
  • 网络Shanghai Grand Stage;Shanghai Gymnasium
  1. 它是在上海大舞台举行的电视晚会中登场的。

    It was presented at a televised ceremony held at the Shanghai Grand Stage .

  2. 上海大舞台基本上全场都坐满了,这也是我没有预料到的情况,要不然我就会早点买票,就可以坐在最前面了。

    The venue of Shanghai Grand Stage was nearly full , which was quite out of my expectation . Otherwise , I could have bought my ticket earlier and got a seat in the front .

  3. 昨晚朋友请我一起去上海大舞台看陈亦迅演唱会,我就去了。

    Last night a friend invited me to go see Eason chan 's concert .

  4. 原版的香港演唱会就是室内的,为了尽可能的不走样,宁可少些也要好些,只能放在上海大舞台了。

    The original version of the concert from Hong Kong is indoor , to keep it original , she rather has the concert at Shanghai Tai Mou Tai than goes for one with more seats .