
rì é zhàn zhēng
  • Russo-Japanese War
日俄战争[rì é zhàn zhēng]
  1. 日俄战争后日俄美的东北亚政策

    Policies of Japan , Russia and America in Northeast Asia after Russo-Japanese War

  2. 日俄战争使这种情况开始发生变化。

    The Russo-Japanese War changed the situation .

  3. 俄日关系的新进展再论日俄战争的历史背景

    Russian-Japanese Relations : New Progress On Historical Background of Japan-Russia War

  4. 日俄战争时期的上海外交日本电子信息产业概览

    Diplomacy of Shanghai in the Period of Japan-Russian war

  5. 日俄战争前俄国作战计划探析

    Analysis and Exploration on Russia 's Fighting Program Before the Russo - Japanese War

  6. 对日俄战争中的国际关系及对中国的危害影响作了探讨。

    The relationship between Japan and Russia and its harmful effect on China are discussed .

  7. 在1904年至1905年的日俄战争中,清政府奉行了局外中立的政策。

    In the period of Japan-Russia War ( 1904-1905 ), Qing government pursued neutrality policy .

  8. 日俄战争鼓舞了许多处在殖民统治之下的亚洲和非洲的人们。

    The Japan-Russia War gave encouragement to many people under colonial rule from Asia to Africa .

  9. 日俄战争后,日俄分别加强对南、北满洲的渗透。

    After the Russia-Japan war , Russia and Japan intensify penetration into South and North Manchuria .

  10. 再论日俄战争的历史背景

    On Historical Background of Japan-Russia War

  11. 俄韩经济合作的现状与前景日俄战争对近代中韩关系的影响

    ROK-RUSSIAN ECONOMIC COOPERATION : CURRENT SITUATION AND PROSPECT The Impact of the Russo-Japanese War on Sino-Korean Relations

  12. 作者将1905年的日俄战争作为历史时段终结的历史坐标。

    The author takes the Japanese-Russian war in 1905 as the historical coordinate of historical time terminus .

  13. 日俄战争中清政府局外中立的历史考察《苏日中立条约》与东北抗日联军的战略转移

    Historical Research on the Qing Government 's Policy of Neutrality in the War Between Japan and Russia

  14. 但是就中国而言,日俄战争决不是一场局外战争。

    However , as far as China is concerned , she is not an outlier in the war .

  15. 第二部分论述了日俄战争后至第一次世界大战结束期间双方的贸易。

    The second part discusses mutual trade from post Japan-Russia war to the end of World War ⅰ .

  16. 1905年,日俄战争结束在新罕布什尔州签定了朴次矛斯港口条约。

    In1905 , the Treaty of Portsmouth , ending the Russo-Japanese War , was signed in New Hampshire .

  17. 日本神道教正式在东北设立神社,进行神道教活动始于日俄战争后。

    After Japan and Russia war , the Japan shrine officially established and shintoism activity began to spread .

  18. 随着日俄战争的爆发,东北亚局势愈加复杂和多样化。

    As Japan and Russia the outbreak of the war , northeast Asia situation more and more complicated and diversified .

  19. 这份报纸,作为日俄战争的产物,将日本在东北的文化渗透推向了极致。

    As a product of the war , this newspaper made the cultural saturation to a perfection in the area .

  20. 调停�提峨多。罗斯福因他在日俄战争中担任调停者,获得诺贝尔和平奖。

    For his role as intermediary in helping to end the Russo-Japanese War , theodore Roosevelt won the Novel Peace Prize .

  21. 上海作为远东地区的重要港口,在1904-1905年的日俄战争中曾经历了一系列的外交考验。

    As an important port in the Far East , Shanghai witnessed a series of diplomatic tribulations in the 1904-1905 Sino-Russian war .

  22. 早在日俄战争之际,一直窥视中国东北经济资源的日本就把侵略之手伸向阜新煤炭资源。

    When the Russo-Japanese War broke out , Japan started to grab Fuxin 's coal resources which it had planned for a long time .

  23. 日俄战争后,日本取代了沙皇俄国在中国东三省南部的支配地位;

    As a result of the war tsarist Russia was defeated and supplanted by Japanese imperialism in the dominant role in China 's Northeast .

  24. 在百年前因争夺东北而爆发的日俄战争中,清政府宣布局外中立。

    A hundred years ago , the Qing sovereignty declared itself neutral as outsider , during the Japan-Russia War resulting from struggle over Northeast China .

  25. 日俄战争后,澳大利亚为了避免刺激日本,在不妨害白澳政策的基础上放松了对日本人入澳的限制。

    In order to avoid provocation to Japan , Australia loosened the restrictions on Japanese entry on condition that it would not harm white Australia .

  26. 在这一个阶段里,由于在日俄战争中的失败,使俄国明白了向东独霸满洲的企图已经不可能实现了。

    During this phase , defeat in Russo-Japanese War made Russia to realize that its plan to dominate the Manchuria area would not be realized .

  27. 1904年&1905年日俄战争,日本打败沙皇俄国,把中国东北南部划分为自己的势力范围。

    In the Russo-Japanese war 1904-1905 , Japan defeated the Czarist government of Russia and divided the south of Northeast China into own sphere of influence .

  28. 罗斯福的以日制俄政策与中国东北的完整&以日俄战争为中心的探讨

    Theodore Roosevelt 's " Balance Policy " toward Japan and Russia versus the " Integrity " of Northeast China : a study on the Russo-Japanese War

  29. 日俄战争是中国近代以来最耻辱的战争之一,中国并不是这次战争的交战国,却蒙受了巨大的损失。

    The war between Japan and Russia is the most disgraceful war in China about recent 200 years ; China is not the competent of this war , but suffered large loss .

  30. 1918年日本出兵西伯利亚东部是日俄战争后日本帝国主义夺取远东霸权的继续。

    The invasion of the east of Siberia by Japan in 1918 showed that Japan continued its plan to seize the hegemony of the Far East after the war between Japan and Russia .