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  • East Asian Games;East Asia Games
  1. 第四届东亚运动会对澳门城市发展的影响

    Influence of the 4 ~ ( th ) East Asia Games on Macao city development

  2. 那我游好后,尽快回来,给自己买点礼物哦,最近东亚运动会嘛,我得给自己买双溜冰鞋吧。

    Ok , I will be back as soon as possible after finishing . Oh , I wanna buy roller skates for myself because of the East Asia Games .

  3. 澳门2005东亚运动会主体育馆设计

    The Gymnasium Design for 2005 East Asian Sports Meeting in Macao

  4. 在第五届东亚运动会开幕典礼的致辞

    Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Fifth East Asian Games

  5. 第一届东亚运动会於一九九三年在上海举行。

    The first East Asian Games are hold in Shanghai in1993 .

  6. 第二届东亚运动会何时、何地举行?

    When and where will the 2nd EAG be held ?

  7. 我谨此祝愿第五届东亚运动会圆满成功。

    I wish the Fifth East Asian Games every success .

  8. 首届东亚运动会开幕式背景表演圆满成功的原因探析

    Analysis on Factors of Success in Background Performance of the First EAG Opening Ceremony

  9. 东亚运动会吉祥物毛绒玩具畅销澳门

    The plush toys Mascot figure of East-Asian athletic meeting was hot sold in Macao

  10. 中国举重选手杨斌获得了第一届东亚运动会的第一块金。

    Chinese weightlifter Yang Bin won the first gold medal of the first East Asian Games .

  11. 东亚运动会奖励计划

    East Asian Games Incentive Award Scheme

  12. 目前,武术也已被列入东亚运动会、东南亚运动会、南亚运动会的正式比赛项目。

    Currently , Wushu has also been included in the East Asian Games , Southeast Asian Games , South Asian Games as an official event .

  13. 澳门回归祖国及2005年东亚运动会的举办为澳门体育发展提供了良好的契机。

    The return to the Motherland and the organization of the East Asian Games in 2005 will provide sports in Macao with proper opportunities to develop .

  14. 凭著信心和坚持,孙同学早前在「第四届东亚运动会」和「第七届亚洲游泳锦标赛」的女子组五十米蛙泳项目中均取得铜牌。

    Her enthusiasm , hard work and dedication won her bronze medals in the women's50-metre breaststroke at the4th East Asian Games and the7th Asian Swimming Championships .

  15. 东亚运动会给我们一个启发,就是只要勇于面对挑战、自强不息、团结齐心,传奇就能够创造。

    From the2009 East Asian Games , we have understood that in the face of challenges , we can create a legend with concerted efforts and determination .

  16. 另外两个重要的运动会是东亚运动会和近期新创办的西亚运动会。西亚运动会于1997年11月份在伊朗首都德黑兰开赛。

    Also important are the East Asian Games and the recently inaugurated West Asian Games , which were first held in Tehran , Iran , in November of1997 .

  17. 尽管郭晶晶没有宣布自己的退役时间,但在12月份的东亚运动会上,她发表的关于有可能休战一年的声明,却又向人们透露着讯息。

    Although Guo has not given any timetable for her retirement , her announcement at December 's East Asian Games about a possible one-year hiatus is a clear enough signal .

  18. 运用就地取材的地方智慧,“快,靓,正”地颂扬国际盛事的过程,正是香港与东亚运动会相拥的传奇一刻。

    Using " DIY " traditional wisdom to celebrate international events in a " quick and good " way-this is the legendary moment of marriage between Hong Kong and East Asian Game .

  19. 体育运动及体育教育,应抓住机遇,借助东亚运动会的成功举办的经验,实现澳门体育运动与场馆对学校开放的抉择。

    We should seize the opportunity on sports and physical education . And the success of the East Asian Games experience to achieve the choice of open up Macao physical sport and arena to the school . 5 .