
  • 网络haven
  1. 信息处理用哈萨克斯坦哈文字符及输入法研究

    Character Research and Input Method of Kazakhstan Kazakh in Information Processing

  2. 在2012年和2013年的春晚上,哈文明确宣布春晚不会有任何广告植入。

    In 2012 and 2013 , Ha Wen clearly announced that CCTV Spring Festival Galas would not have any product placements .

  3. 几个月前,导演哈文带领团队前往不同城市与年轻人交流,寻求反馈。

    Months ago , director Ha Wen took her team to various cities to talk with young people and get feedback .

  4. 虽然不是哈文最先提出的零广告提案,但她却是落实的最好的那一个。

    Although it was not Ha Wen who first proposed the style of Zero Advertising , it was she who best implemented the style .

  5. 虽然不是哈文最先提出的“零广告”提案,但她却是落实的最好的那一个。

    Although it was not Ha Wen who first proposed the style of " Zero Advertising , " it was she who best implemented the style .

  6. 冯小刚,以为著名的中国电影导演,取代哈文成为2014年央视春晚总导演。

    Feng Xiaogang , a well-known Chinese film director , replaced Ha Wen to be the chief director of 2014 Chinese Central Television Spring Festival Gala .

  7. 哈文,曾指导了2012和2013央视春晚,创造了零广告的春晚新形式。

    Ha Wen , who directed both 2012 and 2013 CCTV Spring Festival Galas , brought a new style of Zero Advertising to the Spring Festival Gala .

  8. 2013春晚的总策划哈文16日到长春祝贺赵本山投资的长春剧院开幕。

    Ha Wen , general director of 2013 Spring Festival Gala went to Changchun Nov. 16 to congratulate the opening of Changchun theatre invested by Zhao Benshan .

  9. 安德哈文是一对出生在美国的荷兰设计团队,他们引以为豪的产品是一种碗碟干燥机,它具有不同寻常的功能以及外观。

    The dish dryer is a piece that the American-born , Eindhoven , Holland-based design duo are particularly proud of , for both for its function and form .

  10. 哈文,曾指导了2012和2013央视春晚,创造了“零广告”的春晚新形式。

    Ha Wen , who directed both 2012 and 2013 CCTV Spring Festival Galas , brought a new style of " Zero Advertising " to the Spring Festival Gala .

  11. 对我来说,这是在羞辱女孩们自己的身体,朱丽叶·邦德,哈文学校的一位学生家长,在去年的埃文斯顿审查这样说道。

    For me , it 's about shaming girls about their bodies , Juliet Bond , a parent to a student at Haven , told the Evanston Review last year .

  12. 人们好奇的是总会把广告植入转化成奇异的票房收入的总导演冯小刚会否保持哈文在之前晚会中使用的“零广告”形式。

    The public is curious about whether Feng Xiaogang , recognized as a director who can turn product placements into amazing box office , will keep the style of " Zero Advertising , " which Ha Wen maintained in the previous galas .

  13. 李咏的妻子兼电视导演哈文,在新浪微博账号发表了一则声明:“在美国,经过17个月的抗癌治疗,2018年10月25日凌晨5点20分,永失我爱……”

    Ha Wen , television director and wife of Li , released a statement on her official Sina Weibo account which reads " I have lost my love , after 17 months of cancer therapy at 5:20 am on Oct 25 , 2018 , in the United States . "