
shì chā
  • parallax;parallax error;optical parallax
视差 [shì chà]
  • [optical parallax] 直接用肉眼观测时所产生的误差

视差[shì chā]
  1. 而视差的影响是主要的误差因素。本文就视差的定义、产生视差的原因以及视差的影响作了阐述和分析。

    The parallax error is the major factor in error , this artiales with regard to the definition of error , has explained and analyzed the cause of parallax error and the effect .

  2. 冗余离散小波变换立体视差估计及DSP实现

    Redundant discrete wavelet transforms based disparity estimation and its DSP implementation

  3. N(Z)的和图.一种基于最小割的稠密视差图恢复算法

    An Algorithm for Dense Disparity Mapping by Using Graph Cuts

  4. 该算法融合了Direct模式提前终止算法、可变尺寸块帧间预测算法和视差估计提前跳过算法。

    This algorithm combines the Direct mode early termination , variable size inter prediction and early disparity estimation skipping .

  5. 缺陷定位的方法主要有黑度法、体视法、工业CT及视差法等,其中视差法相对于其它几种方法,以其操作简便、适用范围广而得到了普遍应用。

    The methods of location defects include : Density Method , Stereo-scope Observing , Industrial CT and Parallax .

  6. 对于B帧和P帧中由于错误匹配而产生的块虚像,通过优化运动估计和视差估计来去除。

    For blocking effects in P-frames and B-frames , a new method of optimizing motion estimation and disparity estimation algorithms is proposed .

  7. 本文从人类立体视觉的原理出发,重点讨论在计算机中如何从3D模型获取用于裸眼立体显示视差图像的问题。

    The problem of how to extract parallax images from computer3D models used in stereoscopic display is discussed in this paper .

  8. 本文提出了一种快速,可靠的立体匹配算法产生浓密视差图,通过使用快速互相关、矩形秩和3D最大表面技术粗到细计划。

    The disparity map forms the basis of many computer vision techniques . A disparity map is effectively a limited3D model .

  9. 同时Beliefpropagation全局能量最小化方法又可保证视差的整体平滑性。

    And Belief Propagation , a global energy minimization method , can keep the overall smoothness of disparity map .

  10. LCD器件电光参数测量中视差的研究

    Study of the Parallax in the Measurement of Electro-Optic Parameters in the LCD Devices

  11. 一种基于MPEG-2的立体视频编码中的视差匹配快速算法

    Fast Disparity Correspondence Algorithm for Stereo Video Coding Based on MPEG-2

  12. 图6演示了SnailBait如何实现该视差。

    Figure 6 illustrates how Snail Bait implements parallax .

  13. 视差诱发了枕叶皮层的负波N2。

    Disparity induced a large N2 in occipital region .

  14. 消除垂直视差的过程被称为外极线校正。本文提出了一种针对3D电影的外极线校正方法。

    The process of eliminating the vertical disparities is also known as " stereo rectification " . This paper proposes a new method of stereo rectification .

  15. 基于计算得到的视差图,提出了一种结合深度信息以及ActiveContour算法的人体轮廓提取算法。

    Based on the disparity map , we proposed a method that combines depth information and active contour algorithm to extract human body contour from images .

  16. 具有视差的立体图对的沃尔什(Walsh)谱分析

    Analysis of Walsh spectra of stereoscopic pairs

  17. 在此基础上,利用对应点的视差计算基于双CCD成像的目标深度信息。

    On the basis of such a result , the depth information is computed by using the disparity of corresponding points in two images .

  18. 竖基线视差法测量一般必须使用精密的经纬仪,例如J2级光学经纬仪,才能达到满意的测距精度。

    The measurement of subtense method with vertical staff generally requires the use of precision theodolites such as J2 order optical theodolites .

  19. 在普通液晶显示器的背光源与LCD屏之间插入一块特殊的光栅板是主流自由立体显示器基本配置,照明盒与光栅板结合构成视差照明方式实现对LCD屏的照明。

    The mainstream configuration of autostereoscopic display is to insert a shutter between liquid crystal display ( LCD ) screen and illumination box .

  20. 具体在以下几个方面的研究工作中取得了进展及创新:1、通过试验的方法,将CCD自然图像的随机噪声分成测量噪声、照度噪声和视差噪声三类,进行定性和定量的分析。

    Classified the random noise of CCD natural images into three categories : measuring noise , illumination noise and noise coming from parallax according to experimentation , qualitative and quantitative analyze them .

  21. 描述的子空间投影技术(SPT)是一种把视差补偿(DC)和二维低阶近似相结合的立体图像编码方法。

    This paper describes a stereo image coding algorithm & the subspace projection technique ( SPT ), which is based on disparity compensation and two-dimensional low order approximation .

  22. 垂直视差的存在是造成观看者头晕、眼胀等视觉疲劳现象的主要原因之一,因而探寻通过对3D电影进行后期校正来消除垂直视差的理论和方法具有重要意义。

    Vertical disparities is one of reasons that will make the viewer feel dizzy , eye strain and visual fatigue . Therefore , the research to find the theory and method to eliminate the vertical disparities is meaningful .

  23. 推导了立体视差法中距离分辨率,探测范围、探测距离、两CCD摄象机的间距及CCD本身各参数之间的关系。

    The relations among the resolution of the range , the detection space , the detecting range , the separation between two CCD cameras and parameters of CCD itself are derived in the paper .

  24. 本文以3D视频显示屏幕尺寸变化对人眼感知到的景深的影响为切入点,研究了3D视频后处理中的若干问题,如视差图的获取和视点合成等。

    In this paper , 3D video post-processing technologies , such as disparity map computation , view synthesis , and so on , are researched based on the discussion about the impact of display screen size changing on objects ' depth perceived by human eyes .

  25. 应用Moravec算子对视差矢量图进行检测,提取特征视差矢量并对其进行精确度检验。

    Moravec operator is used to find out characteristic disparity vectors in disparity images for precision confirmation .

  26. 提出了一种基于块的最大后验概率(MAP)的立体视差估计算法,可在相关法和MSE法的基础上引入先验知识,从而更好地提高匹配性能。

    A new algorithm for stereo disparity estimation by employing maximum a posteriori ( MAP ) criterion is proposed . It can introduce prior knowledge to the normalized correlation and MSE methods to increase matching performance . 5 .

  27. 大部分研究者在视差选择这一步采用WTA策略(赢家通吃),同时致力于通过改善其它三部分来提高匹配精度。

    Most researchers choose the WTA ( Winner-Takes-All ) method in the part of disparity computation and improve the algorithms in the remaining three parts .

  28. 由于每个GCP聚类代表着一定的视差范围,这样所得到的区域集往往能正确反映出场景中不同表面分布的情况。

    Finally each GCP cluster stands for certain range of disparity , and the result of regions can correctly reflect the distribution of surfaces in the scene .

  29. 该算法基于Tao算法框架,通过图像分割、初始视差获取、初始模板计算、区域及模板优化、模板分配等步骤来实现。

    This algorithm is based on the framework of the Tao algorithm and the whole algorithm includes several steps , such as image segmentation , initial disparity acquirement , initial plane fitting , region and plane refinement , and plane labeling .

  30. 此外,由于采用了基于SSD算法的特征点立体匹配算法,并应用外极线约束和视差梯度约束,提高了匹配算法的精度和鲁棒性。

    Moreover , the Precision and robustness of the algorithm was enhanced since the algorithm of image matching of feature Points based on SSDA algorithm , the epipolar restriction and the Parallax gradient restriction is applied .