
qióng cāng
  • the heavens;the firmament;the sky;the vault of heaven
穹苍 [qióng cāng]
  • [sky;the firmament;the heavens;the vault of heaven] 地球上空巨大的圆拱或穹窿;天空,苍穹

  • 舒愤诉穹苍

  • 杀气凌穹苍

穹苍[qióng cāng]
  1. 25在他们头以上的穹苍之上有声音。他们站住的时候,便将翅膀垂下。

    And there was a voice from the firmament that was over their heads , when they stood , and had let down their wings .

  2. 1阿利路亚!你们要在神的圣所赞美?,在?显能力的穹苍赞美?。去神圣的地方朝圣的人。

    Hallelujah ! Praise God in His sanctuary ; Praise Him in the firmament of His power . one who journeys to a sacred place .

  3. 他从那穹苍的起泡的杯中,痛饮充满生命的狂喜。

    He quaffed the swelling rapture of life from the foaming goblet of the infinite .

  4. 教堂的塔尖直指穹苍。一个尖塔滑进我的视界。

    The steeple rears far into the sky . A spire swam into my ken .

  5. 规规矩矩的人要到穹苍放射星光时才放射他的智慧。

    Fashionable people only light up their minds when the zenith lights up its stars .

  6. 诸天述说神的荣耀,穹苍传扬他的手段。

    1The heavens declare the glory of God ; the skies proclaim the work of his hands .

  7. 耶和华阿、你的慈爱、上及诸天。你的信实、达到穹苍。

    Your love , o lord , reaches to the heavens , your faithfulness to the skies .

  8. 诗108:4因为你的慈爱大过诸天.的诚实达到穹苍。

    For Your lovingkindness is great above the heavens , And Your truth reaches to the skies .

  9. 你要向天观看,瞻望那高于你的穹苍。

    Look unto the heavens , and see ; and behold the clouds which are higher than thou .

  10. 耶和华啊,你的慈爱上及诸天;你的信实达到穹苍。

    Thy mercy , o lord , is in the heavens ; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds .

  11. 你岂能与神同铺穹苍么?这穹苍坚硬如铸成的镜子。

    Can you spread out the skies with him , the skies which are as hard as a molten mirror ?

  12. 你们要将能力归给神。他的威荣在以色列之上,他的能力是在穹苍。

    Ascribe ye strength unto God : his excellency is over Israel , and his strength is in the clouds .

  13. 星群黑魆魆地隐在这道光的后面,黑暗在光中照耀,三角形的仙后座,穹苍。

    Darkly they are there behind this light , darkness shining in the brightness , delta of Cassiopeia , worlds .

  14. 教堂的塔尖直指穹苍。A形塔架同附近教堂的高耸尖塔十分协调。

    The steeple rears far into the sky . The A-frame pylon harmonizes with the tall spires of the adjacent cathedral .

  15. 15并要发光在天上穹苍之中,普照在地上;事就这样成了。

    And let them be light-bearers in the expanse of heaven to give light on the earth ; and it was so .

  16. 穹苍以下,活物的翅膀直张,彼此相对。每活物有两个翅膀遮体。

    Under the expanse their wings were stretched out one toward the other , and each had two wings covering its body .

  17. 在这里可能是说有水高于天上的穹苍,同样在其下也有地上的水。

    It seems that there was a canopy of water that was above the sky and water below , on the land .

  18. 活物的头以上有穹苍的形像,看着像可畏的水晶,铺张在活物的头以上。

    Spread out above the heads of the living creatures was what looked like an expanse , sparkling like ice , and awesome .

  19. 现在有云遮蔽,人不得见穹苍的光亮。但风吹过,天又发晴。

    And now men see not the bright light which is in the clouds : but the wind passeth , and cleanseth them .

  20. 我观看,见基路伯头上的穹苍之中,显出蓝宝石的形状,仿佛宝座的形像。

    I looked , and I saw the likeness of a throne of sapphire above the expanse that was over the heads of the cherubim .

  21. 耶书仑哪,没有能比神的。他为帮助你,乘在天空,显其威荣,驾行穹苍。

    There is no one like the God of Jeshurun , who rides on the heavens to help you and on the clouds in his majesty .

  22. 穹苍降下公义,地面开裂,产出救恩,使公义一同发生,这都是我耶和华所造的。

    Let the earth open wide , let salvation spring up , let righteousness grow with it ; I , the LORD , have created it .

  23. 耶和华用能力创造大地,用智慧建立世界,用聪明铺张穹苍。

    He hath made the earth by his power , he hath established the world by his wisdom , and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion .

  24. 但我很高兴,我在西牛津农业协会第一百零七届年展上,度过了穹苍法自然的最后一天。

    But I was glad I had spent the last day of the natural firmament at the One Hundred and Seventh Annual Exhibition of the West Oxford Agricultural Society .

  25. 22【和合本】活物的头以上有穹苍的形像,看着象可畏的水晶,铺张在活物的头以上。

    【 KJV 】 And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as the colour of the terrible crystal , stretched forth over their heads above .

  26. 在活物的头上,有相似穹苍的东西,好像发亮的水晶,在它们头上展开。

    And over the heads of the living creatures was the likeness of the firmament , as the appearance of crystal terrible to behold , and stretched out over their heads above .

  27. 我观看,见基路伯头上的穹苍之中,有宝座的样式显在他们以上,显出来的样子像蓝宝石。

    Then I looked , and there , in the expanse that was over the heads of the cherubim , appeared the likeness of a throne over them , like the appearance of a sapphire stone .

  28. 我观望时,见在革鲁宾头上,穹苍之上,有一块像碧玉的石头,看似宝座,出现在他们上边。

    And I saw and behold in the firmament that was over the heads of the cherubims , there appeared over them as it were the sapphire stone , as the appearance of the likeness of a throne .

  29. 在他们头以上的穹苍之上,有宝座的样式,像蓝宝石的样子;在宝座的样式以上,有一位的样式好像人的样子。

    And above the expanse that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne , like the appearance of a sapphire stone ; and upon the likeness of the throne was one in appearance like a man , above it .