
  1. 培训项目的评估方法&评Kirkpatrick四层评估法

    Approaches to the Evaluation of Training Programmes

  2. 电网企业员工培训项目效果评估研究

    Study on Training Project Evaluation for Employees of Power Grid Enterprise

  3. 对四川大学会议口译培训项目的评估和再设计

    Assessing and Re-designing the Conference Interpreter Training Program of Sichuan University

  4. 提供了河南省考研培训项目风险评估方法及防范对策。

    Providing risk assessment methods and preventive measures for Henan Graduated Training Project .

  5. 基层部队军事主官岗位培训项目绩效评估研究

    The Evaluation Research of On-site Training Project Performance for the Central Military Officer of Basic Unit

  6. 通过对这三类风险因素的分析,建立了河南省考研培训项目风险评估指标层级结构。

    Through analyzing the three risk factors , the indicators hierarchy of risk assessment about Henan Graduated Training Project was established .

  7. 本文紧紧围绕这两个问题展开对单个培训项目收益评估方法的研究。

    This thesis provides an in-depth research into evaluation of a single training program , which is centered on the previous two questions .

  8. 然后遵循培训项目绩效评估的原则,建立了模糊综合评估的数学模型,构建了一个较为科学的基层部队军事主官岗位培训项目绩效评估体系。

    Secondly , according to the principle of the evaluation of central military officers of basic unit , the paper founded a mathematical model of fuzzy synthetic evaluation .

  9. 利用专家评判和层次分析方法,通过两两比较确定了各个层级之间的权重,提供了河南省考研培训项目风险评估方法。

    Using expert judges and AHP method , it determined the weight among various levels by pair comparisons , and provided risk assessment methods of Henan Graduated Training Project .

  10. 本文的研究可为基层部队军事主官岗位培训项目绩效评估提供直接的理论依据和实用工具,也可为其他类型的基层部队军官岗位培训评估起到一定的借鉴作用。

    This paper can provide a theoretical base for on-site training project of central military officers of basic unit , and can also be an reference for the evaluation of other kind of military officer on-site training project .

  11. 单个培训项目的投入产出评估是将培训看作一项支出成本取得收益的项目。

    The input-output assessment for single training project regard enterprise training as a single project which gets profit from its expenditure cost .

  12. 并进一步通过问卷调查的结果验证和说明划分这两个维度的可行性。在对我国教师培训现状进行分析的基础上,指出了我国教师培训项目评估的特点,以及存在的不足。

    Basing the analysis of actualities , the author points the features and the exiting deficiencies of our teacher training programs .