
  • 网络harappa;Xalapa;jalapa
  1. “世界上最早的文字创造者”这一殊荣到底花落谁家,由美索不达米亚平原(Mesopotamia)的苏美尔人(Sumerians)、位于今巴基斯坦(Pakistan)境内的哈拉帕人(Harappa)以及古埃及的科密特人(Kemites)进行激烈的角逐。

    There was a horse race between the Sumerians in Mesopotamia , the Harappa in present day Pakistan and the Kemites in Egypt to be the first to formulate a written language .

  2. 正如在哈拉帕和摩亨佐达罗所看到的,最近发现在拉希迦希,这个城市规划包括了世界上第一个城市卫生设施系统。

    As seen in harappa , mohenjo-daro , and the recently discovered rakhigarhi , this urban plan included the world 's first urban sanitation systems .

  3. 去年在墨西哥阿纳瓦克大学(AnahuacUniversity)哈拉帕分校计算机专业毕业后,当时22岁的阿尔塔米拉诺女士前往德国,在汽车制造商宝马公司(BMW)参加实习。

    After studying at the Xalapa campus of the Anahuac University , in Mexico , Ms. Altamirano , 23 , a computer science graduate , traveled to Germany last year to take an internship with the automaker BMW .

  4. 印度文明首先是出现于早期的哈拉帕/拉维菲斯阶段文明。

    The first appearance of the Indus civilization was the early Harappan / Ravi Phase .

  5. 人们早在公元前26世纪就开始使用各种形态的冲水马桶了,当时在印度河流域的哈拉帕市和摩亨佐-达罗,几乎每所房子里都有一个抽水马桶,马桶和精密的下水道系统相连接。

    Various versions of flushing toilets were used as far back as the 26th century BC in the Indus Valley , where the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro had a flush toilet in almost every house , attached to a sophisticated sewage system .