
  1. 19世纪,沙俄基本完成了对哈萨克草原的军事吞并,并加紧对我国西北边疆地区的侵略。

    In the 19th century , the Tsar Russian Empire completed its military annexation of Kazak prairie , and began to intensify its invasion into Northwestern China .

  2. 本文拟以新疆哈萨克草原上的游牧民为例,探讨一个族群吃的文化中深层潜在的象征内涵。

    Taking the case of nomads of Xinjing Kazakgrassland , this article intends to study the deep symbolic meanings inherent in the dietary culture of the ethnic group .

  3. 那是一条被酷暑严寒的哈萨克草原养育得自由自在的大河啊,原来它把喝过它水乳的人都悄悄地改变了。

    That is a river trained to be free and easy by the Kazakh grasslands with their blazing sun and piercing frost , and those who have drunk of its milky waters have been subtly changed .

  4. 中国东北、西伯利亚南部、哈萨克草原和楚瓦什地区的几个阿尔泰语系民族虽然分属不同语族,但在发音习惯上却有着许多相似之处。

    Although the several nationalities in Altaic Language System living in the northeast of China , southern Siberia , the Kazak Grassland and the Chuvashs ' area respectively belong to different language families , there are a lot of similarities in their pronouncing habits .