
  • 网络Hongkou Football Stadium;shanghai hongkou football stadium;Hongkou Stadium
  1. 上海市虹口足球场健身俱乐部的经营现状

    Operation Status of Shanghai Hongkou Football Stadium Fitness Club

  2. 昨天我在虹口足球场附近的麦当劳吃东西,坐在两个老妇人旁边。等着上菜那会儿,她们俩一直注视着我吃午餐的一举一动。

    Yesterday I ate at McDonalds near the Hongkou Football Stadium , and I was seated next to a pair of older women who , while waiting for their food , engaged in watching my every move as I ate my lunch .

  3. 虹口足球场屋面钢结构施工监理

    Project management for steel structure of the roof of Hongkou Football Stadium