
  1. 中小出租汽车公司品牌共享的问题及其对策

    The problem and countermeasures of brand sharing in small and medium-sized taxi enterprises

  2. 地理品牌共享模式研究:模型与实证

    Studying Geography Insist on Brand Research on Mutual Model of Geographical Brand : Model and Demonstration

  3. 不能突破地理品牌共享的约束,企业成就强势品牌的战略是一种十分危险的行动。

    If the restriction of mutual geographical brand should not be broke through , the enterprise strategy to achieve the strong brand is dangerous .

  4. 本文从打火机行业的历史发展和行业竞争入手,指出了温州打火机企业面临的机遇和挑战,从而提出了战略联盟、品牌共享、文化培育三种战略发展模式,以期促进温州打火机企业的可持续发展。

    From the industrial history and competition of lighter industry , this paper points out the opportunities and challenges which encounter wenzhou lighter enterprises , suggests three strategic models of strategic alliance , shared brand , culture cultivation in order to propel the sustained development of wenzhou lighter enterprises .

  5. 旅游资源市场价值的提升可通过对市场品牌信息共享、基础设施和生态环境共建、建立战略联盟和旅游企业的集团化发展等几种模式实现。

    Some Tour Resource Integrate modes such as sharing market brand information , joint development of the infrastructure and the ecosystem environment , building up the strategic alliance and the collectivizing development of the enterprises related with tour business are put into discussion .

  6. 所有cnh品牌将继续共享发动机和变速箱,这些部件在该公司多数机械产品中约占70%的成本。

    All CNH brands will continue to share engines and gearboxes , which make up about 70 per cent of the cost of most of the machinery the company produces .

  7. 在节省成本方面,通过物业、技术、客户和品牌资源的共享,可以实现规模经济;

    First , it reduces costs through the sharing of resources of materials , technology , clients and brands ;

  8. 微观效应:提高企业生产效率;降低企业经营成本;保障企业劳动力供给;享有区域品牌优势;共享区域网络资源。

    Micro aspect : improve production efficiency ; reduce operation cost ; protect labor supply of enterprises ; enjoy the advantages of regional brand ; share regional network resources .

  9. 多元化经营能充分利用企业之各种有形及无形资源,如员工潜能有效利用、技术延伸、品牌效应、共享销售渠道等。

    Diversification management can fully apply both visible and invisible resources of the enterprise by utilizing the potential capacities of employees effectively , extending the technologies , getting brand effect , and sharing the distributing channel .

  10. 吉利还将推出与Lynk品牌相关的汽车共享计划。

    It will also roll out car-sharing schemes linked to the Lynk brand .

  11. 作为与人类生活密切相关的产品品牌建设也是信息共享的传播过程。

    Closely related to human life , the product-brand building process is the spread of information sharing .

  12. 第二,企业应在货品设计、研发、生产等方面给予渠道商充分的信心和预期回报,加强企业内控制度,增加品牌间信息的共享。

    Second , the enterprise shall , in item design , development , production , outlets , to give full of confidence and the expected return , strengthening enterprise perfected internal control system and increase information sharing between the brands .

  13. 文章针对当前我省实施农产品品牌战略面临的维护品牌意识薄弱,品牌共享意识差,产品质量不高,产品科技含量低,产品标准化层次低等问题,进行对策分析。

    The article aims at the analysis of solving the following current problems while adopting the brand strategy : weak consciousness on brand , low quantity of products , low-level producing technology , and the low standards of products .

  14. 品牌个人体验(包括感观体验、情感体验、思考体验)和品牌共享体验(行动体验、关联体验)均对品牌关系有显著的影响。

    Through analyzing the data , this research draws the following conclusions : 1 , Both individual brand experiences ( including Sense experience , Feel experience and Think experience ) and sharing brand experiences ( including Act experience , Relate experience ) have remarkable influence on brand relationship .

  15. 创建区域品牌必须按照市场规律办事,也就是要建立一套完善的共担投入,共享利益,协调运作的品牌共享机制。

    Establishing regional brand must follow market mechanism , that is , to establish a set of perfect brand share mechanism " undertake input together , share benefit , function co-ordinately " .