
mào yì é
  • Trade volume;volume of trade;business;turnover
  1. 与德国的贸易额增加了。

    The volume of trade with Germany has increased .

  2. 1840年以后,中越贸易额急遽下降。

    After 1840 , the Sino-Vietnam volume of trade dropped rapidly .

  3. 我们已经做出了艰苦努力,以挽回损失的贸易额。

    We have struggled mightily to win back lost trade .

  4. 如果进出口需求具有灵活性,那么贸易额的变化则可能会抵消盈余。

    If export and import demand is elastic , then the change in trade volumes will operate to remove the surplus .

  5. 与巴西的贸易额增加了。

    The volume of business with Brazil has increased .

  6. 亚太经合组织目前共有21个经济体成员,它们的人口占全球40%,GDP占全球57%,贸易额占全球46%。FTAAP|亚太自由贸易区

    The 21 APEC economies make up 40 percent of global population , 57 percent of the world 's GDP , and 46 percent of the global trade .

  7. 新世纪以来,中国同周边国家贸易额由1000多亿美元增至1.3万亿美元,已成为众多周边国家的最大贸易伙伴、最大出口市场、重要投资来源地。

    Since the beginning of the new century , China 's trade with its neighbors has grown from $ 100 billion and more to $ 1.3 trillion . China has become the largest trading partner , the biggest export market and a major source of investment of many of these countries .

  8. 实证分析证明我国进口贸易额的增长与经济增长之间存在正相关关系,并且进口贸易额每增长1%,能够促使GDP增长0.25%。

    Each 1 % increase of import would promote the GDP growth by 0.25 % .

  9. 随着中国加如WTO,中国进出口贸易额将逐步扩大,为航空货运提供了更加广阔的机会和市场空间。

    With China 's entry into WTO , the amount of import and export will increase , which offers more opportunities .

  10. 世界银行(WordBank)的数据显示,中国与撒哈拉以南非洲地区之间的贸易额从2002年的不到100亿美元增长到2013年的逾1700亿美元。

    Trade between China and sub-Saharan Africa was worth more than $ 170bn in 2013 , from less than $ 10bn in 2002 , according to the World Bank .

  11. 今年一季度,中国对外贸易额同比下降24.9%,而同期内国内生产总值(gdp)增长6.1%。

    Foreign trade for the first quarter fell 24.9 per cent year-on-year , but overall gross domestic product grew by 6.1 per cent during the same period .

  12. 印度在技术密集型服务业领域相对较强,服务贸易额占GDP的比重为15%,而中国为7%。

    India is relatively stronger in skill-intensive services : the ratio of trade in services to GDP was 15 per cent , against 7 per cent for China .

  13. 自从1994年加入nafta,与美国、加拿大的贸易额翻了三倍。

    Trade with the US and Canada has tripled since the implementation of NAFTA in 1994 .

  14. 在中国和SSA国家农业在GDP、劳动人数和贸易额中居于重要的地位。

    In China and SSA economies , agriculture occupies an important place in terms of its share in the GDP , workforce and foreign trade .

  15. 德国总理安吉拉默克尔(AngelaMerkel)最近宣布,未来五年,德中双边年度贸易额预计将达到2840亿美元。

    German chancellor Angela Merkel recently announced that annual Germany-China bilateral trade is expected to reach $ 284bn in the next five years .

  16. 对于供给预测,运用计量经济模型对供给、需求、运价、GNP、进出口贸易额等多变量之间复杂的相互关系进行动态模拟,定量的反映出各变量之间的因果关系;

    As to supply forecast , I use econometrics model to describe the complicated relationship of demand , supply , BDI , GNP etc.

  17. 此外,前景展望部分本文还结合运用灰色系统预测模型GM(1,1)对入世后中美贸易额、农产品贸易额、纺织品服装贸易额进行预测。预测得到的结果与定性分析的结论一致。

    In settlement plan , the thesis will use the forecasting method of GM ( 1,1 ) to forecast the Sino-US trade value , farm products trade value , textile and garment trade value .

  18. 伴随着中国加入WTO与世界经济全球化的发展,我国与世界上其他国家的关系往来日益紧密,对外贸易额显著增加,尤其是在工程领域更是突飞猛进。

    Along with the globalization of the world economy and China s accession to the WTO , China had had an increasingly close relationship with other countries , foreign trade volume increased significantly , especially in the engineering field by leaps and bounds .

  19. “继2月份贸易额下降后,3月份进出口全面反弹是非常令人鼓舞的,”道明银行(tdbank)经济学家阿利斯泰尔本特利(alistairbentley)表示。

    " The widespread rebound in imports and exports in March was very encouraging following the declines in trade volumes during February , " said Alistair Bentley , an economist at TD Bank .

  20. 实证分析使用Johansen协整检验研究了人民币实际汇率变动对中美双边贸易额的影响。

    Empirical analysis using the Johansen Cointegration Test of the RMB real exchange rate movements on the impact of China-USA bilateral trade volume .

  21. 中印这两个发展迅速的经济体已通过八国集团(G8)协调了它们应对气候变化的步骤,同时今年头4个月,双边贸易额飙升了56%。

    The two fast-growing economies have co-ordinated their approach to climate change through the Group of Eight , and bilateral trade surged 56 per cent in the first four months of the year .

  22. 然而,很少有人会否认,国内层面的有效监管是任何现代经济的一部分,而全球贸易额增速是全球GDP增速的两倍,国内与国际的区别已经模糊了。

    However , few would deny that effective regulation on a domestic level is part of any modern economy , nor that with global trade growing twice as fast as global gross domestic product , the distinction between what is domestic and what is international has become blurred .

  23. 山东对外贸易额进一步扩大;山东将实现出口市场的多元化;山东出口产业结构将进一步优化.然而,与此同时,CAFTA的建立也必定会给山东带来巨大的挑战。

    The export of Shandong will be further expanded ; the export markets of Shandong will be diversified ; the export industrial structure will be optimized , and so on . At the same time , however , there are still huge challenges to Shandong .

  24. 1995年,双边贸易额得到了发展。

    And in 1995 the trade volume began to increase again .

  25. 与欧洲国家之间的贸易额正快速增长。

    The volume of business with European countries is growing rapidly .

  26. 加拿大与印度的双边贸易额相对还很小。

    Two-way direct foreign investment between Canada and India is relatively low .

  27. 去年,中印两国贸易额超过600亿美元,中国成为印度最大贸易伙伴。

    Last year , the trade volume has reached over USD60 billion .

  28. 据估计,2006年中非贸易额为550亿美元。

    Africa-China trade was estimated at $ 55bn in 2006 .

  29. 现如今两国一年一度的贸易额已经超过5000亿。

    Today , annual trade between the two countries exceeds 500 billion .

  30. 去年的贸易额平均是多少?

    How does the volume of trade for last year average out ?