
  • 网络UPPER;upper punch;overshoot;ATTACK
  1. 它能有效地削弱高速总线中上冲和振铃对信号完整性的不利影响,有效地提高总线信号的完整性,从而提高总线速度。

    It can greatly reduce the harm of overshoot and ringing in high speed backplane bus , and observably improve the signal integrity in high speed bus .

  2. 分析了高速背板总线中传统匹配情况下产生上冲和振铃的原因,指出在高速背板总线设计中的一种创新性的匹配方式&组合式匹配的合理性。

    Based on analyzing the source of overshoot and ringing in high speed backplane bus with general termination , a innovative method of termination & combined termination is recommended .

  3. 一个漂亮的小女孩从楼梯上冲下来。

    A pretty young girl came hurtling down the stairs .

  4. 一只金刚鹦鹉站在栖木上冲他尖叫。

    A macaw screeched at him from its perch .

  5. 小鸟站在栖木上冲蛇尖叫。

    The little bird screeched at the snake from its perch .

  6. 我的心把她的波浪在世界的海岸上冲激着,以热泪在上边写着她的题记:“我爱你。”

    My heart beats her waves at the shore of the world and writes upon it her signature in tears with the words , " I love thee . "

  7. 微机上冲裁CAD系统的开发

    The Development of Blanking CAD System in Computer

  8. 据说,当时《Vogue》美国版的主编安娜·温图尔(AnnaWintour)从BCBG时装秀上冲了出去,一脸惊恐。

    The Vogue editor Anna Wintour was reported seen rushing out of the BCBG show , a stricken look on her face .

  9. 结果表明,短期遮光后两品系MDA含量都明显增加,叶片上冲型品系增加幅度低于叶片平展型品系,说明恢复过程中叶片上冲型品系具有更强的恢复能力。

    The result showed that the MDA content of two stains increased obviously after short term shade , the range of increase of uprush-leaf stain was lower than spreading-leaf stain , and uprush-leaf stain had stronger recovery ability than spreading-leaf stain during the recovery .

  10. 在褶皱和上冲作用下,一些地层发生了倾斜,此时TI介质的对称轴不再水平或者垂直,就形成了所谓的TTI介质。

    Some strata caused by folds and uprush may tilt , TI media will turn to so-called tilted transversely isotropic media ( TTI media ), for the symmetry axis of TI media is no longer horizontal or vertical .

  11. 一位居住在弗罗里达海边的流浪者KipWagner发现沙滩上冲上来很多1714年的硬币,后来他找到了这些沉没的珍宝。

    Kip Wagner , a beachcomber living on the Florida coast , discovered the location of the sunken treasure after finding a number of coins dated 1714 washed up on the shore .

  12. 岩浆岩定位机制的新类型&螺旋上冲

    A new type of magmatic rock orientation mechanism : screw upwelling

  13. 那战士拔剑向敌人身上冲去。

    The warrior drew his sword , and rushed upon his enemy .

  14. 下雨了,把蜘蛛从水管上冲了下来。

    Down came the rain and washed the spider out ;

  15. 侯恩瞪了他一眼,他的火气又往上冲了。

    Hearn stared at him a moment , his anger pulsing again .

  16. 这辆轻型货车开始从山上冲下来,冲向交通圈。

    The van began to rush down the hill towards the traffic circle .

  17. 约翰匆匆忙忙穿上裤子,向街上冲去。

    Hastily John drew on his trousers and rushed out into the street .

  18. 她看见疲惫的消防员正带着救火设备向上冲。

    She saw exhausted firemen going up carrying equipment .

  19. 她向上冲着黑暗的空间大喊,没有人回应她。

    She screamed into the black void above her . She got no response .

  20. 肝火上冲或气血大虚都可形成本病。治疗中多用疏肝、清肝之剂。

    Liver heat uprush or very deficient Qi and blood can cause the disease .

  21. 穆罕穆德未曾如同在空中行走,从山上冲下来

    Muhammad did not come floating off the mountain as though walking on air .

  22. 水从山上冲下来,把树上的枝叶都冲跑了。

    The water raced down the mountain and tore leaves and branches from the trees .

  23. 阀面上冲有导向孔或微型固阀。

    The valve face is provided with a pilot hole or a micro fixing valve .

  24. 汽车一头从堤岸上冲下来。

    The car plunged down the embankment .

  25. 可是,过了不久,有一种称为「东北风」的飓风,向岛上冲来。

    But not long after , there arose against it a tempestuous wind , called Euroaquilo .

  26. 当它在我的床上冲我咆哮时,我想,这太糟糕了。

    As she growled at me from my bed , I thought , This is bad .

  27. 一名目击者看到他从桥上冲下去,就在前一天下午1点58分。

    A witness had observed him jumping off the bridge at 1:58 p.m. the previous day .

  28. 当树木树根朝上冲我而来时,我以最好的滑翔俯仰并等待机会。

    I pitched for best glide and watched as the trees rose up to meet us .

  29. 可是,就在这时,从舷墙上冲过来的,犹如一只巨豹似的狂涛直泼在他身上。

    But at that moment he is sprung upon by a panther billow leaping over the bulwarks .

  30. 是不是系统会在它发力向上冲最高点范围内的自动成交?

    Can the system send force to develop apogee range up in it inside clinch a deal automatically ?