网络和LM算法的评价方法,该方法可有效避免人为因素的干预,增强评价结果的客观性。

    As for the evaluation of cooperative training effect , through the integration of artificial intelligence theory , it put forward an evaluation method based on three-layered feedforward neural network and LM algorithm . This method can effectively avoid the human intervention , and enhance the objectivity of evaluation results .

  8. 职业健康安全培训效果的评价方法研究

    Evaluating Training Programs on Occupational Health and Safety : Questionnaire Development

  9. 重庆市全科医学临床和社区师资短期培训效果评价

    Evaluation of Short-term Training of Clinical and Community Teachers in Chongqing

  10. 全国预防接种异常反应监测省级师资培训效果评估

    Evaluation on Effectiveness of Training on Surveillance of Adverse Events Following Immunization

  11. 农民培训效果及其影响因素研究

    Study on Farmer 's Training Efficiency and Relevant Affecting Factors

  12. 基于集对分析的培训效果综合评价

    Comprehensive Assessment of Training Effect Based on Set Pair Analysis

  13. 越南国家结核病防治规划中的管理培训效果评估

    Management training in Vietnam 's National Tuberculosis Program : an impact evaluation

  14. 100%安全套使用项目培训效果评价

    Effect evaluation for 100 % condoms with sex activities program

  15. 企业培训效果评估方法研究

    The Research on the Evaluating Method of the Enterprises ' Training Effectiveness

  16. 华北油田员工培训效果评价研究

    The Research on Training Evaluation of Employee in Huabei Oilfield

  17. 我们需要保留记录以跟踪培训效果。

    We need to keep the record to trace the training effect .

  18. 不同学历的聘用护士规范化培训效果分析

    Analysis on effective of standardized training in term nurses of different educations

  19. 最后,对员工培训效果的评估进行了分析研究。

    Finally the evaluation of the results of employee training is analyzed .

  20. 企业培训效果评估探讨

    Brief Discussion of The Evaluation of Training Effect of Enterprise

  21. 并检查、督促、强化培训效果。

    And inspection , supervision , intensive training effect .

  22. 扎实跟踪指导巩固培训效果

    Solid Supervising after Training to consolidate the Training Results

  23. 教师是影响培训效果的关键因素。

    Teachers are directly linked to the result of their result of training .

  24. 产业间的分析发现,针对不同产业,培训效果不同。

    Comparison of different industries showed that different industries have different training effects .

  25. 论文题目:农民培训效果及其影响因素研究;

    Topic : Study on fanner 's training efficiency and relevant affecting factors .

  26. 对手术后患者止痛知识培训效果的评价

    Evaluation of training about postoperative pain relief for patients

  27. 因此,选择一套科学实用的培训效果评价工具,对于企业加大培训力度,引起各方对培训的重视,最终进行有效培训具有重要的实践意义。

    Consequently , it 's very important to choose a practical training evaluation tool .

  28. 员工个体特征影响培训效果的机制研究

    Study on Mechanism of the Effect of Employees ' Individual Differences on Training Outcomes

  29. 第三部分是员工心理特征对培训效果评价的影响研究。

    The third part is to research how the psychological characters affect training effect .

  30. 培训效果非常好,达到了预期的培训效果。

    The result of the training was fairly satisfactory , achieving the projected objectives .