
  1. 对上古时代上古纪元地理的研究。

    The study of the geography of ancient times or ancient epochs .

  2. 自上古时代,人们通常在不同的场合穿不同的衣服。

    Since remote ages , people usually wore different clothes on different occasions .

  3. 中国上古时代的采矿技术

    The ancient mining technology in China

  4. 在上古时代,殷人信仰鬼神的宗教观念最为浓厚。

    In ancient time , the Yin people deeply believed the religion of ghosts and gods .

  5. 神圣遗物此为上古时代的武器,甚至古老到无法描述它的一切。

    Sacred Relic An ancient weapon , it 's difficult to tell what Sacred Relic even is .

  6. 在上古时代,河北大平原是沧海而不是桑田。

    Today 's fertile land , North China Plain , was deep blue sea in ancient times .

  7. 中华上古时代的人类存在“诚信”道德已是一个不争的事实。

    It is a true fact that the human honest and trust morals existed in the ancient times of China .

  8. 有关中国上古时代(唐、虞、夏、商、周五朝代)农业生产的土壤鉴别和土地利用法则的探讨

    A study on the methods and principles of the soil classification and land utilization in the ancient agriculture of China

  9. 我国上古时代的数字观念与传统文化的关系是一个比较复杂的问题。

    The relation between the idea of number in Chinese ancient times and the traditional culture is a quite complex question .

  10. 变形神话是各民族在上古时代(或原始时代)的生活和思想的产物。

    The deformation myth of all nationalities is the product of life and thought in the Paleozoic era ( or primitive times ) .

  11. 在这一部分中,笔者运用大量史料及相关证据,对学界长期主张的族刑源于春秋战国时代的观点进行了质疑,指出族刑的起源应该上溯至上古时代的部族征战时期。

    In this section , I use a lot of historical data and evidence , long advocated family of scholars from the Warring States period .

  12. 图腾追溯于上古时代,是世界上普遍存在的一种古老而奇特的文化现象,也是民族文化的发端鼻祖。

    Totem , which can be traced to primordial times , is both an ancient and unique cultural phenomenon pervading throughout the world and the origin the ethnic culture .

  13. 在上古时代,冰霜巨魔被赶入荒凉的诺森德,在那里,他们创造出了千万个社会文明。

    Driven into the desolate wastes of Northrend in ancient times , the ice trolls carved out a meager society for themselves amongst the cold stone and lifeless plains .

  14. 我们的大部分工作并没有宣布我们是谁而执行,但你们上古时代的记录提到过一些关于我们的来访和存在的一些细节。

    Our work has been largely carried out without announcing who we are , but your ancient records speak of some of our visits and presence in some detail .

  15. 药症相应思想由来已久,其最早应滥觞于上古时代原始朴素的用药经验。

    The theory of " Symptom corresponding medicine " has a long history , it should be originated the originally simplicial experience of using the Chinese herbal medcine in ancient times .

  16. 明堂作为重要的礼制建筑,汉代以前平面为亚形,源自于上古时代天圆地亚形的宇宙观。

    Ming-Tang , as an important Li-institution building , had a Ya-shape plan before Han dynasty , which originated from the universe mode of round sky with Ya-shape earth in ancient times .

  17. 祥瑞思想的起源可以追溯到上古时代,与万物有灵的观念和原始的宗教崇拜存在着密切的联系,尚未与政治活动发生关系。

    The ideology can be traced back to ancient times . There is a close contact with the concept of animism and primitive religious worship . There is no political activity relationship .

  18. 这一综合体系记录了上古时代的汉民族对于互相联系的环境、事物、史实、情感、观念、变化等的系统认识。

    This integrated system recorded the systematic knowledge and opinions of the people in ancient times , about the interrelated environment , things , historical facts , feelings , ideas , changes , etc.

  19. 本课程将从上古时代追溯到中世纪与文艺复兴,探究人们对自然概念的演进,以及对自然现象研究与解释方式的转变。

    This subject traces the evolution of ideas about nature , and how best to study and explain natural phenomena , beginning in ancient times and continuing through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance .

  20. 无论儒家,抑或道家,其治国思想都具有中国上古时代的农业文化思想的落后性。

    Whether in Confucianism or in Taoism , there is a backward idea of agricultural culture in ancient China , and the two theories are unified on the basis of common limitation of times .

  21. 肯定《七月》主题的双重性对于全面把握上古时代的社会现实和从文化学角度理解上古人民的心态都是有益的。

    It is beneficial for us in understanding the social reality and the mentality of the people in the primordial times from the angle of culturology that we affirm the duplicitous theme in benfengjuly .

  22. 西周初期,中国上古时代的预防犯罪思想承前启后,发生了若干重要的变化,较之夏商两代有了新的发展。

    In the early period of XiZhou , the ideas on crime prevention in ancient times of China served as a link between the preceding and the following ideas , and had several important changes .

  23. 我们注意到,在上古时代,对于宗法礼教的被趋从以及与此客观的历史环境相协和的主观能动,才是致其苦悲的主要原因。

    We observe that the tragic was mainly caused by the passive submission to the patriarch system and feudal ethics and rites , the subjective initiative in harmony with the objective historical surroundings in the remote ages .

  24. 图腾文化是中国原始文化中的一个重要部分,其承载的文化内涵极其丰富,蛇图腾作为上古时代一个庞大的图腾代表,所承载的文化内涵也不言而喻。

    Totem culture is an important part of the original Chinese culture and it bears extremely rich cultural connotations . As a large representative totem in the ancient times , snake totem bears the self-evident cultural connotation .

  25. 宾礼作为五礼之一,是上古时代重要的政治制度和礼仪制度,与国家政治统治密切相关。

    As one of the five-rite , the rite of reception to guests was a kind of important political system and etiquette system in the antiquity time and it was close related with the country 's political rule .

  26. 关于文明起源问题的探索所回答的问题,应当是上古时代社会如何由野蛮时代进入文明时代以及进入文明时代的具体时间与标准,而不是对于自有人类出现以来文明因素逐渐增长情况的说明。

    The theoretical exploration of Chinese civilization origin should focus on the process of change from barbaric times to civil times in ancient times and the time and standard of civil times instead of the increase of civil factors since the existence of human being .

  27. 东部联盟重新上演上古时代张伯伦与拉塞尔梦幻般的对决,如今双方都拥有了足以让先辈们引以为豪的天赋、天选之子以及球队之间的羁绊纠葛。

    These Eastern Conference foes have revived a fantastic rivalry that dates back to the days of Wilt Chamberlain and Bill Russell . And they did so with a ton of talent on both sides , promising youth all around and enough bad blood to make their predecessors proud .

  28. 用活泼的方式来庆祝这座烙上古老时代印记的建筑。

    A lively approach to celebrate an age old icon .

  29. 中国上古或“传说时代”可以文化划分为四大“板块”,这四大板块完全能够涵盖东西南北“四方”的主要原居民以及他们的文化内涵与特质。

    Our culture has been divided into four parts since the legendary times , which can cover the inhabitants in all directions and their cultural implication and characteristics .

  30. 从上古汉语词义学角度研究上古文献的写成时代,同时用出土文献和传世文献的词语、词义作综合比较,会得出比较科学的结论。

    A combination of word meanings of ancient Chinese , the unearthed literature and handed-down literature provide a dependable clue to ascertain the time when a piece of literature was written .