
shì ɡǎn xì bāo
  • rod cell
  1. 但就是这火眼金睛的猫头鹰到了白天,眼睛里的视杆细胞却失去了威力,成了地道的睁眼瞎。

    But even the piercing eyes of the owl to the day , in the eye rod cell has lost its power , became the authentic illiterate .

  2. 多巴胺主要影响视网膜视杆通路功能,实验动物采用具有以视杆细胞为主、具完备色素上皮层视网膜的金黄地鼠。

    Since that dopamine mainly affects the function of rod pathway , the golden hamster with rod cell dominant and fully pigment epithelium retina are chosen as the experimental animal .

  3. 我们测定了温度对两种全视杆细胞视网膜动物(大鼠和蛤蚧)ERP的影响。

    Dependence of ERP in two species of pure-rod retina ( rat and gecko ) on the temperature was studied .

  4. Wistar大鼠和RCS大鼠视网膜色素上皮细胞和视杆细胞外节表面Con-A受体

    The Con-A receptors of RPE cells and Ross surface of both Wistar rats and RCS rats

  5. 电镜下见缝合组视杆细胞外节变长,膜盘完整,RPE细胞胞质内含有外节膜盘片断的吞噬体明显减少。

    In the cytoplasm of RPEC , the phagosomes containing fractions of the membrane disc of outer segment were remarkably decreased .

  6. 结果第1组,于注射RA后第16天,视网膜下腔表达视杆细胞特异性标记抗体的视网膜感光细胞数量增多及内核层增厚;

    Results In group 1 , the number of the retinal cells expressing rod specific opsin marker in the subretinal space was significantly increased and the thickness of inner nuclear layer was also increased after the RA treatment for 16 days .

  7. 方法选取健康无眼病早产儿和足月产婴儿各25例进行闪光视网膜电图(ERG)检测,记录视杆细胞反应、视锥细胞反应及最大混合反应。

    Methods Flash electroretinography ( ERG ) was performed on 25 healthy preterm infants and 25 full-term ones , and the response of rod cells and cone cells and maximal mixed responses were recorded .

  8. 结果:与对照组比较,非渗出性AMD的双谷a波数减少,视杆细胞反应b波振幅降低(P<0.01),最大反应b/a比值异常(P<0.05)。

    Results : Compared to controls , the number of two trough a waves was reduced in AMD , b wave amplitudes of rod responses were lower ( P < 0.01 ) and the b / a ratio for maximum responses was abnormal ( P < 0.05 ) .

  9. 视网膜色素上皮和视杆细胞外节膜表面受体和配体的定位和分布

    Distribution of receptors on RPE cells and ligands on ROS sur-face

  10. 视网膜中央静脉阻塞中视锥和视杆细胞的a波

    Rod and cone a-waves in central retinal vein occlusion

  11. 视杆细胞视觉传导的慢快通道及临床应用研究进展

    Clinical application of rod slow and fast pathway

  12. 视杆细胞在数量上通常比视锥细胞多得多,对光线也更为敏感。

    Rods are much more numerous than cones and are vastly more sensitive to light .

  13. 同时施氏鲟仔鱼的视网膜中只有视杆细胞和单视锥细胞,这些结构特征不同于软骨鱼,也与大部分硬骨鱼有差异。

    The eyeball structures of Amur sturgeon larva are different from Chondrichthyes ' , and little disagreement with Teleost ' s.

  14. 在视网膜中央区,视杆细胞数与视锥细胞数之比为1:1;

    The ratio of rods to cones is about 1:1 in the center , and about 3:1 in the periphery .

  15. 结果光照后12小时,视杆细胞外节出现少量空泡变性;

    Results After 12 hour light exposure , slight vesiculation was observed in the rod outer segment of the retinas .

  16. 因而要理解所谓视觉通道,你首先应想到视网膜中的视杆细胞群和视锥细胞群之间也通过细胞连接。

    So in the case of the visual pathway , you start with the retina where rods and cones are connected by cells .

