
qiónɡ lú
  • yurt
穹庐 [qióng lú]
  • [yurt] 古代游牧民族居住的毡帐

  • 天似穹庐。--《乐府诗集.杂歌谣辞.敕勒歌》

  • 对穹庐以出膝。--南朝梁. 丘迟《与陈伯之书》

  1. 他们把天比作人们居住的穹庐,以其心胸的宽广坦荡、感情的质朴纯真,显示出他们大自然之子的豪迈气概。

    The herdsmen compared the heaven as an extremely large house , showing their broad mind , unsophisticated feelings and heroic spirit as the son of nature .

  2. 一座突起的山峰,兀自独立,像巨大的穹庐伸向南方,这是一处显眼的地标,引导我们前行。

    One conspicuous peak , isolated from the others , rose like a great dome to the south , a prominent landmark by which to direct our course .

  3. 用噪声函数模拟出空间云朵的形状,结合蓝天、太阳光及其光晕效果、天空穹庐形状等,模拟出了蓝天白云效果图。

    Using noise functions to simulate the shape of space clouds , combined with the blue sky , the sun and the halo effect , the sky blue canopy shape , we have simulated the effect picture of blue sky and white clouds .