
hā la
  • rancid;kill;slaughter
哈喇 [hā lǎ]
  • [kill;slaughter] 〈方〉∶本是形容刀砍物的声音。在元曲中称杀人为哈喇

  • 趁早将他哈喇了

  • [rancid] [口]∶形容食用油类、油料作物果实或含油食品久置后味道怪异

  • 这些花生米放哈喇了,扔了吧

哈喇[hā la]
  1. 这大油哈喇了。

    The lard has gone rancid .

  2. 根据哈喇峻地区区域重力数据资料,给出区域重力异常分布特征。

    According to the data of gravity field in Haljun Basin , the regional distribution of gravity anomaly is obtained .

  3. 其中有:“蟆拐出世”、“敬蟆拐”、“拜铜鼓”等舞蹈,这黄油已经哈喇了。

    The programs include " The Frog Is Born ", " Sacrificing for the Frog " and " Worshipping the Frog " . The butter has gone / turned rancid .