
  • 网络prime minister;Japanese Prime Minister;Japan Prime Minister;Yukio Hatoyama
  1. 7月8日,日本首相菅义伟确认东京奥运会将在紧急状态下举行。

    Earlier on Thursday , Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga had confirmed the Games would be held under a state of emergency .

  2. 在上海的斯德哥尔摩中国论坛(StockholmChinaforum)上,我听到一名中国高官称,日本首相挑衅了邻国,犯有历史修正主义和军国主义。

    The Japanese prime minister , I heard a senior Chinese official remark at a gathering in Shanghai of the Stockholm China Forum , was guilty of provocation , historical revisionism and militarism .

  3. 他和日本首相会晤了一个半小时。

    He met with the Prime Minister of Japan for an hour and a half .

  4. 他和日本首相会见了一个小时。

    He met with the Prime Minister of Japan for an hour .

  5. 日本首相菅义伟本月早些时候任命坂本哲志负责孤独和孤立相关的政府政策。坂本哲志原本就是负责日本少子化对策和地方创生的大臣。

    Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga appointed Tetsushi Sakamoto , who is already a minister in charge of dealing government policies to deal with loneliness and isolation , earlier this month .

  6. 中川是日本首相安倍晋三(shinzoabe)的保守派盟友。

    Mr Nakagawa is a conservative ally of Shinzo Abe , the prime minister .

  7. 山由纪夫周三辞去日本首相职务后,副首相兼财务大臣菅直人(NaotoKan)成了把握最大的接班人选。

    To take the reins from Yukio Hatoyama , who resigned as prime minister Wednesday .

  8. 日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan)非常清楚谈论消费税可能存在的危险。

    Naoto Kan , Japan 's prime minister , knows well the dangers of consumption tax talk .

  9. 接下来,日本首相安倍晋三(ShinzoAbe)预计将飞往韩国进行会谈。

    Next , Japan 's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is scheduled to fly to South Korea for talks .

  10. 如今,日本首相菅直人(naotokan)提出,日本应逐步淘汰核电。

    Now Naoto Kan , the prime minister , has suggested Japan should phase out nuclear power altogether .

  11. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)驻东京首席经济学家罗伯特•费尔德曼(RobertFeldman)表示,日本首相支持率下降并不奇怪。

    The fall in the prime minister 's popularity is not surprising , says Robert Feldman , chief economist at Morgan Stanley in Tokyo .

  12. 上任60天以来(依日本首相的标准看这挺不错了),安倍晋三(shinzoabe)还没做过什么蠢事。

    After 60 days in office not bad for a Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has not yet screwed up .

  13. 不过,日本首相福田康夫(YasuoFukuda)很赞赏白川方明的技术实力和国际经验。

    But Yasuo Fukuda , prime minister , praised Mr Shirakawa 's technical prowess and international experience .

  14. 日本首相麻生太郎昨天表示,美国政府即将推出的经济刺激计划中购买美国货条款,有违世界贸易组织(WTO)的原则。目前,国际社会对美国这一计划的反对声浪正在升级。

    A proposed Buy American provision in Washington 's forthcoming economic stimulus bill would breach the principles of the World Trade Organisation , Japan 's prime minister asserted yesterday in an escalation of international opposition to the US plans .

  15. 他补充称,自安倍晋三(shinzoabe)出任日本首相以来,日中两国的关系更加紧密,丰田对此感到高兴。

    He added that the company was pleased by the closer relationship between the two countries since Shinzo Abe became prime minister .

  16. 日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan)将此次灾难称为日本战后最严峻的危机,不过日本也可以从中收获一些正面的信息。

    Japan can salvage some positives from what Naoto Kan , the prime minister , called its worst crisis since the war .

  17. 日本首相菅直人(naotokan)坚称日本将“以最急迫的姿态”处理核危机。

    Naoto Kan , prime minister , insisted that the country would handle the nuclear crisis " with the greatest urgency " .

  18. 我们正处于空前的空心化危机中,日本首相野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)去年9月表示。

    We are in unprecedented danger of hollowing out , Yoshihiko Noda , prime minister , said in September .

  19. 日本首相野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)的内阁预计将在周五的例会上做出最后决定。

    A final decision is expected from the cabinet of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda at its regularly scheduled meeting Friday .

  20. 在距离必须召集大选最多还有五个月之时,日本首相麻生太郎(taroaso)正把大把钞票撒向对他不再抱有幻想的选民。

    With at most five months to go before he must call elections , Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso is throwing cash at disenchanted voters .

  21. 在上周一系列东盟相关峰会上,日本首相鸠山由纪夫(yukiohatoyama)竭力鼓吹他的这项提议。

    Yukio Hatoyama , the Japanese Prime Minister , campaigned hard for his proposal at a series of ASEAN-related summits last week .

  22. 日本首相福田康夫(yasuofukuda)的领导威信昨日遭受沉重打击,他提名的日本央行(bankofjapan)继任人选第二次遭到否决。

    Yasuo Fukuda , Japanese Prime Minister , suffered a serious blow to his leadership yesterday when his choice for a new governor of the Bank of Japan was rejected for a second time .

  23. 安倍晋三(shinzoabe)出任日本首相后,日本政府摆出新的干预姿态,公开施压日本央行(bankofjapan),要求放松货币政策,此举已导致日元相对于美元显著走低。

    A newly interventionist stance by the Japanese government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe , overtly pressuring the Bank of Japan to loosen its monetary policy , has seen the yen weaken considerably against the dollar .

  24. 既然执政仅三个月的日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan)成功击败了党内对其领导地位的挑战,他可以把精力集中在管理国家的日常工作上了。

    Now that Naoto Kan , just three months into his premiership , has survived a leadership challenge , he can concentrate on running Japan .

  25. 日本首相野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)曾承诺新成立一个独立的核电监管委员会,从今年4月开始工作。

    Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda promised to have a new independent Nuclear Regulatory Commission up and running by April of this year .

  26. 松下忠洋三个月前刚刚走马上任,这是日本首相野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)更广泛的内阁重组的一部分。

    He had taken the position just three months ago as part of a broader cabinet reshuffle by Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda .

  27. 就在我与安倍昭惠(AkieAbe)共进午餐后几天,这位近乎名人的日本首相夫人就在白宫出席了乔治•布什(GeorgeBush)和劳拉•布什(LauraBush)的私人宴会。

    A few days after I had lunch with Akie Abe , the near-celebrity wife of Japan 's prime minister attended a private dinner with George and Laura Bush at the White House .

  28. 日本首相福田康夫(yasuofukuda)希望,到2020年,日本有一半的新车将通过非汽油能源驱动。

    Yasuo Fukuda , the prime minister , wants half of any new cars sold by 2020 to be powered by non-petrol sources .

  29. 日本首相野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)正在利用这种担忧力推提高消费税。

    Yoshihiko Noda , the prime minister , is using such concerns to try to push through a rise in the sales tax .

  30. 落败的自民党总裁、日本首相麻生太郎(TaroAso)表示,鉴于选举显示出了人民的失望,他将辞去自民党党魁职务。

    Taro Aso , defeated LDP president and prime minister , said he would step down as party leader after a poll that had shown people 's disappointment .