
  • 网络Japan Restoration Party;Nippon Ishin no Kai;Japan Restoration Association
  1. 石原慎太郎已与现年43岁、颇具个人魅力的大阪市长桥下彻(ToruHashimoto)结成了竞选联盟,并成为桥下彻的“日本维新会”(JapanRestorationparty)的领导人。

    He has joined forces with the charismatic mayor of Osaka , 43-year-old Toru Hashimoto , and assumed leadership of Mr Hashimoto 's Japan Restoration party .

  2. 然而,《朝日新闻》(Asahi)上周的一项调查显示,由于选民对两大政党的不满,日本维新会在日本众议院的代表席位预计将从11人增加到大约35人。

    Nevertheless , voter un-happiness with the main parties is such that the Restoration party is forecast to increase its lower house representation from 11 to about 35 members , according to a poll by the Asahi newspaper last week .

  3. 公共电视台NHK调查发现,目前支持率排名为,主要反对党自民党24.7%,执政党民主党17%,日本维新会虽然位居第三,但支持率只有4%。

    NHK , the public broadcaster , found the Restoration party in third place after the main opposition , Liberal Democratic party 's 24.7 per cent and the ruling Democratic party 's 17 per cent but with a support rating of just 4 per cent .

  4. 更糟糕的是日本维新会的政治主张不够清晰。

    Even more damaging is the lack of clarity on the party 's policies .

  5. 这种政治主张上的混乱在一定程度上能解释,为何日本维新会的领导人极受欢迎,而该党在民调中的公众支持率却相对较低。

    Such confusion partly explains the Restoration party 's relatively low public support in polls despite its hugely popular leaders .

  6. 然而日本维新会以石原慎太郎为党代表,以桥下彻为代理代表,这使该党处于一种领导和政治主张上的混乱状态。

    But with Mr Ishihara as representative and Mr Hashimoto as his deputy , the Restoration party suffers from confusion over its leadership and policies .

  7. 日本维新会希望利用人们对政治体制及掌权官僚的新一轮幻灭情绪——2009年类似的不满情绪曾将目前掌权的民主党送上权力顶峰。

    The party wants to exploit a wave of disillusionment with the political establishment and powerful bureaucrats , a dissatisfaction that brought the ruling Democratic party to power in 2009 .

  8. 提倡地方分权的桥下彻并不是周日大选的候选人,今年9月他在大阪创立了日本维新会,这是日本第一个总部位于东京之外的全国性政党。

    An advocate of decentralisation , Mr Hashimoto , who is not a candidate in Sunday 's election , launched the Restoration party in Osaka in September as the first national political force based outside Tokyo .