
yǎn shén jīng
  • ophthalmic nerve;nervus ocularis;nervus ophthalmicus
眼神经[yǎn shén jīng]
  1. 滑车神经入窦点与眼神经垂直距离为(552±106)mm。

    The vertical distance from the point of trochlear nerve entering CS to ophthalmic nerve was ( 5 52 ± 1 06 ) mm .

  2. 眼神经与上颌神经夹角的探讨

    A Study on the Angle between the Ophthalmic Nerve and the Maxillary Nerve

  3. 能挑毛病的锐利的眼睛眼睛没有毛病就部分或全部失去光明;由于眼神经或视网膜所引起。

    Partial or total loss of sight without pathology of the eye ; caused by disease of optic nerve or retina or brain .

  4. 侧单眼神经内的神经胶质细胞大而平整,具有许多突起物(相当于脊椎动物的少突神经胶质细胞),每一个突起物包被一个感光轴突。

    The interior glial cells , likened to vertebrate oligodendroglia , are large and flatened with numerous processes each of which wraps a different photoreceptor axon .

  5. 目的比较胎儿和成人的眼神经与上颌神经的夹角,为婴幼儿上睑手术局部麻醉的进针提供解剖学依据。

    Objective To study the angle between the ophthalmic nerve and the maxillary nerve of the fetus and adults and to provide anatomic basis for babies ′ anaesthesia of supraorbital nerve .

  6. 海绵窦外侧壁可分为浅、深两层,动眼神经、滑车神经、眼神经和上颌神经穿行于深层中,77.28%的标本两层之间存在静脉窦。

    The lateral wall of the CS was divided into superficial and deep layers , nerves ⅲ, ⅳ, ⅴ 1 and ⅴ 2 run through the deep layer . In 77.28 % specimen , there exist venous sinus between the two layers .

  7. 颞前入路中颞极视野下可以通过离断动眼神经鞘向内侧推移动眼神经、切开小脑幕的方式进一步扩大动眼神经外侧间隙对基底动脉分叉部及其近端主干暴露术中实现近端控制。

    Under the view of temporal pole , Increased exposure of the trunk of the basilar artery from the interspace lateral to OMN in order to achieve proximal control of Aneurysm clipping in basilar artery bifurcation can be achieved by cutting tentorium and moving the OMN inwards .