
  • 网络Upper Egypt
  1. 上埃及位于尼罗河上游,下埃及从现在的开罗以南向北延伸到地中海。

    Upper Egypt surrounded the upper portion of the Nile ; Lower Egypt stretched from just south of what is now Cairo northward to the Mediterranean .

  2. 例如,埃及大约1/3的人口生活在最贫穷的上埃及,那里的卫生状况最差。

    Around a third of Egypt 's population , for example , lives in Upper Egypt where poverty is at its highest and health status is at its worst .

  3. 他不仅会踏上埃及领土,还会前往埃及西部,攻打利比亚,埃及南面攻打埃塞俄比亚。

    Not only will he overrun Egypt he 's going to go west of Egypt and take Libya and south of Egypt and take Ethiopia .

  4. 这一人工雕像属于其站立的全身雕像的一部分。整坐全身雕像头戴上埃及特有的白色皇冠,手中握有皇室勋章并交错放于胸前。

    The artefact belongs to a large statue of the pharaoh in a standing position wearing the Upper Egyptian white crown with his hands crossed over his chest and holding the royal insignia .

  5. 其次,此研究是为了揭露古王国的维西尔如何瓦解中央政府,以及半自治家族如何在上埃及诺姆兴起的过程。

    Second , this study of the Viziers in the Old Kingdom is to come to light the disintegration of the central authority and the rise of semi - autonomous families in nomes of the Upper Egypt .

  6. 托勒密王朝在经济上对埃及历史所起的作用

    The Economic Role of the Ptolemaic Dynasty in the History of Egypt

  7. 小贩在从埃及南部开往开罗的火车上出售埃及风格的三明治。

    A vendor sells sandwiches on a train bound from southern Egypt to Cairo .

  8. 事实上,埃及、利比亚、阿尔及利亚和苏丹都曾是奥斯曼帝国的一部分。

    In fact Egypt , Libya , Algeria and Sudan were all once part of the Ottoman empire .

  9. 欧盟是在布拉格举行的一次峰会上跟埃及、土耳其、阿塞拜疆和格鲁吉亚签署这个新的能源协议的。

    The European Union signed the new energy deal during a summit in Prague with four countries-Egypt , Turkey , Azerbaijan and Georgia .

  10. 在国际援助下,加上通过埃及边境地下隧道进行走私,他们能维持生存。

    They are kept alive by international aid , topped up by what can be smuggled through the tunnels below the Egyptian frontier .

  11. 行法术的也用他们的邪术照样而行,叫青蛙上了埃及地。

    But the magicians did the same things by their secret arts ; they also made frogs come up on the land of Egypt .

  12. 本文试图以托勒密王朝商品经济的发展为中心来分析评价托勒密王朝在经济上对埃及历史的作用。

    This paper centers on the development of commodity economy of the Ptolemy dynasties to analyze and evaluate the economic role of the Ptolemy Dynasties in the history of Egypt .

  13. 此外,中国管制具有易变性,新规程在没有预先通告贸易者或解释原因的条件下就被实施,从而在贸易管理制度与政策上导致埃及企业面临商业不确定性和风险。

    In addition , Chinese regulations are changeable and new procedures can be implemented without notifying traders in advance or explaining its reasons , resulting in substantial commercial uncertainty for Egyptian companies .

  14. 比如在北京公园里的太极,在苏格兰的掷木桩,在阿芝克台人庙宇上和埃及金字塔上的爬阶梯(如果你贿赂当地政府的话)。

    Tai Chi in the parks of Peking . Caber tossing in Scotland . Climbing the steps of Aztec temples and Egyptian pyramids ( if you care to bribe the authorities ) .

  15. 举个例子,在埃及,长期以来建立了一个部族,在他们的势力范围内会慢慢形成一个朝圣地,这些人抓住了这个动机,给新近建立的神权披上了埃及神庙的建筑外衣。

    In egypt , for instance , the long-established citizens of a nomos , in whose precincts a famed place of pilgrimage had slowly grown took possession of this motive and dressed the newly constituted priestly power in the architectural gown of the Egyptian temple .

  16. 埃及当局表示他们正在展开调查,以确认恐怖主义是否是上周四凌晨埃及航空公司(EgyptAir)从巴黎飞往开罗的航班坠毁的原因,这引发了人们对航空旅行以及其他旅行方式的担忧。

    The fact that Egyptian authorities said that they were looking into whether terrorism had caused the crash of the EgyptAir flight from Paris to Cairo early Thursday morning raised fears about the safety of air travel and also traveling in general .

  17. 在关闭5天后,互联网服务上周三重返埃及。

    Internet service returned last Wednesday in Egypt after a five-day shutdown .

  18. 福州口岸入境船舶上首次发现埃及伊蚊及其携带的病原体

    The First Intercepted Aedes Aegypti and its Borne Pathogens at Fuzhou Port

  19. 上主在埃及国训示梅瑟和亚郎说。

    And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt .

  20. 在金字塔景点,游客们能够买到印在纸莎草上的古埃及神灵的图片。

    At the pyramids tourists can buy pictures of ancient Egyptian gods on papyrus .

  21. 它们本质上与当前埃及复杂微妙的局势相关:埃及正在进行历史性的革命转型。

    They are intrinsically related to the delicate conditions under which Egypt is navigating its historic revolutionary transition .

  22. 从法律上讲,埃及的国土属于希腊国王的财产,一切与之有关的事都必须由国王来决定。

    Egypt was legally the king 's estate , and everything in it was subject to his will .

  23. 飞机将装有木乃伊的盒子运抵开罗,盒子上覆盖着埃及国旗。

    The body was carried off the plane in Cairo in a box draped in Egypt 's flag .

  24. 我就说,我要将我的忿怒倾在他们身上,在埃及地向他们成就我怒中所定的。

    So I said I would pour out my wrath on them and spend my anger against them in Egypt .

  25. 上星期,埃及总统穆巴拉克命令军用面包房烘烤巴拉迪面包投放市场,以求缓解危机。

    Last week , President Hosni Mubarak ordered the army to use its bakeries to make balady bread in an effort to stem the shortage .

  26. 从词源学上看,埃及语中法的不同含义,在一定程度上也反映出古代埃及法的深邃内涵。

    Learning from etymology , " Law " in hieroglyph has different meaning and in a certain extent it reflects the profound connotation of the Ancient Egypt .

  27. 这个国王被刻画佩带皇家头巾、皇家胡子和双层冠帽,作为统治着上、下埃及的象征。

    The king is portrayed wearing the royal nemes headcloth , the royal beard and the double crown , symbolizing his rule over Upper and Lower Egypt .

  28. 或许并不出人意料的是,利比亚在衡量政府责任性和部落忠诚度的指标上得分低于埃及或突尼斯,这或许可以帮助解释阿拉伯之春在此地的发展模式。

    Perhaps unsurprisingly , Libya scores worse on indicators measuring government accountability and tribal loyalties than Egypt or tunisia-which may help explain the course the Arab Spring has taken there .

  29. 上周六,埃及文化部长法鲁克·胡尼斯说,在画被偷数小时后警察已经在开罗机场从一对意大利夫妇那里没收了这幅画。

    On Saturday , Egypt 's minister of culture , Farouk Hosni , said that police had confiscated the painting from an Italian couple at Cairo airport hours after it was stolen .

  30. 通过对两本艺术类辞书中“正面性”定义的比较并上探古埃及艺术,对“正面性”与“平行透视”做出了区分。

    By comparison of definitions in two different dictionaries of art and by exploring ancient Egyptian arts , this paper makes a distinction between " Frontality " and " Parallel Perspective " .