
  • 网络training objective
  1. 各级教育行政部门应转变思想观念,树立终身教育的思想,构建体育教师继续教育的培训目标体系和科学的管理模式结构。

    The system of the training objective and the scientific model and structure of management of the continuing professional education of physical education teachers should be established .

  2. 中小学教师继续教育的发展趋势为:以教师的可持续发展为培训目标,突出培训对象的主体性;

    The developmental trend of teachers ' further education is like this : teachers ' sustainable development is viewed as the training objective and subjectivity of trainees should be emphasized ;

  3. 根据培训目标的不同,CBA联赛啦啦队的培训主要分为与筛选相结合的培训和阶段性培训两种形式。

    According to the different training objectives , the trainings of CBA league cheerleaders are divided into trainings combined selections and periodic trainings .

  4. 方法通过选拔带教老师、制定培训目标、实施培训计划的步骤,在CCU病区连续10年对新毕业护士采取一对一三年制续贯培训法。

    Methods New nurses had been cultivated by one-to-one three-year consecutive training method for 10 years in CCU , which included selecting tutors , setting up training aim and carrying out training project .

  5. 确保培训目标质量实现;

    Ensure to achieve the goals and quality of training ;

  6. 明确培训目标:省级人事部门开展公共管理核心内容培训的关键

    The key of public management training : defining the goal of training

  7. 生物奥赛培训目标与教学过程研究

    Training Goals of the International Olympic Biology Competition and Teaching Procedures Research

  8. 根据调查,明确了工业界所要求的生产工程师的培训目标。

    The investigation clarifies the qualification profile for production engineers required from industry .

  9. 因此,要真正有效地实现青年教师岗前培训目标,必须对这些问题加以解决。

    These problems must be solved in order to effectively realize the training objectives .

  10. 二位合一培训目标构建的实践和思考

    Practice and reflection in the construction of " 2 in 1 " training goal

  11. 船员培训目标管理过程控制研究

    Study on Goal Management and Process Control in Quality System of Maritime Education and Training

  12. 确立凸显教师主体性的培训目标;

    ( ii ) Setting up the definite goals of teachers training with subjectivity of teacher ;

  13. 与培训目标紧密相连。

    Closely interrelated with assessment objects .

  14. 结合受训人员测试结果和企业培训目标,选定系列培训教材。

    Training materials will be selected based on attendee 's test results and the company 's goals .

  15. 从教师职业的专业化发展看学科带头人的培训目标

    Research the Training Aims of the Models of Each Subject on the Development of Teacher 's Specialization

  16. 确定合理的培训目标,调动农民工参与培训活动的积极性。

    Confirm the reasonable training goal to improve the enthusiasm of peasant worker to participate in the training .

  17. 培训目标和培训内容没有充分考虑教师的实际和需求;

    ( ii ) The goal and content of current training has little sense of what teachers need nowadays .

  18. 方法:制定培训目标、计划,确立培训项目及方法,并进行实施观察。

    Methods : Formulate the training target and plan , establish the training items and methods , then carry it out under observation .

  19. 依据前测问卷,该作者将使用频率最低的四种词汇学习策略作为培训目标,进行实验教学。

    In light of the pre questionnaire , the author identified four least used vocabulary learning strategies for later training in his research .

  20. 然后,又从五个方面即培训目标、培训对象、培训内容、培训机构、培训形式和方法,进一步分析了政策的改革与发展。

    Then , it analyzes further the policy 's development from five respects including the objective , content , object , institution , style and method .

  21. 教师教育应该走综合发展之路:整合师范教育目标,实现培养和培训目标综合化;

    The teacher should take the comprehensive developing road to educate : Combine the educational objective of normal school , realize training and training goal totalization ;

  22. 近年来有关继续教育的研究已经从开始时的关注培训目标、培训模式等方面向关注培训对象的特点方面转移。

    The researches on continuing education has seen a shift in recent years from the goal study and training mode study to the features of trainee teachers .

  23. 首先要了解策划的基本程序及主要任务,然后是如何通过策划来明确安全培训目标及提高安全培训效果。

    Firstly we should know the basic procedure and main task of planning , then how clear the safety training goals and improve the safety training effects .

  24. 为了评价小学科学教师的科学素养,确定培训目标,本研究设计了相应的调查问卷。

    In order to evaluate the science competence of science teachers at primary schools and define the objectives of training , a questionnaire is designed for this study .

  25. 文摘:阐述了跨世纪档案人才的培训目标、素质条件、选拔原则、培训内容及培训措施。

    Abstract : Discussion is made on how to train the file personnel gearing to the 21st century , especially in the objects , qualification , principles , task and measures .

  26. 无论是从培训目标的制定、内容的确立以及方式的选择,英国校本培训方案的制定与实施都是紧紧围绕培训主体&教师,坚持以教师发展为中心的原则;

    The SBI programs , including the set of goal , the establishment of content and the selection of ways is teacher-centred and based on the needs of shool and teacher development .

  27. 国内外体育教师继续教育呈现出办学主体多样化、培训目标多元化、课程设置科学化的发展趋向。

    There are some common tendency of domestic and foreign physical teachers'continuing professional education , such as the diversification of educational organization and training purpose , and the scientific of courses offered .

  28. 在班主任校本培训目标上要明确班主任的角色意识和能力要求。

    This thesis finally provides suggestions on school-based teacher training as followings : 1 . Concerning the goal of school-based teacher training , the role consciousness and ability requirements should be made clear .

  29. 我们的作者和设计者了解教学设计和课程开发的基础,并且他们将和您密切配合工作,以创建满足所有培训目标的内容。

    Our authors and designers understand the fundamentals of instructional design and eLearning development , and they will work closely with you to create online content that meets all of your training objectives .

  30. 本文分析了新课程背景下中学科学教师培训目标,提出了中学科学教师培训的内容、模式和方法。

    This paper , after an analysis of the objectives of training of middle schools ' science teachers under the background of the new curriculum , proposes the content , the mode and the method of their training .