
mào yì zhàn
  • trade war
  1. 如果欧洲人不减少补贴,便会发生贸易战。

    If the Europeans did not reduce subsidies , a trade war would ensue

  2. 最重要的是达成协议,避免贸易战。

    The most important thing is to reach an agreement and to avoid a trade war .

  3. 他们告诉雅克·德洛尔必须不惜任何代价避免一场毁灭性的世界贸易战。

    They told Jacques Delors a disastrous world trade war must be avoided at all costs .

  4. 即使在情况最好的时候贸易战都是有害无利的,而在当前这种经济形势下只会是一场灾难。

    A trade war would be bad at the best of times , but in the current economic climate , it would be a disaster .

  5. 例句:您可以采取这些措施,从而降低贵公司在这场贸易战中躺枪的风险。

    You can decrease your company 's risk of becoming collateral damage in the trade war by taking these steps .

  6. 英国皇家国际事务研究所警示:不断升级的资源贸易战可能让世界贸易组织(WTO)的争端解决机制不堪重负。

    Chatham House warns that escalating trade wars over resources could overwhelm the dispute settlement regime at the World Trade Organisation .

  7. 中国已警告欧盟(EU)放弃征收有争议的、针对航空公司的碳排放税,否则就有引发全球贸易战的风险。

    China has warned the European Union to abandon its controversial carbon tax on airlines or risk provoking a global trade war .

  8. 本文通过论述中日贸易战的起始与解决,援引WTO《保障措施条款》,认为日本发动对中国三种农产品的紧急限制进口措施是违背WTO规则的。

    The article reviews the business conflict between China and Japan and concludes that the instant restrictions on our import are in breach of WTO Rules .

  9. 欧盟(EU)成员国投票通过一项针对高档进口纸征收反补贴关税的提案,欧洲与中国之间的贸易战就此拉开一条新战线。

    Europe is posed to open a new front in its trade battle with China after member states gave their assent to a proposal to put anti-subsidy duties on imports of high-end paper .

  10. 据信,德国担心在该国总理安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)按计划于8月份访华前引发一场欧中贸易战。

    Germany is understood to be wary of igniting a trade war with China before a planned visit by Chancellor Angela Merkel in August .

  11. 同时,最近各国以单方面阻止进口形式掀起一阵法律行动,并在世贸组织(wto)展开一连串诉讼,这或许会使一些漫不经心的观察者相信,贸易战正在爆发。

    Meanwhile , a recent flurry of legal activity in the form of unilateral blocks on imports , and of litigation at the World Trade Organisation , might persuade a casual observer that there is a trade war under way .

  12. 近几个月来,nba联盟绕开了一个与美国和中国面临的棘手问题:两国之间的贸易战,其中包括来回征收关税。

    The league has navigated its way around one thorny issue related to the U.S. and China in recent months : a trade war between the nations that includes back-and-forth tariffs .

  13. 如果不做出让步,欧洲国家将会对违反ETS的企业征收巨额罚款,并可能面临禁飞——这会引发贸易战。

    If a compromise is not found , European countries must levy hefty fines on offenders and may seize aircraft-which could set off a trade war .

  14. 阿尔卡特-朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)、诺基亚西门子网络(NokiaSiemensNetworks,简称NSN)和爱立信(Ericsson)等欧洲主要电信公司不想与中国打贸易战,以免破坏从中国价值32.5亿美元的4G招标中分一杯羹的前景。

    Leading European companies such as Alcatel-Lucent , NSN and Ericsson did not want a trade war with China to shatter their prospects of winning a slice of China 's $ 3.25bn 4G tender .

  15. 代表中国所有主要航空公司的中国航空运输协会(cata)的强硬立场,加剧了与欧盟的纠纷,空客(airbus)负责人警告称,这场纠纷可能升级为一场贸易战。

    The hard line from the China Air Transport Association , which represents all major Chinese airlines , intensifies a dispute with the European Union that the head of Airbus has warned could turn into a trade war .

  16. 北京经济咨询机构——龙洲经讯公司(Dragonomics)的葛艺豪(ArthurKroeber)表示:“中方一报还一报的措施,不太可能造成重大经济损害……我们不相信这一争端标志着将爆发大萧条时代的那种贸易战。”

    Arthur Kroeber of Drag - onomics , a Beijing-based economic consultancy , said : " Chinese tit-for-tat measures are unlikely to wreak significant economic damage   .   .   .   We don 't believe that the case marks the start of Depression-type trade wars . "

  17. 从技术差距到迫在眉睫的贸易战等一系列工业方面的问题。

    Industrial problems ranging from technology gaps to looming trade wars .

  18. 这很有可能导致2010年全球爆发贸易战。

    That may well lead to global trade war in 2010 .

  19. 这是否意味着一场电信贸易战打响了第一枪?

    Is this the first shot of a telecom trade war ?

  20. 替代汇率冲突和贸易战的手段是需求扩张。

    The alternative to currency conflict and trade war is demand expansion .

  21. 绿色壁垒往往成为国际贸易战中的重要手段。

    Green wall sometimes acts as an important means in international trade .

  22. 一是爆发贸易战的可能性日益加大。

    One is the increasing likelihood of a trade war .

  23. 两国间的贸易战趋于白热化

    The trade war Between the two countries is growing to be white-hot

  24. 钢铁贸易战&美国201条款背后的政治经济学

    Trade War-Political Economics behind " Clause 201 " in the United States

  25. 中日贸易战:原因、影响与对策

    Trade War between China and Japan : Causes , Influence and Countermeasures

  26. 因此,没有必要制造引发贸易战的恐慌。

    There is no need to generate hysteria about triggering trade wars .

  27. 在贸易战中,顺差国家可能的损失最大。

    In a trade war , surplus countries have most to lose .

  28. 从欧、日汽车贸易战看自动出口限制的作用

    The Function of Voluntary Export Restrains in Europe & Japan Auto Trade War

  29. 这可能引发令人讨厌的以牙还牙的贸易战。

    That could provoke a nasty tit-for-tat trade war .

  30. 观察员言论贸易战:连续上演的戏剧?

    Trade war : a series of soap opera is on the show ?