
xié yuē ɡuó
  • ally;the Allies;entente;entente countries;confederate
协约国 [xié yuē guó]
  • [Allies;Allied power;Entente countries in World War I] 第一次世界大战时,指最初由英、法、俄等国结成的战争集团,随后有美、日、意等二十五国加入

  1. 诚然,奥斯曼帝国(ottomanempire)的确承认败给了协约国(entente),此后数月中,英国对诸多奥斯曼机构具有极大的影响力。

    The Ottoman Empire did , of course , accept defeat by the Entente , and in the months that followed , Britain had much sway over the Ottoman institutions .

  2. 我协约国已决定宣战。

    Our Entente have [ has ] decided to declare war .

  3. 1915年,意大利加入协约国参战。

    Italy joined the war on the Allied side in 1915 .

  4. 用尽一切欺瞒和阻挠的手段来避开协约国委员会的耳目。

    Every form of deception and every obstacle baffled the Allied commission .

  5. 在第一次世界大战中,中国加入了协约国阵营,并先后对德国断交、宣战。

    During the first World War , China joined the Allies .

  6. 其时,21艘协约国战舰正在港口停泊。

    Meanwhile , 21 allied warships sat in the harbour .

  7. 但这并没有阻止她为协约国服务。

    But she did not let it stop her from serving the Allies .

  8. 强加于德国的《凡尔塞条约》正式宣告协约国的胜利。

    The Treaty of Versailles , imposed on Germany , formalized the Allied victory .

  9. 在这种威胁面前,协约国诸领导人暂时屈服。

    The Allied leaders surrendered for the moment in the face of this threat .

  10. 1945年的今天,二战中驻意大利的德国军队无条件的向协约国投降。

    1945-World War II : The German Army in Italy unconditionally surrenders to the Allies .

  11. 协约国取得宣传战胜利的原因是多方面的。

    The article analyzes the reason why the Entente Countries won the war of propaganda .

  12. 正是在这里,德军首次使用了氯气和芥子气武器对抗协约国军队。

    It was here that the Germans first used chlorine and mustard gas on Allied troops .

  13. 美国及其协约国怀疑伊朗利用其和项目来发展核武器。

    The United States and its allies suspect Iran is using its nuclear program to develop weapons .

  14. 协约国所获得的这支新生力量将在击败德国时扮演极为重要的角色。

    The extra strength they gave the Allies would play a major part in helping defeat Germany .

  15. 最大的区别:协约国对中国来说是有利的,同盟国是要侵略中国的。

    The biggest distinction : the entente countries is advantageous to china , ally wants aggressive china .

  16. 第一次世界大战结束后不久,协约国在巴黎召开了处置战败国的国际会议。

    The Entente Powers met in Paris to dispose the defeated countries after the First World War .

  17. 战败的德国和奥地利(比利时和协约国的敌人)没有受到邀请。

    Germany and Austria , the defeated enemies of Belgium and the Allies , were not invited .

  18. 选定战争代理人之后,协约国各国变得或多或少地不再关心此事。

    Having licensed a war by proxy , the allies in varying degrees turned cool on it .

  19. 协约国和同盟国在一战中展开了激烈的宣传战。

    There was a heated propaganda war between the Entente Countries and the Ally Countries during WWI .

  20. 德国代表与协约国在法国凡尔赛签订《凡尔赛和约》。

    Peace treaty between German representatives and Allied Powers was signed in the palace at Versailles in france .

  21. 波斯尼亚的命运在西方手中;责任归于协约国。

    The fate of Bosnia lies in the hands of the West ; The responsibility rests with the Allies .

  22. 接着重点论述巴黎和会上,美国提出的赔偿政策、坚持的赔偿原则在英、法等协约国的压力下如何逐一地被挫败。

    It focuses on how American reparations policy and principle were defeated by Britain and France in the conference .

  23. 第一次世界大战爆发后,澳大利亚和日本同在协约国阵营。

    While the World War I broke out , Australia and Japan fought in the same camp for the Triple Entente .

  24. 协约国是指过去你曾在战争中打败过而现在站在你这边的国家。

    An ally is a nation which you beat in a war some time ago and which is now on your side .

  25. 他们承认,由于领袖的果敢,已使他们在军备的任何方面都确定走在各协约国的前面。

    They recognized that by the audacity of the leader , they were definitely ahead of the allies in every form of rearmament .

  26. 伊普尔一带,协约国与德军曾展开近四年的拉锯战,许多著名战役在此地上演,其间死伤无数。

    Around Ypres , the Allies and the Germans fought for nearly four years in a marathon slugfest that produced some of the war 's most famous and deadly battles .

  27. 1917年,美国加入协约国作战,与掌握加拿大外交权的英国的关系进一步改善。

    In 1917 , the United States joined the Allies and further improved the relationship with the United Kingdom which mastered the right of Foreign Affairs to the Canadian Department .

  28. 在英国属土或协约国申请注册而自该申请之日起计六个月之限期尚未届满之商标。

    In respect of which a period of 6 months has not expired since the date of the application for the registration thereof in a British territory or a Convention country .

  29. 这个问题的处理不仅关系到中德关系此后如何发展,还牵涉了协约国的在华各项利益。

    The treatment of this problem is related to the interests of all sectors of China , also to how to develop bilateral relations , and involves the allies ' interests in China .

  30. 此后,德军又欲侧面包夹法国的重要海港加来和布伦,协约国军队拼力阻击。

    After that , the conflict shifted toward Belgium as the Germans tried a flanking maneuver and the Allies raced to protect their control of the vital French seaports of Calais and Boulogne .