
zhòu wén
  • incantation
咒文 [zhòu wén]
  • [incantation] 咒语

  1. 有魔力的话语或咒文。

    A magic spell or incantation .

  2. 世上最短的咒文,是一个人的名字。

    The shortest mantra of this world is the name of a person .

  3. 咒文的内容是:如果网络视频和高清电视等于2006年,那么网络高清电视就等于2007年。

    If internet video and high-definition televisions equalled 2006 , then internet video on HDTVs equals 2007 , it said .

  4. 林上师:实际上同样的原则在我的英文作品里也可行,因此咒文会以罗马拼音写出,并且依之修习。

    Actually the same principle applies to my works in English , hence the mantras will be given in Pin Yin and practiced accordingly .

  5. “它们含有能拯救我们的知识,拉申阁下。”达恩说,“咒文描述得很清楚。”

    They contain knowledge that can save us , Lord rashin , said dagen . " the invocation is described in great detail . "

  6. “我们可能会欠下无法偿付的恩情。”阿维德说,“你的咒文上对我们要支付的代价是怎么说的?”

    We will owe a debt we may not be able to repay , said arvid . " what do your texts say about the price that will be demanded of us ?"