
shū miàn zhènɡ jù
  • documentary evidence;written evidence;evidence in writing;literal proof
  1. 我们有书面证据证明他们正在策划军事行动。

    We have documentary evidence that they were planning military action .

  2. 她能够用充分的书面证据将传闻彻底粉碎。

    She was able to shoot the rumour down in flames with ample documentary evidence .

  3. 我们没有书面证据就站不住脚。

    Without written evidence , we don 't have a leg to stand on .

  4. 他已经看过书面证据。

    He 'd seen the proof in black and white

  5. WTO进口成员应通知其所要求的信息,并应向中国的生产者和出口商提供在一具体案件中提供书面证据的充分机会。

    The importing WTO Member should give notice of information which it required and provide Chinese producers and exporters ample opportunity to present evidence in writing in a particular case .

  6. 但是,没有任何书面证据显示nitty-gritty的来源就是奴隶船的甲板。

    However , there is no written proof that nitty-gritty originated on the floors of slave ships .

  7. 得到资助的康奈尔大学(Cornell)研究员莎拉·冯·施拉德(SarahvonSchrader)表示,超过60%的就业平等投诉与解雇有关,只有10%涉及雇佣歧视。她说,后者在年龄歧视投诉中是最难获得书面证据的。

    One grantee , Sarah von Schrader , a Cornell research associate , says that more than 60 percent of equal employment complaints are related to job dismissals ; only 10 percent involve hiring bias , which , she says , is the most difficult of age cases to document .

  8. 我想你们提出仲裁起诉必须有书面证据。

    I think you must have write evidence to take action for arbitration .

  9. 整合所有信息,收集书面证据

    connecting the dots , collecting a paper trail ,

  10. 柯林斯先生,我们一点儿书面证据也拿不出来。5.

    Mr. Collins , we have not an iota of proof in writing .

  11. 不,柯林斯先生,我们一点儿书面证据也拿不出来。

    No , Mr. Collins , we have not an iota of proof in writing .

  12. 本案缺少书面证据。

    This case lacked documentary proof .

  13. 我们需要一些书面证据以使案子在法庭上站得住脚。

    We will need some documentary evidence if the case is to stand up in court .

  14. 在法庭上使用的书面证据。

    Documentary evidence used in court .

  15. 开始保留书面证据。

    Start keeping a paper trail .

  16. 2.留下书面证据

    Step 2 Keep a paper trail

  17. 没有书面证据的支持。

    Not supported by written evidence .

  18. 契据人们能够用来保护财产所有权或权利要求的书面证据。

    Documentary evidence by which one can defend a title to property or a claim to rights .

  19. 所有的命令都是口头传达,以免留下以后可能会被发现的书面证据。

    All the orders were given by word of mouth to avoid leaving written evidence which might be later discovered .

  20. 大概,许多行政裁决的最显著的特点是用书面证据代替直接的口头证言。

    Perhaps the most distinctive feature of many administrative adjudications is the substitution of written evidence for direct oral testimony .

  21. 如果索偿医疗赔偿金或其他费用,请提供详细书面证据。

    If you are claiming for reimbursement of medical or other expenses full details and documentary evidence must be provided .

  22. 送奶人履行合同没有书面证据,可采取“自认证据规则”、“推定”等方法证明。

    The distributors have no documentary evidences in performing con-tracts , because which the rule of admission and presumption could be based on .

  23. 最近他宣称有书面证据支持他的观点,并呼吁公开中情局的秘密评估。

    This week he asserted there was documentary evidence to support his case , and he called for publication of secret CIA assessments .

  24. 他平生只有一次,他把一件无可置疑的书面证据抓在了手中,足以证明一个历史事件出于窜改。

    Just once in his whole life he had held in his hands unmistakable documentary proof of the falsification of an historical fact .

  25. 在行政实践里,书面证据之所以起着如此重要的作用,其原因即在于许多机关裁决里涉及的争议的性质。

    One reason why written evidence plays such a significant role in administrative practice is the nature of the issues involved in many agency adjudications .

  26. 该律所发现,深圳的经理得到的指令是“不要留下与交易背后的目的相关的任何书面证据”。

    Managers in Shenzhen were instructed " not to leave any written evidence of the purpose behind the transaction , " the law firm found .

  27. 金正日的手下在事情暴露之后转移了这笔款项。为了不给他人留下书面证据,这笔钱已经被转存到了卢森堡的银行。

    Mr Kim 's operatives then withdrew the money-in cash , in order not to leave a paper trail-and transferred it to banks in Luxembourg .

  28. 而由于使用书面证据具有危险性,滥用书面证据也可能造成诸多危害,并妨碍诉讼目的的实现,因此对于言词证据书面化,必须设定合理的限度范围,以使其规范化和正当化。

    However , using written evidence is dangerous , and the abuse may also cause a lot of damage and impede the realization of the purpose of litigation .

  29. 只是在印度政府提供了书面证据(包括古代的梵文书),这项专利才因为缺乏创新而被取消。

    It was only when the Indian government provided written proof ( including an ancient Sanskrit text ) that the patent was revoked due to lack of novelty . [ 4 ]

  30. 根据新规则,从现在起,出口商若想将美元兑换为人民币,将需要提交书面证据,证明其商业发票系基于真实的商务交易。

    According to the new rules , exporters will now be required to provide documentary evidence that their invoices are based on genuine business transactions if they wish to change dollars into Renminbi .