
  1. 成本&收益分析法是对教育培训的经济效益进行评估时常用的一种方法。

    Cost-benefit analysis is a commonly used method of evaluating the economic benefits of education training .

  2. 通过科学合理的税务筹划,享受税收政策对教育产业的优惠,以期减轻企业的税收负担,提高教育培训的经济效益。

    Through scientific and reasonable tax plan , we enjoy the preference from tax policy for educational estate so as to alleviate the burden of tax revenue of enterprise , and raise the economic benefits of education and training .

  3. 在转化的过程中核算培训和招聘的经济效益有利于企业明确成本收益,提高转化的经济效率。

    Calculating the economic benefits of training and recruitment is good for enterprises to clarify costs and benefits and increase the economic efficiency of capitalization .