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  • Japanese;Japanese person
  1. 或者,为了便于理解,可以这么说,如果每个人都像普通日本人一样生活,我们将需要约2.4个地球来维持我们的生活方式。

    Or to help you understand even better ; if everybody lived like the average Japanese person , we would need about 2.4 Earths to sustain our way of life .

  2. 要是向没有成婚或没有生养的人问侯匹俦和孩子会让日本人感想难堪。

    Asking unmarried people about a spouse or childless people about children may embarrass a Japanese person .

  3. 日本人是我们最大的经济竞争对手。

    The Japanese are our biggest economic rivals .

  4. 美国的管理人员效仿日本人的做法,采用了很多经营公司的方法。

    Many corporate methods have been adopted by American managers in imitation of Japanese practice .

  5. 苏格兰旅游局宣称去年有33,000名日本人到苏格兰旅游。

    The Scottish Tourist Board said 33,000 Japanese visited Scotland last year .

  6. 日本人从未制造过与此描述有丝毫相近的飞机。

    The Japanese never built any aircraft remotely answering to this description .

  7. 现在英国至少有3家高尔夫球场为日本人所有。

    At least three British golf courses are now owned by the Japanese .

  8. 日本人在降低制造成本方面很在行。

    The Japanese are expert at lowering manufacturing costs

  9. 日本人具有灵活的生产方式,故而能满足特定客户群的需求。

    The Japanese are able to supply niche markets because of their flexible production methods .

  10. 日本人、美国人,甚至法国人和德国人,都依据结果来评判经济政策的好坏。

    The Japanese , Americans , and even the French and Germans , judge economic policies by results .

  11. 仅从一个简单的手势或者说话人的语气里,日本人就能够领悟到所有的意思。

    From a simple gesture or the speaker 's tone of voice , the Japanese listener gleans the whole meaning .

  12. 美国研究人员现已乘日本人之东风赶超而上,将在一两年内研制出一套数字系统。

    American researchers have now leapfrogged the Japanese and are going to produce a digital system within a year or two .

  13. 尽人皆知,张作霖是被日本人谋杀的。

    It is common knowledge that Zhang Zoulin was murdered by the Japanese .

  14. 第二次世界大战结束日本投降的时候,有些日本人切腹自杀。

    When Japan surrendered at the end of World War , a few Japanese committed the happy dispatch .

  15. 有个矮胖胖的日本人在找你。

    A dumpy Japanese is asking for you .

  16. 日本人对不同意见是不会直接抗争的。

    The Japanese can 't directly confront disagreement .

  17. 下个月刚好是日本人夸下那句昙花一现的海口后40年,一个迥然不同的首相将要访问马尼拉。

    Next month , 40 years to the day after that short-lived boast , a very different Japanese Prime Minister will arrive in manila .

  18. 一位科学家说,日本人和以色列人对失败有不同的看法。

    One scientist says the Japanese and Israelis have different opinions of failure .

  19. 然而,日本人每年大约要工作2159小时。

    In Japan , however , people work about 2,159 hours a year .

  20. 日本人在很小的时候就已经学会了如何生存。

    From a very young age , the Japanese are already taught how to survivethem .

  21. 日本人遇到新朋友时喜欢发名片——但你应该认真阅读名片,而不是直接揣进兜里。

    When the Japanese meet new people , they like giving business cards-but you should read the card carefully , not just put it in your pocket .

  22. 该报告的作者之一佐佐木由纪夫说:"日本人通常会说,‘如果你换了床,你就睡不着觉’。"

    " In Japan they say , ‘ If you change your bed , you can 't sleep , ' " said Yuka Sasaki , one of the report 's writers .

  23. 日本人的平均寿命非常长。

    Japanese people have a very high life expectancy .

  24. 后来,许多日本人到这里观光旅游,据说,这是源于一位少年的诚信。

    Then , many Japanese went there . It is said that this is because of the honesty1 of a small boy .

  25. 布里奇特-斯蒂格博士说,这种习惯部分出自于日本人如何判断工作是否投入。

    The custom is partly a result of how commitment to a job is judged in Japan , says Dr Brigitte Steger .

  26. 长久以来,孤独一直是困扰日本人的问题,经常和生活在极端社会隔离环境中的“蛰居族”一同被讨论。

    Loneliness has long been an issue in Japan , often discussed alongside " hikikomori , " or people who live in extreme social isolation .

  27. 有些社会学家认为单身寄生族增多是因为日本人更喜欢社区式生活,同时,人们不愿意保持一段长久的恋爱关系,而是选择将更多精力放在工作和日本广为诟病的加班方面,这也是单身寄生族增加的原因之一。

    Parasite singles are often blamed for a large number of problems in Japan , ranging from a decline . Some social scientists have attributed long hours of a traditional Japanese workplace .

  28. 铃木镇一创办了才能教育研究会(TalentEducationResearchInstitute)。该教育机构的资料显示,目前在46个国家有40万儿童正在铃木教学法的帮助下学习演奏乐器,其中仅有2万儿童是日本人。

    According to the Talent Education Research Institute , an educational organization founded by Mr. Suzuki , about 400,000 children in 46 countries are now learning to play musical instruments the Suzuki way .

  29. 目的:为了研究日本人群β-链基因AvaⅡ酶切位点的遗传多态性以及该位点等位基因频率的分布。

    Objective : In order to explain the distribution of polymorphism gene .

  30. 共有1631人聚集在利物浦的城市中心齐唱《爱我吧(LoveMeDo)》,这些狂热追随者中不乏千里迢迢来到这里的秘鲁人与日本人。

    Aficionados poured in from as far afield as Peru and Tokyo for a weekend of live music and Beatlemania , which kicked off with 1631 people singing " Love Me Do " outside the city 's central Liver Building .