
Lú shān
  • Lushan Mountain
庐山 [lú shān]
  • [Lushan Mountain] 山名,为中国著名避暑胜地。位于江西省九江以南,主峰海拔1474米,夏季凉爽,多雾,风景秀美,亚热带作物茂盛

  1. 为验证ANP评价模型的科学性以及合理性,以雁荡山世界地质公园为主要研究对象,并以黄山、庐山和泰宁世界地质公园作为其比较研究对象,对地质公园旅游竞争力进行实证研究。

    In order to verify the ANP evaluation model is scientific and reasonable or not , the paper taking the Yandang world geological park as the main research objects and Huangshan , Lushan Mountain and Taining world Geopark as a comparative object to study .

  2. 庐山是一座建筑名山。

    The Lushan Mountain is a famous mountain of Construction .

  3. 不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。

    The true face of Lushan is lost to my sight , for it is right in this mountain that I reside .

  4. 我去不去庐山取决于旅费得花多少。

    Whether I go to Mount Lushan or not hinges on the cost of the fare .

  5. 灵山多秀色,空水共氤氲。(张九龄《湖口望庐山瀑布泉》)

    The mountains in beauty dressed stand awed by that magical sight , | of the wedding of heaven and earth in a waterfall 's headlong flight .

  6. 4月23日,庐山七年级学生兰兰正在帐篷里上绘画课。

    Lan Lan , a student of Grade Seven in Lushan , was taking a drawing class in a tent on April 23 .

  7. 基于RS和GIS的庐山森林火险区划研究

    A Study of Forest Fire Danger District Division in Lushan Mountain Based on RS and GIS

  8. 庐山地区冰斗、U谷及泥砾成因之辨析

    Reassessment on the geneses of " glacial cirque , trough and boulder clay " in the Lushan region

  9. 通过相关性分析,发现庐山云雾水样品的pH与痕量重金属元素浓度之间有较好的负相关性。

    It showed a good correlation between pH and the concentration of trace heavy metal in cloud / fog water samples by correlation analysis .

  10. 庐山植物园杜鹃花属(Rhododendron)研究历程与现状

    The Past and Present of the Research on Rhododendron in Lushan Botanical Garden

  11. 在庐山电视台采集的云雾水与同时段、同一地点采集的雨水相比,除Cl~-外各种离子浓度前者明显高些,pH值也较高。

    Ion concentrations without Cl-and pH value in cloud-fog water collected at TV station in Lu Shan mountain were higher than in the rain water collected in same site during similar period .

  12. 庐山春季高山降水和云雾水均已严重酸化,所采样品的PH值全部小于5.6,主要酸性物质是硫酸,硝酸占次要地位;

    The precipitation and cloud water in spring at the top of Lushan was acidified seriously , the pH value of all samples was below 5 . 6 , the major acid was sulfuric .

  13. 利用天目山的两棵柳杉和庐山的一棵冷杉共3个树盘,分析了树轮δ13C沿方位的变化。

    Three tree disks sampled from Tianmu Mountains and Lushan Mountains are used to analyze the azimuthal δ 13C distribution in tree rings .

  14. 目前这个还没有揭开庐山真面目的产品被分析师们冠以“iPadMini”的名字,沿用iPod系列的命名方法。

    The so far the imaginary , or at least never-seen , device has been dubbed the " iPad Mini " by speculators in light of the iPod of the same name .

  15. 姚展予和Rosenfeld将很快再次合作,到华东的江西省的庐山开展类似的研究。

    Yao and Rosenfeld may soon be collaborating in a similar study to be conducted in Mount Lu in East China 's Jiangxi Province .

  16. 庐山温泉受控于近期活动性深断裂,它在形成的构造条件和水化学成分上都与欧洲著名的Pyrenees矿泉水相似。

    The Lushan Hot Spring is controlled by a recent active deep fault . According to the tectonic condition and hydrochemical compositions , it is similar to the pyrenees mineral water in Europe .

  17. 灌丛是庐山植被分布最广泛为类型。

    Scrub is the very widespread type of Lushan Mountain vegetation .

  18. 庐山降水化学垂直分布的初步研究

    Preliminary study of vertical distribution of precipitation chemistry in Lushan Mountain

  19. 庐山旅游文化深度开发研究

    Study on the Further Development of Tourism Culture in Lushan Mountain

  20. 庐山区土壤的特征

    Characteristics of the soils of the Lushan area , central China

  21. 中国第四纪气候演变与庐山冰川遗迹问题

    Quaternary climatic changes in China and problem of Lushan glaciation remnants

  22. 庐山世界地质公园旅游可持续发展策略探讨

    Exploration on Sustainable Development Strategy for UNESCO Lushan Global Geopark Tourism

  23. 庐山旅游区空气微生物污染调查

    Investigation of Airbone Microbial Content in Tourist Zone , Lushan Mountain

  24. 庐山人工针叶林土壤动物群落调查

    Investigation of Soil Animal Community of Artificial Conifer Forest in Lushan

  25. 九江市庐山区土地可持续利用探讨

    Research on Sustainable Land use of Lushan Mountain in Jiujiang City

  26. 他们创作的诗歌被刻在庐山的峭壁上。

    Masterpiece poems are engraved in calligraphy on the mountain cliffs .

  27. 庐山疗养地疗养员异地反应调查分析

    Analysis of strange land pathogenesis of recuperate in Lushan sanatorium

  28. 庐山地区第四纪岩石地层单位划分

    The classification of the Quaternary lithostratigraphic unit in Lushan Area

  29. 庐山阔叶林群落特征分析

    Analysis on community characteristic of broad-leaved forest on Lushan Mountain

  30. 庐山禾本科干花植物资源研究

    The study on dried flower of grass family at Lushan