
  • 网络Democratic Party of Japan;Democratic Party;DPJ
  1. 自日本民主党控制日本议会下院以来,作为党派领袖,菅直人(NaotoKan)将继续担任日本首相。

    Since the DPJ controls the lower house of Japan 's parliament , as leader of the party , Mr. Kan will stay on as prime minister .

  2. 日本民主党一位官员宣布,现任首相菅直人(NaotoKan)赢得了领袖职位。

    Japan 's PM Survives Leadership Challenge An official of the Democratic Party of Japan announces that Prime Minister Naoto Kan has won the party leadership post .

  3. 由鸠山由纪夫(YukioHatoyama)领导的日本民主党(DPJ),承诺与日本民众签订新契约,并在民选官员和势力强大的官僚体系之间建立新的关系。

    The Democratic Party of Japan , led by Yukio Hatoyama , promised a new contract with the Japanese public and a new relationship between elected officials and the powerful bureaucracy .

  4. 然而,作者这样说相当于认为日本民主党有一份革命议程,但实际上它根本没有。

    Yet this is to credit the Democratic Party of Japan with a revolutionary agenda that it simply did not possess .

  5. 美元兑欧元和日圆下跌。日本民主党在选举中取得历史性胜利,带动日圆走强。

    The dollar weakened against the euro and yen , which rose after a historic electoral victory by the upstart Democratic Party of Japan .

  6. 一些政治分析家称,失业和经济低迷导致饥饿,这种情况帮助日本民主党在最近的选举中获得压倒性的胜利。

    Some political analysts say the unemployment and economic distress that hunger helped Japan 's Democratic Party win a landslide victory in recent elections .

  7. 她也将会见日本民主党党首小泽一郎,如果最大的反对党能在今年的国会选举中获胜,小泽一郎将成为日本首相。

    She is also meeting the leader of the Democratic Party of Japan , Ichiro Ozawa , who could become prime minister if the largest opposition party comes to power in this year 's national election .

  8. 当计划在2009年实行时,当时的执政党为反对迁移基地计划的日本民主党,该党感受到华盛顿方面对推行这一计划的巨大压力。

    When it came to power in 2009 , the ruling Democratic Party of Japan , which had opposed the relocation plan in opposition , came under intense pressure from Washington to push ahead with it .

  9. 一些政治分析人士说,失业和经济衰退加剧了饥饿现象,致使日本的民主党在最近的选举中以压倒优势获胜。

    Some political analysts say the unemployment and economic distress that contribute to hunger helped Japan 's Democratic Party win a landslide victory in recent elections .