
  • 网络monitor;Visual Organ;visual apparatus;eye;LCD MONITOR
  1. 材料与方法:收集我院经手术及病理证实的56例鞍区肿瘤病例,针对视器变化资料及各类肿瘤的视器变化特点进行统计和分析。

    Materials and Methods : 56 Cases of surgically and pathologically proven sella area tumor were retrospectively analyzed . We analyzed the characteristic changes of the visual organ and visual pathway about sella area tumor .

  2. 耳压法治疗非视器引起视疲劳的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Treatment of Non Visual Organ Induced Asthenopia with Auricular Pressing Therapy

  3. 复杂目标和背景的红外与激光成象特性研究红外线暗视器摄取的图象

    Researches on Infrared and Laser Imaging Properties of Complex Targets and Background

  4. 本公司是生产装饰五金的专业企业,也是最大的门视器制造商之一。

    This company is specialized in producing decorating hardware , one of the largest door-mirror producers in China .

  5. 编辑终端机:能提取文件并可以校对它的内容的视觉显视器。

    Editing terminal : Visual display unit capable of retrieving a file and editing the contents of which .

  6. 结论复杂性颅-眶肿瘤多以视器改变为主要临床表现。

    Conclusion One of the most common clinical manifestations of the complex cranio-orbital tumors is disorders in optic organs .

  7. 其中39例(67.2%)有头痛、头晕等颅内压增高表现,54例(93.1%)出现视器症状。

    The patients showed the headache swirl as symptoms of increased intracranial pressure in 39 cases 67.2 % and had malfunction of optic organs in 54 93.1 % .

  8. 电脑分别是由主机,显视器,音响,鼠标键盘,组成的,我非常喜欢我的电脑。

    The computer respectively is by the main engine , obviously regards , the sound , the mouse keyboard , composes , I like my computer very much .

  9. 应用同心针电极,在SBR~1双线视波器上,观察与记录了29例健康医学生进行下颌运动时咀嚼肌的肌电活动。

    Electromyography of the muscles of mastication was observed during various mandibular movements in 29 healthy medical students through fire - wire concentric electrodes .

  10. 早期糖尿病大鼠视感受器超微结构变化

    Ultrastructural changes of photoreceptor of early diabetic rats

  11. 视音频延时器用大容量FIFO的设计

    A Deep FIFO Design for Video and Audio Delay Line Device

  12. 介绍视音频延时器用大容量FIFO的设计,大容量FIFO的设计采用了SDRAM代替双口RAM,并采用FPGA设计双口SDRAM控制器。

    A design of deep FIFO for video and audio delay line device is introduced . The deep FIFO is implemented by using SDRAM instead of dual port RAM , and a dual port SDRAM controller is implemented by FPGA .

  13. 电子废弃物是任何电器的东西,如旧电脑、视和遥控器等。

    E-waste is anything electronic such as old computers , televisions and remote controls .

  14. 自动视音频插播器

    The Auto Video / Audio Player

  15. 燃料导管的位置一般视空气旋流器的位置而定,并应留有足够长的预混段。

    The general locations of the fuel ducts are dependent on the position of the air cyclone , and long enough premixing segment should be set .

  16. 经鼻腔筛蝶窦入路,用自制视神经管损伤器损伤管内段视神经,建立TON模型,检测图形视觉诱发电位(PR-VEP),观察动物瞳孔对光反应。

    Pattern Visual Evoked Potential ( PR-VEP ) was examined before damage . Through the nasal cavity sieve and sphenoid sinus , optic nerve of the pipeline was damaged by the injury tool which was made by ourselves .

  17. 大白鼠大脑视区皮质棘器的微细结构

    The fine structure of spine apparatus in the visual cortex of the rat

  18. 目的探讨大鼠糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)早期视网膜毛细血管及视细胞(视感受器)的病变规律。

    Objective To explore the law of pathologic changes in retinal capillaries and visual cells ( visual receptors ) in rats with diabetes .