
  • 网络training outsourcing
  1. 中小企业培训外包决策模型

    A Training Outsourcing Decision Model for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise

  2. 本文正是就企业培训外包的管理问题进行研究。

    So the author made a study of the management of training outsourcing .

  3. 大多数大型投资银行会将新员工培训外包给一家名为TrainingTheStreet的培训公司,它会提供为期两周至两周半的培训课程,重点培训财务能力。

    Most major investment banks outsource a chunk of their new employee training to a company called training the street , which runs two - to two-and-a-half-week programs emphasizing financial skills .

  4. 本文同时讨论企业培训外包的绩效管理。

    Secondly , the author made a study of performance management of training outsourcing .

  5. 第三部分分析现阶段企业培训外包的发展现状以及存在的问题。

    The third part analyzes the current development status and problems of training outsourcing .

  6. 企业员工招聘与培训外包研究以武汉某软件企业为例

    The Study of Recruitment and Training Outsourcing According to a Software Firm 's Cases

  7. 企业培训外包管理研究

    The Study of Management of Training Outsourcing

  8. 第四部分是企业培训外包的风险识别,通过识别外包各阶段的风险,为第五部分风险评估和第六部分风险控制做好准备。

    The fourth part identifies risks based on the operational process of training outsourcing , which prepares for the risk assessment and risk control .

  9. 这里包括组织分析、人员分析、任务分析和选择供应商的三个关键因素。只有把这三个因素结合起来考察,才能做出符合企业实际情况、有利于绩效目标实现的培训外包决策。

    To make a decision , we must do some basic work such as organizational analysis , person analysis , task analysis and the choice of supplier .

  10. 第二部分主要包括企业培训外包及其风险的概念、研究的基础理论及培训外包的运作流程。

    The second part includes the concept of training outsourcing and its risk , the basic theory of training outsourcing , the operational process of training outsourcing .

  11. 本文对培训外包决策进行研究。从培训需求评估和培训外包供应商选择这两个角度,讨论培训外包的决策。

    First , the author made a study of the decision of training outsourcing from two aspects ( the choice of supplier and the training needs assessment ) .

  12. 所以,企业进行培训外包时需要在相关理论指导下,结合其具体情况,选择合适的培训外包形式。

    As a result , the companies should choose the right training outsourcing form with the guide of relevant theories and the thought of the concrete conditions of the company .

  13. 我建议摩托罗拉大学把培训外包出去,其他工作让别人来做,摩托罗拉大学集中精力控制培训师的资质和课程质量。

    I advised MU to outsource this operation to a third party and get them to do all the other work while MU focused on the certification and quality control of the trainers .

  14. 第六部分是对企业培训外包进行风险预警并在此基础上提出解决风险的具体措施,希望这些措施可以为企业实际的培训外包提供借鉴,以达到本文的研究目的。

    The sixth part proposes the specific measures about solving risk based on the risk warning , author hopes these measures can provide reference for practical training outsourcing , achieves the purpose of this article .

  15. 第五部分采用多层次模糊综合评判模型对培训外包过程中的风险进行评估,为企业进行风险控制提供侧重点,并通过实际案例进一步阐述多层次模糊综合评判模型在企业培训外包中的应用。

    The fifth part assesses risks of the process of training outsourcing by multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model , which provides the focus for the risk control , further elaborates application of multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model in training outsourcing by the actual case .

  16. 作者认为,我国企业完全可以通过建造虚拟企业大学或教育培训业务外包的方式实现员工的eTraining。

    From the author 's point of view , E training can be put in practice through the establishment of virtual enterprise universities or outsourcing of training programs .

  17. 关于企业培训职能外包的可行性分析

    A Feasibility Study on Training Outsourcing of Enterprises

  18. 就业培训服务外包给培训机构,政府不应该将这部分职责当包袱一样甩掉,仍需承担相关责任。

    Governments should not cast off this part of the responsibility as the burden . They still bear the relevant responsibilities .

  19. 为此,应借鉴企业培训课程外包模式,从企业角度出发建立职业指导课程模式。

    So we should draw on the outside pack pattern of the training curriculum of enterprise and build the curriculum pattern of the vocational guidance from the angle of enterprise .

  20. 针对大学生提高就业能力的需求,政府为就业困难的大学生提供了相关的培训服务,并将部分专业技术的培训服务外包给市场中的技能培训机构,以增加毕业生的求职选择。

    Specific to the needs of students to improve employability and to increase the employment choose of graduates , the governments provide the related training services for students who has employment difficulties , and outsourcing part of the training and professional services to the skills training institutions which privately-funded .