
xínɡ wéi zhǔn zé
  • Code of Conduct;ethic;principle;standard of conduct;discipline;decency;principles of conduct
  1. 这里不存在任何国际规章或国际行为准则。

    Here there are no international rules nor any international standard of conduct .

  2. 证据是公共行政的事实根据,证据规则是公共行政必须遵循的行为准则。

    Evidence is the factual ground for public administration , and the rule of evidence is standard of conduct , which must be followed in public administration .

  3. 该报违反了保护隐私的行为准则。

    The newspaper breached the code of conduct on privacy

  4. 他说这一条款并未违反行业的行为准则。

    He said the article did not contravene the industry 's code of conduct .

  5. 对于欧洲人来说,法律是对基本文明行为准则的表述。

    For Europeans , the law is a statement of basic principles of civilised conduct

  6. 英国的医生说急需新的行为准则来保护医患关系。

    Doctors in Britain say a new code of conduct is urgently needed to protect the doctor-patient relationship .

  7. 我们每个人都应该遵守社会行为准则。

    Everyone should abide by our social norms .

  8. 以下就是理财顾问RonHart为我们提供的一些重要的行为准则。

    So here with some important dos and don'ts , financial adviser , Ron Hart .

  9. 为先发制人地克服这种反对,去年一些主权财富基金达成了《圣地亚哥原则》(santiagoprinciples),这是一套行为准则,承诺进行透明和非政治性的投资。

    To pre-empt such opposition , SWFs last year agreed on the " Santiago Principles " , a code of conduct promising transparent and non-political investments .

  10. 解雇位高权重但却表现不合格的人物可以传递出这样一个信息:CEO与普通员工享受平等待遇,公司行为准则不容破坏。

    Firing powerful people who fail to uphold standards sends a message that no one is immune , that codes of conduct are set in stone .

  11. 随着RUP在行为准则方面的不断扩充,至少可以确保软件财务信息是正确可靠的。

    Following RUP with the addition of codes of conduct can ensure , at a minimum , software financial information is accurate and reliable .

  12. 我猜我在社交行为准则上属于简·奥斯汀(JaneAusten)派,认为“先生”和“女士”,“请”和“对不起”是日常交流中适宜的说法。

    I guess I 'm of the Jane Austen school of social conduct that believes'sir'and'ma'am , ''please'and'pardon me'are proper forms of address in daily discourse .

  13. 这一行为准则声明由担任首席执行官到2010年的韦骏贤(johnvarley)签署,并由他的继任者强化。

    That statement was signed by John Varley , chief executive until 2010 , and reinforced by his successor .

  14. 然而,网上的一些评论非常无礼,作为格雷厄姆的雇主,我们提醒Facebook,它违反了行为准则。

    However , some of the comments on the website were deeply offensive and , as Graham 's employer , we alerted Facebook to this contravention of its code of practice .

  15. 现有的最佳范例就是世界贸易组织(WTO)。在这个组织中,中国必须遵循众多主要国家都赞同的行为准则。该组织还拥有一个有序的裁定程序。

    The best existing example is the World Trade Organisation , where China is obliged to play by the rules that a number of leading countries have subscribed to , and which has an orderly process of adjudication .

  16. AndrewCuomo希望金融自助办公室和贷款提供者能够遵循一系列规则,大学贷款行为准则。

    Andrew Cuomo wants financial aid offices and lenders to follow a set of rules , a College Loan Code of Conduct .

  17. 全球银行业协会国际金融研究所(instituteofinternationalfinance)正试图制定一套最佳行为准则,劝阻银行不要提供让交易员进行风险过高押注的激励同时避免在情况恶化时,让他们逃脱责难。

    In particular , the Institute of international finance , a global association of banks , is seeking to create a code of best practice , which would discourage banks from giving incentives to traders to take excessively risky bets while failing to censure them if these turn sour .

  18. 搜索引擎BuscaDesconto,不仅组织巴西的黑色星期五在线购物活动,同时还与巴西的电子商务商会(E-CommerceChamber)合作,为参与电商制定行为准则,以此来规范他们的顾客服务,向“外国佬”的水平看齐。

    Search engine Busca Desconto , which helps organize Black Friday on line in Brazil , partnered with the Brazilian E-Commerce Chamber to create a code of ethics for participating e-tailers , in an effort to move them into good ole gringo-style customer service .

  19. 为了确保NDE结果的客观公正性与可靠性,必须对NDE的技术与行为准则有深入的认识与把握。

    In order to assure the reliability and justness of NDE results , the code of technology and conduct for NDE must be understood and grasped .

  20. 云南中青旅一贯秉承“诚信服务”的经营理念,以“4P旅游新理念”为企业发展的行为准则。

    CYTS Tours in Yunnan consistently uphold the " integrity services " business philosophy ," 4 P Tourism New Concept " for the development of standards of conduct .

  21. EVA是由美国纽约Stem&Steward咨询公司提出的一种业绩评价方法,目的在于准确反映公司为股东创造的价值,促使公司管理者以股东价值最大化作为其行为准则。

    As a performance measurement put forward by the consulting firm Stern & Steward , EVA is intended to present accurately the value created for shareholders , so that managers may view shareholder value maximization as their code of conduct .

  22. 维克上周由于涉嫌违反联盟的新个人行为准则而被NFL总裁罗杰。古德尔禁止参加训练营。

    Vick , indicted last week , was barred from training camp by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell while the league looks into possible violations of its new personal conduct policy .

  23. 但法国最大上市银行巴黎银行(BNPParibas)则说,它希望在欧洲建立一个更强大的监管机构,让该机构为所有银行确立行为准则。

    But executives at BNP Paribas , France 's largest publicly listed bank , said they favor setting up a stronger regulatory body in Europe that could ' benchmark all banks . '

  24. 循环经济是一种新型的经济形态,强调最有效地利用资源和保护环境,以减量化、再使用、再循环的3R原则作为经济活动的行为准则。

    As a new economic pattern , recycling economy emphasizes on the effective use of resource and protection of environment according to the behavior rules of " reduction , reuse and recycle " .

  25. 随着时间的推移,多数大型新兴经济体应逐渐转向G7准则;较小的经济体可能需要维持灵活性,但这可能是能够安排的&也许借助一套行为准则。

    Over time , most large emerging economies should move to the G7 norm ; smaller economies may need to retain flexibility , but this could be accommodated , perhaps by a code of conduct .

  26. 中方愿同东盟国家继续全面有效落实《宣言》,并在协商一致基础上,积极稳妥推进南海行为准则(COC)磋商。

    China will continue to work with ASEAN countries to fully and effectively implement the DOC and will work for positive and steady progress in the consultations on a code of conduct in the South China Sea ( COC ) on the basis of consensus building .

  27. 文明礼貌是社会生活中最基本的行为准则。

    Politeness is the basic norm of behavior in social life .

  28. 船级社的行为准则和法律责任

    On the Principles of Conduct for Classification Societies & Their Liabilities

  29. 阐述了环境监理行为准则与现场监理的关系。

    The relation between conduct code and field supervising is expounded .

  30. 着装心理和行为准则研究

    An investigation of criterion on psychology and behaviour of dressers