
shí yóu huà ɡōnɡ fèi shuǐ
  • waste water from petrochemical industry
  1. 活性污泥去除石油化工废水COD的动力学模型研究

    Study of the Kinetic Model of Petrochemical Wastewater COD Removal Process

  2. 利用AB技术处理高浓度石油化工废水的研究

    The Research of High Concentration Petro-chemical Wastewater Treatment by AB Technology

  3. 石油化工废水COD(Cr)与BOD5相关性研究

    The Study of Correlation Between COD_Cr and BOD_5 as Wastewater from Petrochemical Industry

  4. 石油化工废水BOD与COD的相关分析

    The Correlation Between BOD and COD of Petrochemical Wastewater

  5. 使用改性纳米TiO2处理难降解石油化工废水的研究

    Study on treatment of nondegradable petrochemical wastewater using modified TiO_2

  6. 采用SBR法处理石油化工废水,根据反应器内有机物降解与溶解氧浓度(DO)的相关性,提出了以DO作为SBR法的模糊控制参数。

    Petrochemical wastewater was treated by SBR process using DO as fuzzy control parameter in considering the relationship between the organic matter degradation and DO concentration .

  7. 采用间歇式完全混合活性污泥反应器,测定出活性污泥去除石油化工废水COD的动力学常数,确定该去除过程是二级反应,并给出了动力学方程式。

    The biokinetic constants of the petrochemical wastewater COD removal process by activated sludge was determined using the completely mixed activated sludge batch reactor . The results show that the COD removal process is secondly-ordered reaction , and that the biokinetic equation was described .

  8. 在精对苯二甲酸(PTA)石油化工废水中,添加氮、磷、Mn2+3种因子,测定该3种添加因子对Fhhh菌株降解废水效率的影响。

    Three factors , N , P and Mn ~ ( 2 + ), were added in purified terephthalic acid ( PTA ) wastewater in order to research their effects on the characters of Fhhh strain in the degradation of pollutants .

  9. 利用铁屑处理石油化工废水

    Application of lron Chippings to Treating Wastewater in the Petrochemical Industry

  10. 应用生物降解处理石油化工废水

    Application of microbial degradation in the treatment of petrochemical wastewater

  11. A/O工艺处理石油化工废水试验研究

    Pilot Test of A / O New Process For Petrochemical Wastewater Treatment

  12. 石油化工废水及其污染地下水的致突变性研究

    Study on the Mutagenicity of Petrochemical Waste Water and the Polluted Ground Water

  13. 石油化工废水中十种有机组分的气相色谱分析

    Determination of Ten Organic Components in Wastewater of Petrochemical Industry by Gas Chromatography

  14. 湿式空气氧化法处理石油化工废水

    Wet Air Oxidation for the Treatment of Petrochemical Wastewater

  15. 石油化工废水回用技术研究

    Study on Recycle of Petrol - Chemical Waste Water

  16. 提高石油化工废水氨氮处理效率的研究

    Study on improving the treatment efficiency of ammonia and nitrogen in the petrochemical wastewater

  17. 石油化工废水处理装置出水回用中试工艺研究

    Research on experiment technics of reusing petrochemical effluent

  18. 水解酸化-好氧处理石油化工废水试验研究

    Study on hydrolytic-aerobic biological treatment for petrochemical wastewater

  19. 石油化工废水污染饮水对居民健康影响的调查研究

    The Investigation of the Effect of Drinking Water Polluted by Petroleum Chemical Industrial Waste Water on the Residents

  20. 研究成果为电气浮工艺在石油化工废水处理中的广泛应用奠定了基础。

    The research results will lay a solid foundation for wide applications of electro-flotation in petrochemical wastewater treatment .

  21. 石油化工废水组成复杂、浓度高、毒性强和难降解,对环境危害大。

    Untreated petrochemical wastewaters are harmful to the environment since they typically contain many toxic and persistent organic pollutants in high concentrations .

  22. 在实验室进行了电解氧化法深度处理石油化工废水的研究。

    Electrolytic oxidation using a new anode material as electrode was adopted for deep treatment of petrochemical waste water in the laboratory .

  23. 气浮净水技术作为一种高效、快速的固-液分离技术,已广泛应用于石油化工废水的处理,去除废水中油脂和悬浮物。

    Flotation purification as an efficient , rapid and solid-liquid separation technology has been widely used to remove grease and suspended solid in petrochemical wastewater treatment .

  24. 应用多级塘(厌氧塘,兼性塘,好氧塘和冬季储留塘)-湿地复合生态系统对石油化工废水进行强化处理和利用,处理能力10万m3/d。

    The eco-system of combined multistage pond ( Anaerobic pond , facultative pond , aerobic pond and winter lagoon ) - wetland was applied to carry out the enhanced treatment and utilization of petrochemical wastewater , with treatment capacity of 10,0000m3 / d ;

  25. 在连续运行过程中,本实验还对反应器各单元在处理石化废水时对各指标的去除效果、功能进行了详细的分析研究,为进一步在石油化工废水处理中的应用提供了实验依据。

    In the continuous operating process , the analysis about the removal and function of each index of each unit was done in detail . It would provide experimental foundation for future application of this A / O swim-bed technology in treating petrochemical wastewater .

  26. 碳五加氢石油树脂化工废水的处理

    Technology of Petrolic and Resinic Chemical Wastewater Treatment

  27. 本文介绍了应用新型曝气沉淀池&曝气生物滤池工艺处理碳五加氢石油树脂化工废水的工程实例。

    A new rotational precipitation-biological aerated filter process was used in the treatment of petrolic and resinic wastewater in engineering operation .

  28. 石油化工工业废水污染物含量变化大,毒性大,其成份非常复杂。

    This paper deals with the wastewater of petroleum chemical industry which component parts are complicated , poisonous and the amount of every part changes rapidly .

  29. UASB技术在石油化工企业高浓度废水预处理中的应用

    Application of UASB Technique in the Pretreatment of High Concentrated Waste Water of Petro-chemical Production

  30. 石油污水和石油化工废水的致突变性检测

    Study of mutagenicity in waste water discharged from petroleum exploit and petrochemical industry