
yǎn jìng shé
  • cobra;naja;elapid;elapoid
眼镜蛇 [yǎn jìng shé]
  • [cobra;elapid] 毒蛇的一种,颈部很粗,上面有一对白边黑心的环状斑纹,发怒时头部昂起,颈部膨大,上面的斑纹像一副眼镜。毒性很大。吃小动物。产在热带和亚热带地区

眼镜蛇[yǎn jìng shé]
  1. 眼镜蛇是世界上毒性最剧烈的蛇类之一。

    The cobra is one of the world 's deadliest snakes .

  2. 眼镜蛇狠狠咬了他一口,毒牙刺进他手上的皮肤。

    The cobra sank its venomous fangs into his hand .

  3. 所以野生眼镜蛇的数量反而更多了。

    As a result , the wild cobra population further increased .

  4. 但最终,有胆量的印度人开始养殖眼镜蛇来挣钱。

    Eventually , however , enterprising people began to breed cobras for the income .

  5. 这些颜色属于伪装起来的眼镜蛇

    These colors belong to a group of snakes known as the false corals .

  6. 最初这个办法很成功,人们为了争得奖金杀死了很多眼镜蛇。

    Initially5 this was a successful strategy as large numbers of snakes were killed for the reward .

  7. 英国政府意识到这一点时,就停止发放奖金,导致眼镜蛇养殖者把不值钱的眼镜蛇放生。

    When the government became aware of this , the reward program was scrapped6 , causing the cobra breeders to set the now-worthless snakes free .

  8. 英国政府非常担心德里有毒的眼镜蛇的数量问题,因此按照每人上交的死蛇数量发给奖金。

    The British government was concerned about the number of venomous cobra snakes in Delhi . The government therefore offered a bounty4 for every dead cobra .

  9. 眼镜蛇毒腺cDNA文库的构建

    CDNA Library Construction of the Venom Gland in Naja naja atra

  10. 中华眼镜蛇毒腺cDNA表达文库的建立和分析

    Construction of cDNA library from venom of Chinese Cobra

  11. 利用RT-PCR技术从中华眼镜蛇毒腺组织中成功地克隆了短链神经毒素CDNA。

    A novel short-chain neurotoxin cDNA was cloned from Chinese cobra venom by RT-PCR .

  12. 目的:扩增广西眼镜蛇神经生长因子(NGF)的全长基因并进行序列分析。

    Objective : To amplify and sequence nerve growth factor ( NGF ) gene from Naja naja atra .

  13. 基于STK的升级丹麦眼镜蛇雷达系统性能分析

    Performance Analysis of the Upgraded Cobra Dane Radar System Based on STK

  14. 本实验为抗眼镜蛇IgY的应用及其它抗蛇毒IgY的制备奠定了基础。

    This research lays a foundation for application of IgY and preparation for other anti-snake venom .

  15. 双价抗蛇毒IgY灌胃对眼镜蛇、蝰蛇伤小鼠的保护作用

    Protective effect of bivalent anti-snake venom IgY administered intragastrically on mice with cobra or viper envenomation

  16. 一种分离提纯眼镜蛇(Najanajaatra)神经毒素的简便方法

    A simple method for isolation and purification of cobra neurotoxin from the venom of Naja naja atra

  17. 0.03毫克/千克含有LD/50,是莫哈维响尾蛇毒性的10倍,是常见眼镜蛇毒性的50倍以上。

    With an LD / 50 of 0.03mg/kg , it is 10 times as venomous as the Mojave Rattlesnake , and 50 times more than the common Cobra .

  18. corvette是为“眼镜蛇”工作的。

    Corvette was working for the cobra .

  19. 实验用ICP-AES法测定了广东眼镜蛇蛇胆及鸡胆、猪胆、牛胆干粉中12种元素的含量。

    The contents of twelve elements in the vacuum-dried powder of cobra gall , chicken gall , pig gall and oxgall were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spcctrometry ( ICP-AES ) .

  20. Su-27飞机眼镜蛇机动及其战术意义

    Su-27 Cobra Maneuver and Its Tactical Application

  21. 目的从舟山眼镜蛇Najaatra蛇毒中分离毒蕈碱样多肽,探讨其与M胆碱受体的关系。

    Objective To isolate muscarinic peptide ( MP ) from Naja atra venom and to study the effect of MP in muscarinic cholinergic receptor ( mChR ) .

  22. 眼镜蛇(Najanajaatra)神经毒素与心脏毒素分离纯化研究进展产生神经毒液的蛇是非洲树眼镜蛇和眼镜蛇。

    Separation and Purification of Neurotoxins and Cardiotoxins from Cobra Venom ( Naja naja atra ) The makers of the nerve poison include the mambas and cobras .

  23. 运用SephadexG-75层析和离子交换层析两步法分离纯化眼镜蛇蛇毒,分离效果好,纯度高。

    The better effect of separation of naja naja Atra venoms and high qualities was acquired by Sephadex G-75 chromatography and ion-exchange chromatography . 3 .

  24. 这条眼镜蛇被周四早晨发现的时候“盘绕在一个隐蔽的阴暗角落”,动物园负责人JimBreheny说。

    The cobra was discovered " coiled sort of secluded in a dark corner " Thursday morning , according to zoo director Jim Breheny .

  25. 试用中华眼镜蛇蛇毒(CCV)消耗补体,观察其对豚鼠到SD大鼠异种心脏移植超急性排斥反应的影响。

    In an in vivo guinea pig-to-rat cardiac xenotransplantation model , the effect of complement depletion by using Chinese Cobra venom ( CCV ) on hyperacute rejection ( HAR ) was evaluated .

  26. 为了解决眼镜蛇神经毒素(CNT)临床应用时起效慢、镇痛效果不太显著的问题,本课题将PEG修饰技术应用于CNT。

    In order to solve the problems which Cobra Neurotoxin ( CNT ) encountered in clinical applications ( such as slow action and unremarkable analgesic effect ), this PEG modification technology was used on CNT .

  27. 每1kg眼镜蛇,可得蛇毒液7.0824g/a,蛇毒干品2.0832g/a。

    Annual poison output could be reached 7.0824 g / kg of Naja naja , dried poison 2 0832 g / a.

  28. 为了用X射线衍射方法测定细胞毒素的三维结构,我们尝试了生长适合于X射线工作的单晶体,用气相扩散方法得到了中华眼镜蛇细胞毒素的两种成分的四种晶型。

    In order to determine the 3-dimensional structure oi cytotoxin by X-ray diffraction . We have tried to growth single crystals of cytotoxin suitable for X-ray work . Four crystal forms from two cytotoxin components ( Naja Naja Atra ) have been obtained by vapour diffusion method .

  29. 目的利用眼镜蛇蛇毒因子(CVF)、全身照射(WBI)、异基因胸腺修饰等途径预处理受者,探讨这些处理对非协调性异种心脏移植物存活期及免疫排斥反应的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of CVF , whole body irradiation and intrathymic inoculation with xenogeneic antigen on the delayed xenograft rejection in the discordant cardiac xenotransplantation .

  30. 眼镜蛇5HT细胞以十二指肠密度为最高,食道最低;

    The distribution of 5-HT cells in Naja naja was observed with the highest density in the duodenum and rarely in the oesophagus .