
zhōu biān
  • periphery;perimeter;ambitus
周边 [zhōu biān]
  • [periphery] 周围的边缘

  • 周边国家

周边[zhōu biān]
  1. Air(初三适用)周边区风机盘管机组空调的自动控制方法

    Automatic control for perimeter zone air conditioning

  2. 肺鳞癌组织周边部VEGFC阳性细胞数比内部明显增多(P<001);

    VEGF-C expression rates in the perimeter of the pulmonary squamocellular carcinoma tissue were significantly higher than those in the interior ( P < 0.01 ) .

  3. 在体育场内及周边有2,250名警察在值勤。

    There were 2,250 policemen on duty in and around the stadium

  4. 该公司拥有盖特威克机场周边的大片农田。

    The company owns a chunk of farmland near Gatwick Airport .

  5. 不大的教堂墓地周边围着一圈生锈的熟铁栅栏。

    The small churchyard was surrounded by a rusted wrought-iron fence

  6. 他们开车大多数时候是在城里和城市周边转悠。

    Most of their mileage is in and around town .

  7. 风力涡轮机个头大、噪音响,还会破坏周边风景。

    Wind turbines are large and noisy and they disfigure the landscape .

  8. 土地开发主要集中在城市及周边地区。

    Most development has been concentrated in and around cities .

  9. 卢旺达下周将与周边国家的领导人举行会谈。

    Rwanda is to hold talks with leaders of neighbouring countries next week .

  10. 被污染的废物经常被随意倒掉,周边土地因此而变得很贫瘠。

    The polluted waste is often dumped , making the surrounding land infertile .

  11. 我们周边是大片美丽的乡村地区。

    We are surrounded by lots of beautiful countryside .

  12. 那座小镇及其周边地区建有休闲胜地和艺术馆,很吸引人。

    The town and its environs are inviting , with recreational attractions and art museums .

  13. 驻扎在首府周边的部队因9个月没有领到军饷而哗变。

    Units stationed around the capital mutinied because they had received no pay for nine months

  14. 在久远的过去,岩石板滑落到周边,从而形成了这个洞。

    Slabs of rock had slipped sideways in the remote past , and formed this hole .

  15. 从周边环境和这幢大楼的外观可以看出这个项目的举足轻重。

    The appearance of the place and the building says something about the importance of the project .

  16. 为了阻止这类有害动物进入,他们已经耗资300万美元在国家公园周边建造围栏。

    They have spent $ 3 million building fences around the National Park to exclude such pests .

  17. 我仔细察看了棚子周边,没有其他人。

    I peered around the edge of the shed — there was no sign of anyone else .

  18. 冷飕飕的风吹动着他周边的矮树丛,沙沙声刚好盖过了吟唱的声音。

    The cold breeze moved through the bushes around him , whispering just loud enough to obscure the chanting

  19. 5月底,政府军对该镇周边地区开始实施“种族清洗”。

    In late May , government forces began the ' ethnic cleansing ' of the area around the town .

  20. 爱丁堡与美国城市相反:富人住在中心,穷人住在周边。

    Edinburgh is an American city turned inside out : the rich in the middle , the poor around the outside

  21. 在这些古老的道路上及其周边地区,出现了许多迷人而神秘的故事。

    Along and around these ancient path , have come many fascinating and mysterious stories .

  22. 由于方圆5公里内没有城镇,且25公里内只有一个县中心,这里的周边区域出现了“无线电静默”现象

    The surrounding area has " radio silence " as there are no towns and cities within a 5-kilometer radius and only one county center within 25 kilometers .

  23. 为了重现这样的蓝天,许多北京和周边城市的工厂都停工了,路上的车辆也减少了。

    To get such a blue sky , many factories in Beijing and nearby cities stopped work , and the number of cars on the road was cut .

  24. 周边外交(neighborhooddiplomacy)指中国同周边国家的外交关系。

    China entered a new phase in pursuing neighborhood diplomacy1 . Progress was made in economic diplomacy .

  25. 为了保障9月份G20峰会期间的蓝天,主办城市浙江省杭州市以及周边区域近期发布了防治空气污染的规划。

    To ensure blue skies during September 's G20 Summit , host city Hangzhou , Zhejiang province , and surrounding regions recently released plans to restrict air pollution .

  26. 华纳兄弟集团消费者产品部还将发布新款产品周边,包括独一无二的法贝热帝国彩蛋、灵感源自《权游》的美奇乐啤酒套装和几个FunkoPop铁制人偶。

    Warner Bros. Consumer Products will also be releasing a new line of tie-in products , including a one-of-a-kind Imperial egg by Faberg é , a collection of Mikkeller beers inspired by the series , and several iron-textured Funko Pop figures .

  27. 旅舍提供票务服务和周边旅游咨询。

    The hotel provides the clerk the service and the peripheral traveling consultation .

  28. 采矿是肮脏的行业,往往会严重破坏周边环境。

    Coal mining is a messy business , often wreaking terrible environmental damage nearby .

  29. 脸基尼现在已在中国大量生产,在当地海滩周边的游泳用品店都能买到。

    Facekinis are under mass production in China and are available in local swim stores near beaches .

  30. 巴黎大区8月8日宣布,自8月10日上午起,法国巴黎及其周边地区11岁及以上人群在人员密集区域须佩戴口罩。

    Masks will be compulsory for people aged 11 and over in crowded areas in Ile-de-France - Paris and its surrounding areas , starting from Monday morning , the prefecture announced on Saturday .