
  • 网络academy education
  1. 这些因素使得书院教育呈现出明显的科举化特征。

    These elements made the academy education present the obvious characters of the imperial examination .

  2. 此理念既体现了封建社会对教育的基本要求,又反映了朱熹对书院教育的认识和基本主张。

    This idea not only embodies the basic aim of education in feudal society but also reflects his knowledge and essential view of academy education .

  3. 蓄德为先&论书院教育的道德诉求及其历史影响

    Moral Appeal of Education in Classical Academy and its Historical Impact

  4. 我国古代书院教育对当代研究生教育的启示

    The Enlightenment on Contemporary Postgraduate Education from the Ancient Academy Education

  5. 浅议颜元的书院教育改革

    A tentative study of the reforms on academic education by Yan Yuan

  6. 张栻书院教育思想对湖南一师早期师范教育的影响

    Influence of Zhang Shi 's College Education Thoughts on Hunan First Normal College

  7. 书院教育制度文化的现代启迪

    Modern enlightenment from the culture of educational regulations in academy of classical learning

  8. 古代书院教育特点及其现代启示

    On the Features and Enlightenment of Classical Academy Learning

  9. 清代侗族地区的书院教育

    Education through Academies of Classical Learning in Dong Nationality Areas in Qing Dynasty

  10. 中国书院教育与大学精神

    China 's Shuyuan Education and the Spirit of Universities

  11. 中国古代书院教育理念及人文精神再论

    A Further Study of Educational Beliefs on Chinese Ancient Academy and Its Humanism Spirit

  12. 洛阳古代书院教育对洛阳现代高等教育的启示

    Nudge Drawn from Education of Ancient Academy of Classical Learning for Contemporary Higher Education

  13. 李觏以礼论为基石的书院教育思想

    The Manner Theory as Base of the Academy of Classical Educational Thought of LI Gou

  14. 论中国书院教育的层次性

    On the Features of the Level-directed Education in the Academies of Classical Learning in China

  15. 古代书院教育对于现今课改的启示

    The Enlightenment of Ancient Education in the Academy of Classical Learning on Today 's Classroom-teaching Reform

  16. 明清书院教育的社会效益机制及其启示

    The Social Benefits Mechanisms of Shuyuan Education and Its Message in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  17. 古代书院教育特色及其对免费师范生培养的启示

    The Characteristic of Education in Ancient Educational Academy and Its apocalypse on Free Education for Students in Teacher Education Program

  18. 他认为教育应摆脱科举的束缚,主张废除八股取士,改革书院教育。

    He argues that the education should be free from shades of imperial examination and the stereotyped writing , and that academies need reforming .

  19. 本文对宋元时期的书院教育进行了综述研究,在总结已有研究成果的基础之上,对宋元书院的教育思想及理念,和教学管理及教学方法进行了分析研究。

    Based on the summary of the research results , the educational thought and conception , teaching management and method are analyzed and researched .

  20. 倡行书院教育,强调“自由讲论”;其追求“复性”、修德的人文教育思想及实践,与纽曼的博雅教育有异曲同工之处。

    Pursuits " the return of human nature " and thought and practice of humanism education and is similar with liberal education of Newman .

  21. 围绕这一点,该文从书院教育的特点和院规两个方面进行了讨论,并在此基础上概述了书院尚德教育的历史影响。

    Centering on this , the paper discussed the characteristic of education and the rules in classical academy , as well as its historical influence .

  22. 王韬的书院教育则属于新型书院,与传统型书院比较,在教育内容上更注重对西方自然科学知识的教授。

    Wang Tao 's academy education is new academy , compared with traditional academy ; his academy education pays more attention to western natural science knowledge .

  23. 以学规为中心考察了朝鲜时代书院教育的目的、内容和方式。

    In this thesis , I studied the methods , contents , and aims of Confucian academy education in Chosun period through the school regulations of academies .

  24. 并根据当前我国教育改革的趋势,研究了宋元时期书院教育对我国当前教育的启示。

    According to the trend of our educational reform , it also studies the enlightenment of the Academy in Song and Yuan Dynasties on our current education .

  25. 可以说宋代书院教育的重要特色之一就是它对品德教育的高度重视。

    The Academy attached great importance to moral education , it can be said which is one of the important characteristics of The Academy in the Song Dynasty .

  26. 一代代大师呕心沥血经营,为古代书院教育建立起完备的教育体系,为社会输送了众多高质量的人才。

    This kind academy established a complete education system under the great efforts of many Neo-Confucianism masters from generation to generation . It also provided high quality talent for ancient society .

  27. 王闿运不认同西式学堂教育,主张在传统书院教育体制之内改善书院教育,船山书院在其主掌之下至1915年方改为学堂;

    WANG Kai Yun was not in favor of westernized education system and insisted on the reform of academy education system must be carried out under the framework of traditional academy system .

  28. 在书院教育方面,明确五华书院应科举、为统治阶级培养人才、开滇之风气的教育目的。

    Speaking of education , the aim here was to cultivate talents for the ruling class , while usher in an educational style of YunNan that were both under the imperial examination system .

  29. 元代是广西文教发展的中衰期,科举不盛,学校与书院教育处于近乎停滞的状态,这与当朝的民族歧视政策及广西地区社会局势的动荡不无关系。

    In the Yuan dynasty , imperial civil examinations were not popular and schools and academies of classical learning stagnated , which is connected with the discrimination against minority nationalities and the turbulent situation in Guangxi .

  30. 朱子在书院教育的目的、教学方法、教学内容等方面提出新的思想,并以此区别于官方的科举应试教育,体现了书院教育以传播理学思想为宗旨的特征。

    He puts up new concept of the teaching purpose , methods , contents , etc , and discriminates against the imperial examinations , which embodies the features of Teachings of Order broadcasted by college education .