  17. 明确新生小牛视网膜视杆细胞体外发育过程中细胞形态及视色素分子分布的变化规律。

    To investigate the changes of cellular configuration and polarized characteristic of visual pigment during the development of rod cells of neonatal calf in vitro .

  18. 结论早产儿出生6~8个月时中心视觉基本接近同年龄足月儿,但视杆细胞功能较弱;

    Conclusions The central visual functions of preterm infants are close to full-term infants at the age of6 to8 months , excepting the weaker rod function .

  19. 36小时后,视杆细胞内、外节溶解,外核层大量细胞核丢失。

    After 36 hour light exposure , the rod outer and inner segments were lysed and most of the nuclei in the outer nuclear layer were disappeared .

  20. 这个基因的蛋白质编码协助维生素A转换成一种被视网膜感觉细胞(视杆细胞和视锥细胞)用来产生视紫红质的物质,而视紫红质是一种能吸光的色素。

    The protein encoded by the gene helps convert vitamin A into a form used by the retina 's light-sensing cells ( rods and cones ) to make rhodopsin , a pigment that absorbs light .

  21. 结果病程1月组,周细胞和内皮细胞核异染色质边集,视杆细胞膜盘模糊不清,间隙略有扩大;

    Results In one month course group , metachromatin of pericytes and endothelial cell nucleus got together and were kept to sides , and membrane disks of rod cells were obscure with space slightly enlarged .

  22. RCS大鼠视网膜水平细胞与视杆双极细胞形态的改变未影响无长突细胞的树突在内网状层的分层。

    The morphology changes of horizontal cell and rod bipolar cell in RCS rats did not affect the lamination of amacrine cells ' dendrites in IPL .

  23. 本研究结论:1、RCS大鼠视网膜水平细胞与视杆双极细胞在变性过程中形态的改变是由于光感受器的凋亡引起的继发性反应,其形态的稳定依赖于光感受器。

    The morphology changes of horizontal cell and rod bipolar cell in RCS rats are secondary reactions caused by photoreceptor apoptosis , the stabilization of structure is dependent on photoreceptors . 2 .

  24. 培养30d以后,视杆-双极细胞逐渐衰老。

    Rod-bipolar cells after 30 days in vitro tend to undergo degeneration .

  25. 脉络膜毛细血管层是视网膜的血供来源之一,供养视网膜外层,即视杆视锥细胞和视网膜色素上皮(RPE)。

    Blood supply of retina posseses both retinal and choroidal components . The choriocapillaris nourishes the outer layers of the retina , including retinal pigment epithelium ( RPE ), rods and cones .

  26. 瞳孔对光反射、视锥视杆细胞的生理功能、视杆细胞感光换能机制;

    Pupilary light reflex , Physiological function of rod and cone , Photosensory transduction mechanism of rod ;

  27. 正常发育的斑马鱼,腹部视网膜的RA丰富,视杆和视锥细胞的分化强烈,表明RA信号系统在视杆、视锥的分化成熟中和眼球早期发育起作用。

    In normal developed zebrafish , retinoic acid is abundant in abdominal part of the retina , where the development of cones and rods is obvious . This means retinoic acid is effective in cone and rod development and eye development .

  28. 在哺乳动物中,CRX基因在发育中和成熟的视杆、视锥细胞中高表达,内核层的外层弱表达,在松果体中也有表达。

    In mammal , CRX is mainly expressed in developing and mature rods and cones , weakly expressed in inner nuclear layer , it is also expressed in apophysis ossium .

  29. 老年黄斑变性早期局部视锥细胞视杆细胞功能研究

    Local cone and rod functions in early age-related macular degeneration

  30. 通过计数存活和凋亡的视锥和视杆细胞来定量光感受器细胞的凋亡和细胞丢失。

    Photoreceptor cell apoptosis and cell loss were assessed quantitatively by counting both surviving and apoptotic rod and cone cells .