  • ear;any ear-like thing;ear of a utensil;on both sides
  • only;just
  • 听觉和平衡感觉的器官(通称“耳朵”):~背(bèi)。~垂。~鬓厮磨(mó)。~穴。~聪目明。~濡目染。

  • 像耳朵的东西:木~。银~。

  • 像耳朵一样分列两旁的东西:~房。鼎~。

  • 听说:~闻。~软。~顺(指年至六十,听到别人的话,就能知道他的微妙的意思,后指人六十岁)。

  • 文言助词,而已,罢了:想当然~。

  • 文言语气词(大致同“矣”):“且壮士不死则已,死即举大名~”。


(耳朵) ear:

  • 外[中; 内]耳

    the outer [middle; inner] ear;

  • 左耳进右耳出

    go in at one ear and out at the other;

  • 我亲耳听他这么说的。

    I heard him say so with my own ears.

  • 这音乐很刺耳。

    The music offended our ears.


(形状像耳朵的东西) any ear-like thing; ear of a utensil:

  • 鼎耳

    ears of a tripod;

  • 木耳

    an edible fungus;

  • 银耳



(位置在两旁的) on both sides; side:

  • 耳房

    side rooms;

  • 耳门

    side doors


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 耳元明

    Er Yuanming


[书] (罢了) only; just:

  • 距此不过五里耳。

    It's only five li from here.

  1. 这声音实际上是人耳难以听得到的。

    The sound is virtually undetectable to the human ear .

  2. 这种啸声人耳听不到。

    The whistle was inaudible to the human ear .

  3. 他那油亮的头发平平整整地梳向耳后。

    His glossy hair was sleeked back over his ears .

  4. 她朝耳后搽了点香水。

    She put a dab of perfume behind her ears .

  5. 她朝耳后搽了点香水。

    She dabbed a little perfume behind her ears .

  6. 他听到血液在耳中怦怦搏动的声音。

    The blood was pounding in his ears .

  7. 狗用爪子挠挠耳后。

    The dog scratched itself behind the ear .

  8. 他长着一对招风耳。

    His ears stick out .

  9. 那种废话都是左耳进,右耳出。

    That rubbish goes in one ear and out the other .

  10. 她在两耳后分别擦上一小滴麝香香水。

    She dabbed a drop of the musky perfume behind each ear .

  11. 她的心怦怦跳着,热血在耳中澎湃。

    Her heart was pounding and the blood roared in her ears .

  12. 耳垢堵塞耳道可能会影响听力。

    Hearing can be affected by ear wax blocking the ear canal .

  13. 他从耳后拿出一小段铅笔头。

    He pulled the stub of a pencil from behind his ear .

  14. 批评对我来说左耳进右耳出,毫无影响。

    All the criticism is water off a duck 's back to me .

  15. 那条狗抬起头,竖耳倾听。

    The dog lifted its head , listening

  16. 你的孩子将首先由耳鼻喉专科医生来诊察。

    In the first instance your child will be seen by an ear , nose and throat specialist

  17. 他对老师的教导塞耳不闻。

    He turned a deaf ear to the instruction given by his teacher .

  18. 远处的歌声随风飘送到我们耳中。

    A distant song was wafted to our ears .

  19. 耳的功能是听。

    The function of the ear is to listen .

  20. 距此不过五里耳。

    It 's only five li from here .

  21. 我知道这是他拉拢我,好让我俯首贴耳地为他效劳。

    I knew he was trying to wheedle me into being at his beck and call .

  22. 公安人员以迅雷不及掩耳之势直捣匪巢。

    The public security men drove straight to the bandits ' den with the suddenness of thunder bolt .

  23. 冷酷无情的话传到他的耳里来。

    The words fell , unrelenting , on his ears .

  24. 今天她在丽莉耳旁叽叽喳喳说的那些热情话并没惹丽莉发火。

    Today , her chirping enthusiasms did not irritate lily .

  25. 瞧你这耳音,连我的声音也听不出来了。

    What 's the matter with your hearing ? you can 't even recognise my voice .

  26. 两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书。

    Both ears are shut to what goes on outside the window ; the whole mind is concentrated on the sages'books . [ said , usu . disapprovingly , of one who is absorbed in study and oblivious of his surroundings ]

  27. 与向志愿者的左耳播放噪音相比,向他们的右耳播放噪音(刺激大脑左半球)更有可能唤醒他们。

    Playing sounds into the right ears ( stimulating the left hemisphere ) of volunteers was more likely to wake them up than if the noises were played into their left ear .

  28. 韦尔蒂的左耳现在已经失聪了,这让78岁的她很苦恼。

    It annoys Welty that , at 78 , her left ear has now given out .

  29. 如果你用右手触摸你的右耳,你的镜像就会用左手触摸它的左耳。

    If you touch your right ear with your right hand , your picture touches its left ear with its left hand .

  30. HeadphoneOCD(耳机强迫症)指用耳机时总想着要把L一边放到左耳里,R一边放到右耳里。

    Headphone OCD is a condition where you want the two earphones on a headset on the correct ears , that is , the left side is on left ear and right side is on right ear .