
  1. 通过将重点更多地放在实现对组织有价值的结果上来提高培训收益。

    Increase training benefits by focusing more on achieving results which have worth to the organisation .

  2. 其二、培训收益的分配不合理。

    Second , the distribution of training income is unreasonable .

  3. 特殊化的一般培训及其收益分配

    The Specialized Universal Training and its Rationing System of the Revenues

  4. 另一个问题在于培训的收益很难传播出去,或者因为人员变动而无法持续下去,而且政府工资低让得到良好训练的工程师进入了私营部门。

    And poor government salaries drive well-trained engineers into the private sector .

  5. 本文紧紧围绕这两个问题展开对单个培训项目收益评估方法的研究。

    This thesis provides an in-depth research into evaluation of a single training program , which is centered on the previous two questions .

  6. 本文主要运用了人力资源管理与开发、人力资源与经济增长理论、劳动经济理论等相关基础理论知识,并对促进技能型人才开发的激励因素以及职业培训的投资收益进行了分析和阐述。

    Some theories of manpower capital management and development , economic development , and labor economic theory have be used in this paper .

  7. 企业在职培训的私人投资收益分析

    An Analysis of Employees ' Return of On-The-Job Training Investment in Private Sector

  8. 以信息化网络技术建立的远程培训学习系统的收益是巨大的。近年来,在一些行业、一些部门相继建立了远程培训系统。

    Based on internet technology , the distant training and learning system has a large profit and recently some business and departments have set up this training system .

  9. 另一方面是投入产出为核心的,即将培训效果的成本收益进行核算以评估培训的投资收益。

    On the other hand , they take the investment and production as the core , which they calculate the costs and incomes of training to evaluate the incomes .

  10. 特殊性在职培训则相反,培训收益完全由企业获得,那么企业就会承担所有的培训成本。

    Whereas , all the cost of the specific on-the-job training would be accepted by an enterprise because of the return of such training .

  11. 由于农村劳动力的培训需求是劳动力市场就业的引致需求,培训收益最终要通过劳动力市场的非农就业来实现。

    The training needs of the rural labour force arise due to the demand of labour market , thus , the benefit of training will be achieved ultimately through non-agricultural employment on the labour market .

  12. 评估单个培训项目的投入产出,关键是评估培训带来的收益。

    The key of evaluating a specific training program lies in the evaluation of the return of the program .

  13. 在城市劳动力市场不完备、市场分割加剧并且就业前景不明了的情况下,就业不确定性所导致的培训风险对农村劳动力培训决策的影响是通过加大培训成本、降低培训预期收益而起作用。

    In the circumstance that the labour market is not complete , the market segmentation is increasing and the prospect of employment is unknown .

  14. 尽管培训是人力资源管理中非常重要的一环,但是在这两方面的研究却很薄弱,特别是在培训收益的分配方面以往的研究鲜有涉及。

    Although training is an important ring in the Human Resource Management , the researches on these two aspects are of weakness to a degree . Especially , the past research is seldom related to the distribution of training income .

  15. 本方案吸取了目前企业培训工作的经验与教训,该方案的实施能够极大地促进公司培训管理工作,实现预期的培训效果,提高员工培训的投资收益率。

    So this program can greatly improve training administration , accomplish expected training effectiveness and increase the ROI ( return on investment ) of staff training .

  16. 本文在分析企业盈利要素的基础上,总结了员工培训对企业盈利性要素的影响,确定了衡量培训效益的指标,并针对各项指标的经济含义,给出了各项培训效益指标的收益换算公式。

    Based on the analysis of the influencing factors of enterprise profit , the paper summarize the influence of enterprise training on enterprise profit , the paper also establish index and conversion formula to assess the benefit of enterprise training according to the meaning of the index .