
  • 网络Silas Aaron Hardoon;Hardoon;hartung
  1. 重点介绍了哈同公路依兰牡丹江大桥箱形拱的施工工艺及在箱形拱施工中大跨径现浇和大吨位安装的施工经验。

    The box-shaped arch construction to Yilan-Mudanjiang Bridge in Harbin-Tongjiang Expressway is provided especially in big span moulding of the site and installation of tons .

  2. 文章介绍黑龙江省哈同公路依兰牡丹江钢管混凝土中承拱桥构件强度试验情况,其试验采用近足尺寸试件,试验结果证明拱肋钢管混凝土强度满足设计承载力要求。

    The paper introduced testing condition of structure parts in Arch Bridge with Steel pipe Concrete , the test result show that the steel pipe concrete have larger strength to meet the requirement of construction .

  3. 又打发十个首领与非尼哈同去,就是以色列每支派的一个首领,都是以色列军中的统领。

    And with him ten princes , of each chief house a prince throughout all the tribes of Israel ; and each one was an head of the house of their fathers among the thousands of Israel .