
  • 网络brand activation;brand activate;Brand Revitalization;Active Branding
  1. 综上,本研究旨在通过基于消费者怀旧的中华老字号品牌激活的理论研究和案例分析,为企业的经营实践提供一定的理论指导。

    In conclusion , this study aims to guide the practice of the brand revitalization of China time-honored brand through theoretical research and case analysis .

  2. 品牌老化的本质在于其品牌资产的下降,品牌老化也是品牌长期管理中一个不容忽视的问题,品牌激活是解决这一问题、增加品牌资产的主要路径。

    Brand aging is a problem which can not be neglected in its long term management and brand revitalization is the main approach to solving the problem and increasing the brand property .

  3. 时至今日,我们已经成为了领先的全方位品牌激活企业之一。

    Today , we have be a leading full nd activation companies .

  4. 如果您有意开展品牌激活活动,那开拓者绝对是最佳之选。

    If you are interested activation activities , and that Portland is definitely the best choice .

  5. 针对这个问题,笔者在收集大量相关资料并实地调查的基础上,采用多种理论方法对其展开研究和探讨,并提出相应的景德镇陶瓷区域品牌激活策略。

    To address this issue , I collected a lot of relevant information and on the basis offield survey , study and explore through the use of a variety of theoretical methods .