
  • 网络eyeball wall;Wall of eyeball
  1. 目的分析X线、B超和CT对眼球壁异物定位的准确性,探讨较可靠的球壁异物定位方案。

    Objective To evaluate the accuracy of X ray , B - scan and CT in the localization of foreign bodies in the wall of eyeball .

  2. 显微手术治疗眼球壁及其附近病变

    Microsurgery to treat lesions in or near the eyeball wall

  3. 探询设计与生活的最佳配制CT联合B超诊断眼球壁异物是目前最佳的诊断方法组合。

    Inquiring Best Way to Match Design with Living CT combined with B - scan will be the best match .

  4. 结论MRI可用于眼内非磁性异物的诊断和定位,检出率高,在揭示异物与眼内组织的位置关系及显示眼内非磁性低密度异物方面优于CT,但对于眼球壁异物的显示则不如CT可靠。

    Conclusion MRI could be used in detection and localization of non magnetic intraocular foreign bodies with high positive rates in detection and superior to CT in demonstrating non magnetic intraocular foreign bodies with low density and the relationship between foreign bodies and intraocular tissues .

  5. 结果提示:CT和MRI均能有效地检出眼球壁异物,二者联合应用将提高眼球壁异物的检出率;

    The results demonstrated that CT or MRI was an effective method for detecting foreign bodies of ocular ball wall . The diagnostic positive rate of foreign bodies ocular ball wall would be improved , when CT and MRI were performed in the same case .

  6. 玻璃体切除眼球壁异物摘出术

    The extraction of intraocular foreign body of ocular wall with vitrectomy

  7. 眼球壁上软组织密度块影;

    Soft tissue density mass on walls of eye ball ;

  8. 应用间接立体检眼镜定位法摘出眼球壁异物

    Foreign Bodies Located in Eye Wall Extracted by Indirect Ophthalmoscope

  9. 后部眼球壁灰褐色隆起物声像学诊断

    The ultrasonographic diagnosis of grey brown oncoides Object in the posterior ocular wall

  10. 缺氧对新生大鼠眼球壁线粒体钙含量的影响

    Effect of Hypoxia on Mitochondrial Calcium Concentration of Eyeball Wall in Neonatal Rats

  11. 眼球壁模糊、增厚5例。

    Five cases of vague and thickened eyeball ;

  12. 目的对眼球壁向后膨隆呈杯状无回声的超声声像图进行诊断分析。

    Objective To analyze the ultrasonic images with cup-liked non-echo of eyecoat palinal bulged .

  13. 眼球壁先天异常声像图表现

    Echography appearances of eyeball wall congenital abnormal

  14. 方法回顾性分析78例(126眼)眼球壁先天异常声像学表现。

    Methods 126 eyes echography appearances of congenital abnormal of the eyeball wall were reviewed .

  15. 人5~6月胎儿眼球壁组织中纤维粘连蛋白的免疫细胞化学

    The immunocytochemical study of fibronectin in 5 ~ 6 month of human fetal eye tissues

  16. 目的探讨眼球壁先天异常声像学表现及其诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate echography appearances and diagnosis value of congenital abnormal of the eyeball wall .

  17. 方法对1993年6月~2000年12月间入院治疗的236例眼球壁异物进行临床回顾分析。

    Methods A retrospective review was conducted on 237 eyes from 236 patients with eye foreign bodies in the wall of eyeball .

  18. 目的探讨低增益高反射B超扫描检查方法在眼球壁异物诊断和定位中的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of low-plus and high-refl ection ultrasonic B technique in the diagnosis of ocular wall foreign bodies .

  19. 研究后部眼球壁灰褐色隆起物&脉络膜血肿及脉络膜黑色素瘤的声像学表现,以便对其进行声像学鉴别诊断。

    To study the ultrasonographic characteristics on grey brown oncoides Object in the posterior ocular wall ( choroidal hematoma and choroidal melanoma ) for differential diagnosis .

  20. 2在植入药栓后7天和21天,作临近的内层眼球壁组织电镜和光镜检查。

    Total biopsy including electro microscope on the tissues near the inner layer of the rabbit eyeball was undergone at 7 days and 21 days after the procedure .

  21. 当今最常见的外科治疗是在眼球壁上打孔,这通常会导致眼球塌陷、感染、形成白内障及其他并发症。

    The most common surgical treatment in use today perforates the wall of the eye , often resulting in collapse of the eyeball , infection , cataract formation and other complications .

  22. 对它们的发生部位、形态、边缘、密度、眶骨改变、眼球壁改变及眶周受累情况进行了分析。

    Analyzing of the site , the shape , the margin and the attenuation of them , and also the changes of the wall of the eyeball and the orbital bone were made .

  23. 形态边缘:肿瘤形态多不规则,边缘呈浸润状,沿眼球壁、泪腺、视神经、眼外肌、眶隔或眶壁蔓延生长。

    Shape and margin : Most tumors had an irregular shape with obscure margin , infiltrating around the structures of the eyeball , lacrimal gland , extraocular muscle , optic nerve and ( or ) bone .

  24. 结论兔先天性青光眼的房水排泄障碍部位可能在小梁,兔眼球壁对高眼压的耐受力弱,在高眼压下容易出现眼球扩张,视功能损害。

    Conclusions The location of aqueous humor drainage obstacle might be at trabecular meshwork of the congenital glaucoma , whose poor endurance of high intraocular pressure could result in the globe expansion and optic disc damage .

  25. 利用不同长度眼球壁表面函数值表,建立了一种函数表法辅助X线眼内异物定位诊断方法,并对53例边界或后极部眼异物进行回顾性诊断分析。

    A new method of locating intraocular foreign body ( IOFB ) with function table and X & ray films was established . 53 patients with IOFB were diagnosed retrospectively , and compared with traditional measuring method .

  26. 方法108例平均年龄为78.4岁的老年华人系列尸体解剖所得的212只眼球,取黄斑区全层眼球壁组织,作常规组织病理学检查。

    Methods Two hundred and twelve eyes from 108 consecutive cases of postmortem ( mean age of 78.4 years old ) sections of the area of macula lutea retinae were studied by histopathology .

  27. 高度近视眼球轴长、角膜曲率及后段眼球壁改变的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of the Pathological Changes of Axial Length , Corneal Curvature and Posterior Segment Wall of Eyeball in Eyes with High Myopia

  28. 在眼球动态数学模型基础上,建立了不同长度眼球球壁表面函数值表,用于辅助X线眼内异物定位诊断。

    A function table was established on the basis of dynamic mathematic model of eyeball , which consists of 7 group data standing for eyewall of 7 different length eyeballs . It can be used to improve the X-ray locating diagnosis of intraocular foreign body .