
  • 网络Daily routine;Daily Life
  1. 你能对我们谈一点关于你的家庭生活和日常起居吗?

    And could you tell us a little about your home life and your family and what your daily routine is like .

  2. 他的日常起居和好客也一贯不变。

    His daily life and hospitality remained the same .

  3. 所以长者要特别留意日常起居生活,以减少意外的发生。

    Therefore , older people should take special precautions in their daily living to minimize accidents .

  4. 我们日常起居有规有矩

    We live by certain standards

  5. 每对双胞胎都是30多岁,每对双胞胎的日常起居都泪同。

    Each set of twins was in the ir mid-30s , and each had been brought up in the same household .

  6. 她又去想象着这次作客的时间将如何度过,无非是:平淡安静的日常起居,柯林斯先生那种惹人讨厌的插嘴打贫,再加上跟罗新斯的应酬来往等。

    She had also to anticipate how her visit would pass , the quiet tenor of their usual employments , the vexatious interruptions of Mr. Collins , and the gaieties of their intercourse with Rosings .

  7. 尤其是中国年轻人从日常起居方式、消费方式以及工作方式等方面都表现出了一种新的生活方式即移动的生活方式。新的生活方式的产生,就会有新的需求出现。

    Especially the young people in China demonstrate a new way of life & the mobile lifestyle from the way of daily life , consumption and work , etc. There will be new needs arise with the emergence of new lifestyles .

  8. 利用网上可检索数据库,可以方便地调阅《全唐诗》中所有涉及窗的朝向的诗句,并从时诗作的集中分析中推知唐代住宅及日常起居行为的信息。

    Searching The Entire Tang Poems by use of the Internet database , we could cover all the poems relating with the window orientation , and a lot of information about the housing and dwelling life in the Tang Dynasty would be deduced from the poetic descriptions on the windows .

  9. 居住距离的增加阻碍了家务以及日常生活起居照料等,但对经济支持并无显著的影响。

    The add of habitation distance block the housework care , but influence the economy provision little .

  10. 那是他们日常生活起居的地方。

    It was there that they ate and slept , ate and slept ; living their routine lives .

  11. 展品包罗万象,既有阿肯纳坦比真人还大的雕像,做工精致的浮雕,又有令人眼花缭乱的珠宝首饰,甚至还有日常生活起居用品,比如一只保存完好的童鞋。

    They range from larger-than-life statues of Akhenaten to exquisitely sculpted reliefs and dazzling jewelry to such poignant reminders of everyday life as a perfectly preserved child 's sandal .

  12. 妇女在家庭生活中扮演着重要的角色,她们一方面要照顾家庭的日常生活起居,比如做饭,洗衣服,日常生活用品的采购。

    Women in family life play an important role in their daily life on the one hand to take care of the family living , such as cooking and washing clothes , daily necessities , the purchase .

  13. 家具是人们日常生活起居的必需品,中国家具的发展经历了几千年的历史,家具的艺术风格也随着生活起居方式及时代特征的变化而不断发生着变化。

    Furniture is the necessity of our daily life , the development history of which are thousands of years in China . At the same time , the art-style of the furniture has take place great changes unceasingly , following the age characteristics and the life-style of people .

  14. 感觉不舒服或虚弱而影响一般日常的生活起居。

    General malaise or weakness , inability to per activities of daily living .

  15. 创作中,她善于选取日常生活中的起居环境、行动、细节,用最平常、最简单的语言来表现微妙复杂的心理和多变的情感流程。

    In practice , she excelled in using normal language to depict the subtle mentality and emotions of the characters in question .

  16. 这一类的文章大到治理国家,小到日常生活包括生活起居以及坐立行走都要符合理学原则。

    This article is big enough to govern the country , small enough to everyday life including daily life and feel ill at ease walking , spoke to the Neo-principle .